All rights revert to the author upon publication.

For reprints we ask for acknowledgement of its publication in Frontier Poetry first. Online contributors receive $100/poem.

There is no need to include a return envelope. Rattle publishes about 300 poems each year, and almost all of them come from unsolicited submissions. Submissions opened September 15 , 2019.

Contributors in print receive $200/poem and a complimentary one-year subscription to the magazine. The BWR 2019 Contest is open now until September 1.

Poetry Submissions are now open with Jill Jones as guest poetry editor for the February 2019 issue of Plumwood Mountain journal. Poets have one month to write an ekphrastic poem based on that image.

12411 Ventura Blvd. Submissions Please submit all your poems in ONE document. Please note, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, The Poetry Society offices are temporarily closed.

Please use Submittable if at all possible.

The Poetry Review receives many thousands of poems of which we print only a fraction. The Visible Poetry Project accepts all works, published or unpublished, that you define as poetry. We offer free submissions for poetry (3 poems), flash fiction (<1000 words), and art/photography (20 images); $5 submissions for fiction/nonfiction (<5k words), or 4-6 poems. We will not read any submissions that have identifying information on the pages. That is why I write poems. We accept debit/credit card and check. Rattle®, the R® logo design, and Poets Respond® are registered trademarks of the Rattle Foundation. Theme based on Reddle by Automattic. Rattle does not accept work that has been previously published, in print or online (we do NOT consider self-publishing…

• Send a maximum of six poems to be considered for an issue. Copyright © 2020 Palette Poetry. I had to. Valparaiso University The winners and honorable mentions will be announced in February 2021.

After he finished the poem I pulled my car over and sat for some time.

Trustees and staff of The Poetry Society may not submit material for publication in The Poetry Review. Our tributes are usually half-issues but sometimes comprise an entire issue.

If you need to send your poems by post, don’t hesitate, but please note that poems cannot be returned, and we no longer reply to postal submissions unless to offer publication. Our aim is to be an accurate representation of the diversity of our beautiful community.

We also warmly invite under-represented and marginalized voices of all colors to submit. You may add a brief publication history (but this won’t affect your chances). Visible Poetry Project’s mission is to make poetry accessible, both in its creation and dissemination. • Include a cover note containing your address and email. Ten finalists…

Instead please email details of forthcoming poetry collections and poetry-related works to [email protected] and we will contact you if we wish to request a review copy.

It is also having an impact on postal services. Please include a cover letter with your publication history. While the perceptions and insights are based on the authors' experiences, no reference to any real person is intended or should be inferred. Each tribute gathers poems from a specific ethnic, vocational, stylistic, or social group. Whether poetry is your hobby, profession, private outlet, or public expression, your work is welcome. Subscribe to Video Channel. Send us only your best. Receive a new poem in your inbox every morning—free! Add to Calendar!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}}(document, "script", "eventable-script"); In our pursuit to recognize today's best poets, we want to celebrate one outstanding piece of poetry, OPEN to all poets, with a $5000 award and publication. • Please submit your work via Submittable. $50 per poem selected. All donations are tax-deductible! We request that you do not send review copies to our offices as staff are working from home and we are unable to process them. Join our mailing list Poems, news, and other resources for writers …. To view a list of our most commonly asked questions regarding submitting to us. Please submit all your poems in ONE document. Poetry submissions are read blindly, so please remove any identifying information from the pages of your document. The artist and Rattle’s editor then each choose their favorite submission to publish.

• Only send unpublished work. Submissions must be original work, and you must be the sole owner of the work, unless you are able to provide the written agreement of any co-author(s). While we primarily serve as a platform for new writers, this prize is meant to support and elevate the poetry community on the whole. “Visiting the Gardens at DePugh Nursing Center, Winter Park, Florida” by Vivian Shipley, “To Be Read in the American Mood” by Michael Martella, “Too Much Wahala in This Country” by Abdulbaseet Yusuff, “An Incomplete List of Places I Have Breastfed My Second Child” by Laura Tanenbaum, “A 10th Grade Reading List for Times Like These” by Laura Murray. Though authors do retain all rights to their work, we post everything we publish on the back-issues section of the website after print publication, and so require Non-Exclusive Electronic Rights.

We will reach out to you if there is an issue with the receipt of your payment or submission. Published poems, selected from submissions, will be paid at $80 flat rate per poem.

While we will not consider unsolicited submissions in these areas, we invite presses and authors to submit complimentary copies of poetry collections, chapbooks, verse translations, and studies on poetics—published within the past twelve months—for possible review. • The coronavirus epidemic continues to disrupt postal services and impact staffing of The Poetry Society office, so we ask you to send work via Submittable (see above), not by post.

Our aim is to showcase writers who we believe will continue to produce great work.

Keep a copy of your receipt! Email: [email protected] Works that fail to pique our interest will be donated to local schools and charities.

If submitting by mail, only include your name and contact information in the cover letter, not above the poems. • Please put your name and address at the foot of each page, as this helps us keep track. If the reading fee imposes a financial burden on you, please email us at to request a fee waiver. Ten finalists will also receive $100 each and all winners will earn publication with Frontier Poetry. All poems and essays are works of the imagination. The Poetry Society To get technical, we require First Rights, meaning we want to be the first publisher to present the poems to the public. Featured Poetry Always Free. Since our issues include about 70 pages of poetry, one of the main things we’re looking for is diversity; we have enough room to be eclectic, and we plan on using it.