Lobo is an ultra-violent motorcycle-riding intergalactic bounty hunter.

After helping the heroes defeat Lady Styx, he brought the Emerald Eye to the triple-headed fish god, who agreed to release Lobo from his vow of non-violence in exchange. He has clashed with superheroes such as Superman but has also occasionally allied with them. [20] After an altercation, Lobo recruited Mister Miracle to help him find his space-dolphins on Mogo. memberThis character is or was primarily a member of the intergalactic peacekeeping force L.E.G.I.O.N., otherwise known as the Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network. Il arrête le personnage à la demande de la DC car Lobo doit redevenir adulte pour la série Lobo Unbound. After a brief altercation with Guy Gardner, Lobo hung around, pretending to be a friend, waiting for the right moment. DC has a few anti-heroes that have done some crazy things over the years but Lobo might top them all. L.E.G.I.O.N. After the nurse that delivered him into his world (an act he repaid… Lobo is an anti-hero/anti-villain from DC Comics. By Sam Stone Apr 22, 2020 Over the past decade, the DC Universe's most notorious antihero Lobo has been through a lot, even if he hasn't made that many appearances around the DC Universe. When Lobo was born, his evil was so frighteningly apparent, the nurse who delivered him went insane and became the planet's first mental patient in ten millennia after the infant Lobo chewed off four of her fingers. Mais ceci ne concerne peut-être que la version française de ce comics. La planète Czárnia était pourtant un modèle d'harmonie et de paix dans toute la galaxie. It goes without saying, but Brainiac isn’t a good guy. Daily Planet intern Clark Kent takes learning-on-the-job to new extremes when Lobo and Parasite set their sights on Metropolis in Superman: Man of Tomorrow, the next entry in the popular series of DC Universe Movies.

[27] [28] [29] Lobo, the JLE, and the newly formed Conglomerate all launched a frontal assault on Despero, but the monster was able to fend them all off. In later appearances, it was black and in many issues it is actually colored grey. They then collapsed, both very drunk. Le personnage. De ce fait ils auraient tôt ou tard rencontrés les Psions qui redoutaient de devoir mener un combat quasiment perdu d'avance contre un peuple qui pour chaque mort donne cent nouveaux soldats.
Due to the fact that the Space Church that Lobo oversaw was spending more money than it was taking in, Lobo needed to work for Vril Dox as his personal enforcer.

Comment. [19], Lord Manga Kahn accidentally captured space-dolphins belonging to Lobo, who came looking for them. But Kilowog and L-Ron arrived, and Kilowog accidentally uploaded L-Ron's consciousness into Despero's head. Ils le feront alors évoluer dans plusieurs mini-séries et des numéros spéciaux tels que Lobocop (une parodie de RoboCop), Blazing Chain of Love où il prend un travail dans un harem, Paramilitary Christmas Special où il est engagé par le lapin de Pâques pour tuer le Père Noël et dans Unamerican Gladiator.

Even losing his Spacehog, Lobo saves the planet Colu, but Brainiac and Pulsar Stargrave escaped. La planète Czárnia était pourtant un modèle d'harmonie et de paix dans toute la galaxie. The season started with Seg stuck in the Phantom Zone, battling haunting images of his friends and family. The webseries had the same over the top violence and irreverence to social mores as the Lobo comics.

À la fin du cycle des Omega Men en 1988, Lobo devient un personnage régulier de l'équipe L.E.G.I.O.N et de celle qui suit, R.E.B.E.L.S, jusqu'en 1990.

Vous pouvez commander les albums de cette série chez nos partenaires suivants : Page générée le 22/10/2020 à 23:34:39 en 0.0349 sec. Superman then caught back up to the ship and helped Lobo defeat the bounty hunters. [4] The Legion Of Decency, a group of old women who want to kill Miss Tribb for writing such a nasty book; a group of truckers, after an altercation at a truck stop; the Dnedia Police S.W.A.T. [4] Since then he has traveled the galaxies collecting bounties. He has clashed with superheroes such as Superman but has also occasionally allied with them. As such, he has gotten away with plenty of horrendous acts. Couverture à rabat, Copyright © 1998-2020 Home Solutions • Conditions générales d'utilisation • Design by Home Solutions Dernière modification le 6 septembre 2020, à 14:19, L'origine de Lobo en BD sur le site officiel de DC, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lobo_(DC_Comics)&oldid=174478920, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Lobo fait aussi une apparition dans des dessins animés des aventures de.

Depuis la création des site bdgest.com et bedetheque.com, nous nous sommes fait une règle de refuser tous les formats publicitaires dits "intrusifs".
À la même occasion, dans un one shot de l'univers Amalgam découlant du crossover, il devient Lobo the Duck, délirante fusion avec Howard the Duck de Marvel Comics. En 1996, Lobo était censé être le personnage principal d'un jeu de combat (vs fighting) en 2D sur, On peut aussi trouver Lobo comme personnage à débloquer dans.

Il est le dernier des Czarniens, son peuple d'origine, tous tués par un insecte mortel qu'il a lui-même créé. He would prove to be more a team player than anyone would think. First Celestial Church of the Triple Fish-God, 90 Quotations by or about Lobo (New Earth), https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Lobo_(New_Earth)?oldid=2761062, Lobo has already been shown carrying countless other weapons, as a laser weapon, Although this character was originally introduced during DC's. Lobo and Smite go to a bar and share a drink and war stories. Ces emplacements publicitaires sont une source de revenus indispensable à l'activité de notre site. Entre 2000 et 2001, Peter David introduit dans sa série Young Justice le personnage de P'tit Lobo qui est en fait Lobo transformé en adolescent.

Il est à noter que dans le volume 5 des Omega Men, Le Couronnement de Kalista, Lobo dit qu'il est le dernier de la race des Vélorpiens, et non des Czarniens. Cependant la Warner s'empresse par la suite de la supprimer de son site pour des raisons non précisées, probablement l'omniprésence de la violence dans cette série. Lobo was recognised and feared throughout the galaxy as a persistent master bounty hunter. Dans le volume 10 des Omega Men La Mort d'un Psion, Lobo explique comment il s'est retrouvé être le dernier de sa race et ce récit diffère sensiblement de la version actuelle qui veut que Lobo aurait lui-même exterminé son peuple. Ce dernier part alors défier Darkseid lui-même.

Diorama en résine de Lobo tirée de l'univers DC Comics, dimensions env.

[12] It was later revealed that one of Lobo's clones escaped to the planet Kannit. Lobo was a webseries appropriately starring Lobo. For more on Lobo's history, visit his page on DCUniverse.com.