Adam Tereska 35 views. Twelve miners were killed in the disaster.
Brief discussion of the disaster and some photos of the site today. The Knox disaster occurred when the Susquehanna river broke through an illegal coal mine tunnel, flooding the extensive network of tunnels under the Scranton area. Escape shaft location of the Knox Mine Disaster with historic information by JPVideos - Duration: 5:00. Entry from Explore PA History places the disaster in a historical context.
Knox Mine Disaster Memorial. Memorial of the location where the disaster took place. After the disaster, the widows of the twelve victims did not receive death benefit payments from the Anthracite Health and Welfare Fund for more than four years. Knox Mine Disaster. Ten people were indicted in the disaster's aftermath, including the mine superintendent, Robert Dougherty; owner Louis Fabrizio; secret owner August J. Lippi, who was also the president of District 1 of the United Mine Workers; and three union officials. This event was singlehandedly responsible for killing the Anthracite mining industry in the Northern field (the Scranton & Wilkes-Barre area) and was a significant nail in the coffin for anthracite mining as a whole. (Submitted on August 19, 2008, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.) Knox Mine Disaster. Uncategorized; calebcalebcaleb_v5nm01 November 17, 2017. The Knox Mine Disaster is also a crime movie, as the Broccas trace the chain of investigations and corruption hearings that followed the miners’ deaths.
A rusty rail car indicates the location at the shores of the Susquehanna. 2. I attended a memorial event for the Knox Mine Disaster on its 58th anniversary, January 22 2017. The Knox disaster occurred when the Susquehanna river broke through an illegal coal mine tunnel, flooding the extensive network of tunnels under the Scranton area. Six served jail time.
According to Sam De Alba, a member of the Knox Mine Disaster Memorial Committee, the turnout at the memorials in recent years has declined. I attended a memorial event for the Knox Mine Disaster on its 58th anniversary, January 22 2017.