Then, select how long you want to turn off notifications from the group for: 8 Hours, 1 Week, or 1 Year. This option is handy as it gives you the option to mute a person for different lengths of time. See Also: Settings for Disable Notifications on WhatsApp Android, You can get more information about disabling notification feature on this page: How to Stop Get Notifications from Someone on WhatsApp iPhone, These are all you need to do for Android and iPhone version of WhatsApp Messenger.
There is no way of knowing if someone has done it unless you directly ask that person. Previously, if you had an Android device, you had to download it manually from the WhatsApp wesbite one: However, finally it became available on other app stores for Android such as Google Play. If I read a muted contact's messages are they marked as unread? Swipe down until you reach in the chat list. Actually want to know about time line hiding actually some person chat with me and the same time their time line not seen to me how can it is possible is that network issue or setted by some person ?

Will he or she be able to see you online or not ? If you don't want this to happen your best option is to block them.

Here’s how to stop that happening while still letting notifications from other chats and apps through.

Mute All WhatsApp Messages from Individual Chats. What Happens When I Block Someone on WhatsApp? You need to have WhatsApp updated version (2.12.5) for iPhone to get rid of notifications from annoying individual chats in iPhone.

Hi Preeti, if you mute someone he/she will still be able to know if you're online.

Group Chats can be really useful, but the constant notifications can get a bit much. When coming to calls from muted you will get calls asusual. Tap on the contact name which is located at the top of chat screen.

Mute is a friendly alternative to block. Group Chats are awesome if you’re in a club, want to keep in touch with all your friends, or are trying organize something. His work has been published in newspapers like The New York Times and on a variety of other websites, from Lifehacker to Popular Science and Medium's OneZero. Hi Kofi, Yes you can still send and receive messages - you just won't get a notification when you receive a message from that contact. You have muted someone on Whatsapp and you'll be able to confirm it on your list of chats, where a crossed speaker will appear on the right part of the conversation or through the contact's information. Tap the group’s name to get to the Group Info screen. You’ll see that person’s messages only when you open WhatsApp. It shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings, but it may mean you miss an important message from them. When an account is blocked the message access is denied.

Some conversations can be muted for several hours or indefinitely. When you mute a group on Whatsapp, you're deactivating the sound beep and the vibrations on your phone.

How to use one WhatsApp account in two phones? Now, tap on ‘Mute notifications.’.
Open WhatsApp on your phone and go to the offending Group Chat.