Okay I don't know what is wrong just as the first book it was good until the last chapter and then it just got a little too weird. I was on the edge of my seat the whole way through and there were quite a few twists that I was NOT expecting, especially the ending.

Can't believe there is going to be another one!

High school sophomore and math whiz Greer is self-conscious about her body.

I feel like I’ve been neglecting my love of horror lately so I can read current releases and popular series I haven’t gotten to and this reminded me that it’s my favourite genre for a reason.

❤️ can't wait to read more from this amazingly twisted author. So this is going to be more of a review/analysis as the book series as a whole with a focus on. Refresh and try again.

Retrieve credentials. Danielle Vega is the author of THE MERCILESS and SURVIVE THE NIGHT. I went into this book knowing it would be scary, but I didn't know to what extent, really. For a long time I did not read this because of the cover. Last night, I thought I'd just read a little bit before I went to bed and ended up staying up until 2am to finish it. Definitely one book I will be waiting for! TEEN PARANORMAL & SUPERNATURAL

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"The Merciless is chilling...think 'Mean Girls' meets 'The Exorcist. ‧ Categories: We’d love your help. Merciless II? TEEN SOCIAL THEMES, by

This book is again about Sofia after the night that all her friends die. It's more than just edge-of-your-seat who-done-it, it's CREEPY AS HECK and WTF-worthy-- not in a negati.

She's also the author of BURNING, under the name Danielle Rollins.

The Merciless II picks up 2 months after the events of the first book. It's hard to review a book that has already left your memory.

The bulk of the book takes place in a secret hideout in an abandoned development, and it is there that the girls viciously, bloodily confront Brooklyn, the proceedings causing Sofia to question all her moral certainties (and her immediate survival). She's also the author of BURNING, under the name Danielle Rollins.

Vega works in the occult element coyly, giving readers and Sofia only glimpses of what may or may not be supernatural evil—but there’s plenty of lovingly described, human-inflicted evil to keep strong-stomached readers occupied. Third warning, shit got crazy.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Sofia's mother dies and her grandmother is put in a home and she is shipped off the a catholic girls school.

Second warning, the review has graphic parts. (be prepared for some ewwwwww moments). The expected publication is July 5th 2016. "The Merciless" is a book that includes not only a teenager's struggle in high school, but a paranormal aspect as well. I honestly wasn’t expecting much from this story and man, was I ever pleasantly surprised! That pretty much sums up the second part of this terrible series since the first book was bad enough on the first go-around. [Yes sadly she does pass away, but there is a second part to it that you find out later in the book.

Maude and Mavis, as she’s named her large breasts, are causing problems for her. This book was dark and twisted and I loved it!

Magazine Subscribers (How to Find Your Reader Number). by She falls hard for Jude and after a heart to heart talk he believes that Sofia is possessed and an exorcism is needed. Categories:

After their lives go up in flames, literally, Zoey along with her mom and her younger siblings, Kate and Cole, flee Las Vegas with the help of her older brother, Will, and his best friend, Tristan. It is a really good combination of horror and the paranormal, and had aspects of "the mean girl" in high school.