[11] While welcoming the role of different cultures and faiths in fostering cooperation for human development, the Pope advises discernment is needed so folk can avoid dangerous ideologies and religions that encourage people to cut themselves off from communion with others.

The different aspects of the crisis, its solutions, and any new development that the future may bring, are increasingly interconnected, they imply one another, they require new efforts of holistic understanding and a new humanistic synthesis. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that for such countries, the possibility of marketing their products is very often what guarantees their survival in both the short and long term. I am aware of the ways in which charity has been and continues to be misconstrued and emptied of meaning, with the consequent risk of being misinterpreted, detached from ethical living and, in any event, undervalued.

[98] Cf. On 28 May 2009 an unnamed Vatican official is reported to have said that[15]. Yet the requirements of justice must be safeguarded, with due consideration for the way in which the capital was generated and the harm to individuals that will result if it is not used where it was produced[97]. [28] She also deplores the encyclical's "apparent indifference to the suffering of sexual bodies", writing that, It makes no mention of HIV/Aids and it is silent on questions of maternal mortality and women's reproductive health, despite the fact that an estimated 536,000 women die every year from causes relating to pregnancy and childbirth, 99 per cent of them in developing countries. The link between Populorum Progressio and the Second Vatican Council does not mean that Paul VI's social magisterium marked a break with that of previous Popes, because the Council constitutes a deeper exploration of this magisterium within the continuity of the Church's life[19]. Were this not true, each encyclical would speak only to the men and women of its time. cit., 548-550. He also says developed countries should allocate an increased proportion of their budgets to foreign aid. cit., 586-589. The book of nature is one and indivisible: it takes in not only the environment but also life, sexuality, marriage, the family, social relations: in a word, integral human development. [17], Commenting upon the repeated delay of Caritas in veritate, Giampaolo Crepaldi, president of the Osservatorio Internazionale: sulla dottrina sociale della Chiesa, wrote an article entitled "Awaiting the New Encyclical of Benedict XVI: What Does It Mean to Say the Social Doctrine of the Church is Timely?" For this reason, while it may be true that development needs the religions and cultures of different peoples, it is equally true that adequate discernment is needed. Encyclical Letter, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 28: loc. Much in fact depends on the underlying system of morality. The weakest members of society should be helped to defend themselves against usury, just as poor peoples should be helped to derive real benefit from micro-credit, in order to discourage the exploitation that is possible in these two areas. Benedict XVI, Address to the Members of the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization, New York, 18 April 2008. 38. Paul VI was in no doubt that obstacles and forms of conditioning hold up development, but he was also certain that “each one remains, whatever be these influences affecting him, the principal agent of his own success or failure.”[39] This freedom concerns the type of development we are considering, but it also affects situations of underdevelopment which are not due to chance or historical necessity, but are attributable to human responsibility. John Paul II, Message for the 2002 World Day of Peace, 6: loc. This new context has altered the political power of States. The increasing prominence of a relativistic understanding of that nature presents serious problems for education, especially moral education, jeopardizing its universal extension. [19] The summit resulted in a reported additional US$5 billion being allocated to combat hunger,[20] which was one of the principal problems dealt with by the encyclical. Underdevelopment has an even more important cause than lack of deep thought: it is “the lack of brotherhood among individuals and peoples”[52].
Alongside economic aid, there needs to be aid directed towards reinforcing the guarantees proper to the State of law: a system of public order and effective imprisonment that respects human rights, truly democratic institutions. The problem of food insecurity needs to be addressed within a long-term perspective, eliminating the structural causes that give rise to it and promoting the agricultural development of poorer countries.

It is true that growth has taken place, and it continues to be a positive factor that has lifted billions of people out of misery — recently it has given many countries the possibility of becoming effective players in international politics. He suggests increased "regulation of the financial sector" is needed to safeguard vulnerable parties. To the tragic and widespread scourge of abortion we may well have to add in the future — indeed it is already surreptiously present — the systematic eugenic programming of births. [93] Cf. The Pope wishes to see reform and strengthening of the United Nations[13] and the international monetary system, including for poorer nations to be given a louder voice on international bodies. It takes first place in our souls as a sign of God's presence in us, a sign of what he expects from us. 19. cit., 864. [64] Cf. The dynamics of inclusion are hardly automatic. Yet it should be stressed that progress of a merely economic and technological kind is insufficient. [citation needed] The pope says globalization has in part given rise to damaging cultural eclecticism and levelling. The vocation to progress drives us to “do more, know more and have more in order to be more”[41].
Through this close link with truth, charity can be recognized as an authentic expression of humanity and as an element of fundamental importance in human relations, including those of a public nature. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 57.

