But I've learned from this to... You feel unable to take the initiative, or else wait for others to do it for you. Having a story ready to tell when you are asked this question will help you stand out from the other people interviewing for the position. As a result, people are happy for me to lead them. But this can become a problem in situations where it's best to keep the chat to a minimum. Strengths and weaknesses are not just about personal characteristics. #4) I’m relatively new to the finance industry, but I find that I’m good at working with numbers and I truly love it. That's obvious enough at a personal level, but I've also realized just how important the ability to listen is at work. The question about professional strengths and weaknesses is a job interview classic. This is because your prospective employer wants to know your work style, how you interact or relate with others and most importantly your personality. Rather than responding promptly to outside input, you simply experience it passively. I was so stressed leading up to the event, and I narrowly pulled it off. I've made mistakes in the past because of my inability to take sufficient time to sit and reflect. That's why we have decided to give you something more: Every strength and weakness comes with a brief explanation clarifying the meaning of the term. This has not only improved my work and my confidence, but it has helped me to appreciate my team and other support systems that are always behind me in everything I do.

I can see any given situation from multiple perspectives, which makes me uniquely qualified to complete my work even under challenging conditions. And if you want to be sure you use your strengths in the best possible way, read our article on how to answer the strengths job interview question. The more specific or unusual they are, the better they will help you stand out from the crowd! In fact, when I started at my last company, their sales were declining, and under my leadership, I was able to increase revenue in consecutive years, by 7% and 5%, respectively. #6) I believe that my greatest strength is the ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Assess your skills to identify your strengths. You'll notice straight away that some of the weaknesses were also in the list of strengths. So don't waste any more time - get looking for your greatest strengths right away!

For me, being curious means never being satisfied with what you know - always wanting to take it that bit further.

You only work well if there is a goal to be reached or somebody to beat. When thinking about your weaknesses, it's essential to choose attributes that you are proactively working on or demonstrate steps you are taking to turn that weakness into a strength. My editor didn’t realize this until two hours before the deadline.

For example, there was the time when everyone wanted….

Actually, it would be more accurate to say that disorganization is my biggest weakness. What are your weaknesses? One of my weaknesses is that I'm too hasty. I’ve spent my time recently focused on generating a positive user experience and have always been willing to learn new things. I find it hard to abandon a decision or goal once I've set my mind on it. You throw every ounce of yourself into what you do. If you’re struggling with how to find your strengths, ask a close friend or former colleague to help you or draw upon feedback from previous performance reviews. #1) Whenever new software is released, I’m always the first one to test and get familiar with it. I could reel off a whole host of examples from my professional career to back this up. A single answer will probably not keep you from getting the job, unless, of course, it is something blatant. People admire me for being able to deal with difficult situations that other colleagues with a more fiery temperament are unable to handle. I find it humiliating having somebody always telling me what to do. [A word of warning: “creative” continues to be one of the most commonly used words in professional profiles. After all, you’ll seem arrogant if you say that you don't have any flaws, but if you respond with too many negative attributes, you may jeopardize your chances of securing a position. Telling a relevant story or elaborating on how you are working to change this weakness can only strengthen your case. This caused me to compromise sometimes on the quality of my work or what I needed to complete a project just to keep the peace. When she's asked, "What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?" My greatest strength? Don't forget any training or refresher courses you may have taken or certificates you have earned. It never seems the right time to do something - there's always a better moment just around the corner. It brings huge benefits though... You analyze the lie of the land and find the most suitable solution for every situation. how to answer the strengths job interview question, replying to questions about your weaknesses, “What Are Your Strengths?”: How to Answer This Tricky Job Interview Question, “What Are Your Weaknesses?”: How to Answer This Common Job Interview Question, How to Write a Winning Cover Letter for Your CV, 100 Job Interview Questions and How To Answer Them [The Definitive List], 100 Job Interview Questions and How To Answer Them, How To Write an Effective CV [A Practical Guide], 50 Examples of Strengths and Weaknesses to Use in a Job Interview, The 17 Best Questions to Ask at a Job Interview, How to Choose an Effective Photo for Your CV, Thank You Letter After a Job Interview [Best Tips and Examples], How To Write a Professional Resignation Letter: Examples and Tips.