Ce désastre souligne notamment le rôle central du textile dans l’économie de ce pays.
“Fast fashion is part of the trend that’s putting pressure toward the race-to-the-bottom working conditions,” Foxvog says. La Pologne restreint encore le droit à l’avortement, 07:46 | ACTUALITES, Ultime débat entre Trump et Biden, couvre-feu étendu et Tariq Ramadan, 07:45 | VOILE, Thomas Ruyant s’appuie sur une dream team pour le Vendée Globe, 07:14 | INTERVIEW, « Est-ce que je vais encore intéresser les gens ? It never had, but last year, the Washington Post called her company out for it.
En février 2017, un mouvement de grève pour réclamer une hausse des salaires a provoqué l’arrestation de responsables syndicaux et le licenciement de 1 500 salariés. The Natural Denims Ltd factory, which is covered by an international initiative to improve workers’ conditions in Bangladesh. That month, as factories rushed to complete Christmas orders, thousands of workers walked off their stations, demanding their first pay rises since 2013. “There is a very quick turnaround on products.
Thousands more workers still labour in sub-contracting workshops.
Bangladesh to lay murder charges in 2013 garment factory collapse, Loblaw Co. among several companies whose clothing was made there, Loblaw will 'vigorously defend' lawsuit over Rana Plaza factory collapse, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices.
The signatories include American Eagle Outfitters, Abercrombie & Fitch, Zara, and H&M. But the day before, they’d noticed an unsettling sight: cracks in the walls of the multi-story building. Ensuring safe factories stay that way will be the next challenge. For example, if a company refused to pay wages to workers it had dismissed, a good boycott goal would be to stop patronizing the company until it did. L’accord multipartite expirant en mai prochain, syndicats de travailleurs et ONG ont dû lutter pied à pied pour faire signer aux acteurs du secteur textile un texte de transition prolongeant ce système contraignant pour trois ans.
Whether it is able, or willing, to enforce the new standards will decide the real legacy of Rana Plaza.
“They could even double or triple the wages.”, In 2017, Bangladeshi workers for H&M, Gap, and Zara protested for a threefold salary increase. La progression a certes été moins forte qu’en Inde et surtout qu’en Chine, mais elle est deux fois plus rapide qu’en Afrique subsaharienne ou encore qu’au Brésil. Cette mortalité infantile de 4,6 % par an (dix fois plus élevée qu’en france) est énorme : elle était cependant de 19,3 % en 1980, avant l’essor des exportations textiles. Anner’s report also points the finger at fast fashion for lowering wages for Bangladeshi workers. L’agriculture, qui occupe toujours près des deux tiers de la population, ne dégage que 18 % du PIB.
Authorities in Bangladesh are set to press murder charges against the owner of a garment factory building that collapsed in 2013, killing more than 1,100 people. “The remembrance of what happened in April 2013 is very powerful and still symbolizes a lot to the people of Bangladesh.” The garment industry in B… Cline says almost no garment workers in developing nations earn a living wage, or close to it. » Kalpona Akter, ancienne travailleuse du textile et membre du syndicat Bangladesh Center for Workers Solidarity (BCWS) ne décolère pas.
The union can leverage for higher wages, benefits, and more reasonable working shifts.”.
Brands are being held accountable. Sohel Rana guilty of ill-gotten assets in corruption probe following building collapse that killed hundreds in 2013. The plaza — home to clothing factories, apartments, stores, and a bank — crumbled with the workers inside. Fewer factories could now be labelled “death traps”, says Scott Nova, the executive director of the Worker Rights Consortium, an independent labour group. Le salaire minimum avait été augmenté de 70 %, passant de 28 à 60 € par mois. Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. “Excuse me, where does that come from?
Le gouvernement bangladais et les fédérations de patrons y sont opposés. « Dur d’avoir 20 ans en 2020 », comme le pense Emmanuel Macron ? Workers at the garment … The garment factory building was built with substandard materials. A similar scheme by the Alliance is still the subject of fraught negotiations. ».
Seven years ago this week, the Rana Plaza factory complex in Bangladesh collapsed, killing more than 1,100 garment workers, mostly young women, and injuring 2,500 more. Cette loi instaure l’obligation pour les entreprises de plus de 5 000 salariés de publier, dès 2018, un plan de vigilance qui détaille les risques, précise les mesures pour les prévenir et prévoit un dispositif de suivi.
Sur les 130 employés de Desh qui avaient suivi la formation chez Daewoo, 115 ont démissionné pour créer leur propre usine textile. Ce secteur constitue cependant l'une des rares chances pour les Bangladais d'améliorer leur sort.
During the week of April 18, activists will join in a Global Week of Action demanding apparel brands to sign the 2018 accord. En 1985, face à cet essor, l’administration Reagan avait imposé des quotas d’importation textile en provenance du Bangladesh. “Even if I don’t have any other work, I won’t do it.”.
The archives will remain available here; for new stories, head over to Vox.com, where our staff is covering consumer culture for The Goods by Vox.
Bangladesh police are frequently accused of shooting suspects dead and claiming they tried to flee arrest. Yet it has reaped the benefits of new measures that do so. “It’s an area where much more work needs to be done. « Quand j’étais ouvrière, j’ai été harcelée, battue et licenciée parce que j’étais syndiquée, relativise Kalpona Akter. Joe Fresh, the brand for Loblaw Co. Ltd., was just one of the many clothing designers who had merchandise being made at the facility via subcontracting. The full list of companies who were sourcing clothes from the building remains unclear, but had previously included Primark, Matalan and others.
A 38 dollars par mois pour le salaire minimum, "le prix de l’esclavage", a déclaré à juste titre le pape, les salaires des ouvriers restent indécents.