Paul VI had seen clearly that among the causes of underdevelopment there is a lack of wisdom and reflection, a lack of thinking capable of formulating a guiding synthesis[78], for which “a clear vision of all economic, social, cultural and spiritual aspects”[79] is required. Economic activity cannot solve all social problems through the simple application of commercial logic. Only when it is free can development be integrally human; only in a climate of responsible freedom can it grow in a satisfactory manner.

It is the primordial truth of God's love, grace bestowed upon us, that opens our lives to gift and makes it possible to hope for a “development of the whole man and of all men”[8], to hope for progress “from less human conditions to those which are more human”[9], obtained by overcoming the difficulties that are inevitably encountered along the way. In addition to its important link with the entirety of the Church's social doctrine, Populorum Progressio is closely connected to the overall magisterium of Paul VI, especially his social magisterium. - c. 475 B.C. Encyclical Letter Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 20: loc. On 23 April 2009, during a conference on globalization held at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said that Pope Benedict XVI's third encyclical "on globalization and the poor" is expected to be released 29 June 2009 – the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Man does not develop through his own powers, nor can development simply be handed to him. cit., 265-266. ibid., 36-37: loc. Today much harm is done to development precisely as a result of these distorted notions. She has a public role over and above her charitable and educational activities: all the energy she brings to the advancement of humanity and of universal fraternity is manifested when she is able to operate in a climate of freedom. In the context of cultural, commercial or political relations, it also sometimes happens that economically developed or emerging countries export this reductive vision of the person and his destiny to poor countries. In the context of this discussion, it is helpful to observe that business enterprise involves a wide range of values, becoming wider all the time. 23, 33: loc. Benedict says there is something miraculous in every act of knowledge.

Only in truth does charity shine forth, only in truth can charity be authentically lived. [78] Cf. Whether such companies distribute dividends or not, whether their juridical structure corresponds to one or other of the established forms, becomes secondary in relation to their willingness to view profit as a means of achieving the goal of a more humane market and society. 21. Benedict XVI, Message for the 2007 World Day of Peace, 5. cit., 275-276. Often it is thought that development, or the socio-economic measures that go with it, merely require to be implemented through joint action. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that grave imbalances are produced when economic action, conceived merely as an engine for wealth creation, is detached from political action, conceived as a means for pursuing justice through redistribution. There is a discussion concerning an ethical response to international tourism and to the "epoch-making" phenomena of migration — Benedict reminds us that every migrant is a person possessing inalienable rights "that must be respected by everyone and in every circumstance". A vocation is a call that requires a free and responsible answer. The integral development of peoples and international cooperation require the establishment of a greater degree of international ordering, marked by subsidiarity, for the management of globalization[149]. It will be what people make of it”[104]. These need to be found together, respecting the laws proper to each element and in the light of an integral vision of man, reflecting the different aspects of the human person, contemplated through a lens purified by charity. Paul VI, Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio, 24: loc.

Reducing nature merely to a collection of contingent data ends up doing violence to the environment and even encouraging activity that fails to respect human nature itself.

Their positive effects are also being felt in the less developed areas of the world. 55. Economic activity and the political process were both largely conducted within the same geographical area, and could therefore feed off one another.

40. Furthermore, smaller and at times miniscule families run the risk of impoverishing social relations, and failing to ensure effective forms of solidarity. A person's development is compromised, if he claims to be solely responsible for producing what he becomes. [159] Paul VI, Encyclical Letter Populorum Progressio, 42: loc. Benedict XVI, Homily at Mass, Islinger Feld, Regensburg, 12 September 2006. Reason always stands in need of being purified by faith: this also holds true for political reason, which must not consider itself omnipotent. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The new document – Caritas in Veritate ("Love in Truth") – is about 100 pages long, the official said.