
Following the death of Paul VI in 1978, Domínguez claimed that he had been mystically crowned pope by Jesus Christ in a vision. The most important one is the Holy Penitential Rosary. The Palmarian Church does not require payment to enter the Sacred Grounds nor to enter the Cathedral.

After genuflection, he splits the Sacred Host in two and makes the sign of the cross with them.

It is the place where the head of Satan is continuously crushed, by the prayer and penance of the members of the Holy Palmarian Church.

The original seers' visions were dismissed by the local bishop. Many people came to witness the supposed apparitions, and a number of miracles similar to those alleged to have happened at Fátima, Garabandal and Međugorje were said to have occurred. Several other people reported visions at the site, including Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, an office clerk from Seville.


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41719 El Palmar de Troya, 2. Unlike his predecessor, Odermatt put more emphasis on Liturgy and daily cult rather than on the management of the church. In this way, the Palmarian views resembles the practise in the Renovated Church of French Pope Clement XV’s, who in the 1960s introduced a much reduced Mass liturgy, celebrating series of Masses instead.

The faithfuls' Communion takes place on only one of these celebrations. In the first prayer Offero tibi (for the host), the word “salute” should instead be “salutem”. After the five "complete Our Father", the Rosary concludes with another complete Our Father for the intentions of the Pontiff in order to obtain the indulgences granted by the Holy Penitential Rosary.

Saints canonized by the Palmarian church include Christopher Columbus, Francisco Franco, Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, José Calvo Sotelo, Josemaría Escrivá, Luis Carrero Blanco, Pelagius of Asturias,[11][12] and 300,000 martyrs of the Spanish Civil War. Clemente Dominguez had a "vision" while Archbishop Thục was present. The Palmarian ex-pope Ginés Jesús Hernández (earlier known as Gregory XVIII) and his wife, Nieves Triviño climbed over the high walls of the church compound at Palmar de Troya. Domínguez wrote a letter to Marcel Lefebvre and asked him to consecrate him, but Lefebvre declined the offer and told them to contact a traditionally minded Vietnamese bishop instead. In the Misereatur, the second word “vestris” should be “vestri”.

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[5] Domínguez claimed that the Virgin Mary had given him instructions to rid the Catholic Church of "heresy and progressivism", and of Communism. He pronounces the consecration words over the bread, by which bread is transubstantiated into the Body of Christ and Mary.

Turning towards the faithful and with his palms extended, he says the words ‘Orate Fratres’–Let us pray–then he turns back towards the altar, which he kisses. Clemente Domínguez y Gómez (Pope Gregory XVII) declared himself pope in 1978 until his death in 2005; Manuel Corral (Pope Peter II) succeeded Domínguez in 2005 and led the church until his death in 2011. In the Ecce Agnus Dei, the word “pecata” should be “peccata”. Peter II made no claims to visions but stated that the Antichrist was born in the year 2000. A Palmarian priest who is going to say Mass starts by making the Sign of the Cross and kisses the altar. c. 2012, and begin his public life in 2030, when he is 30 years old. Thank you so much for your help. Utrera, Sevilla, España, Carmelitas de la Santa Faz

According to Palmarian doctrine, the body, soul and blood of Christ and Mary are present in the consecrated bread and wine. Odermatt adopted the papal name Peter III. In 1976, Swiss priest Maurice Revaz (who had taught Canon Law at the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) seminary in Ecône) persuaded the elderly Vietnamese Archbishop Ngô Đình Thục of the authenticity of the apparitions.

Only the members of the Holy Palmarian Church can receive the Holy Sacrament of Communion when It is administered at Holy Mass. We continue the Holy Traditional Customs that men and women be separate in the Church. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The church's walled compound, near the village of El Palmar de Troya, surrounds the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar which contains the Palmarian popes' cathedra and at least 15 altars. Still, if in a state of grace, a layperson is allowed to communicate several times per day. Thục subsequently cut his ties with the group and was reconciled with the Church authorities. He raises the bread and the chalice, directing his eyes towards Heaven, offering the Divine Victims, that is, Christ and Mary.

What links do you have with the Vatican and the roman church?

Per + Christum Dominum nostrum. 41080 Sevilla, España. A much greater change came on October 9, 1983, when Gregory XVIII promulgated a new, much briefer Mass Order, which is concentrated to offertory, consecration and sacrificial communion. 6. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.

Then, the essential structure of the Penitential Rosary consists in praying five complete Our Fathers; each "complete Our Father" corresponds to ten Our Father, ten Hail Mary, ten Glory to the Father and ten "Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin" (a typical Palmarian prayer also used as a greeting between people). Thục also ordained some laymen to the priesthood. Unlike most traditionalist groups with roots in the Roman Catholic Church, the Palmarian Catholic Church does not use the Tridentine Mass Order, but a very brief version which is thought to include ”the essential parts” of that rite. The members of the Holy Palmarian Church dress in Carmelite Tertiary habits when they go to the Palmarian Holy See, this being a special petition from Heaven in the Heavenly Apparitions of El Palmar de Troya. 4.

Amen. As expected it was Swiss Joseph Odermatt, who was previously Gregory XVIII's Secretary of State.

This reported vision took place in Santa Fe de Bogotá in Colombia, on the 6th of August 1978. However, in these years Clemente Dominguez frequently deleted some parts or inserted new ones in the standard Ordo Missae, mingling traditional Roman Catholic elements with original Palmarian ones.

Thank you Gabriel.

[15](pp4, 32–33, 36)[16], Coordinates: 37°03′23″N 5°48′32″W / 37.05639°N 5.80889°W / 37.05639; -5.80889, The cathedral of Palmar de Troya, the seat of the Palmarian Pope, Advocacy of Catholic traditions deprecated by the, (Content has been added since the first posted date), (2017 book on the Palmarians [2nd edition, 2020] by Prof. Magnus Lundberg, Uppsala University), (Support and information for those affected by Palmarians), (Profile with a timeline – from Partnership for Understanding World Religions and Spirituality at Virginia Commonwealth University), (Ex-Palmarian nun revisits the Basilica compound in 2007 and 2016), Cathedral-Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of Palmar, "Palmar de Troya: Holy Catholic Apostolic Palmarian Church", "A tale of two popes: Scott Corrales on the late Gregory XVII of El Palmar de Troya", "Spain's Pope Gregory XVII: a profile Of madness", "Recent Popes – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana", "The Palmarian Pope has resigned and is succeeded by Peter III", "His Holiness Pope Peter III – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana", "En el interior de la iglesia del Palmar de Troya", "The Palmarian Catholic Church: a lie that lasted 40 years", "A million gather for Pope's 'last words' to Spain", A Pope of their Own: El Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church, Rules governing the followers of the Palmarian church, The Holy Apostolic Catholic Palmarian Church, Palmar de Troya-Holy Catholic Palmarian Church (report by Magnus Lundberg, Uppsala University), A visit to the Basilica of Palmar de Troya, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney, Christian Palmarian Church of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Palmarian_Catholic_Church&oldid=984899932, Christian organizations established in 1978, Christian denominations established in the 20th century, Articles with dead external links from April 2016, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing Vietnamese-language text, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2015, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church, Sergio María Ginés Jesús Hernández y Martinez, The Palmarian Church plays a major role in, The events of the foundation of the church are depicted in the 1986 Spanish film. After Consecration, the Priest kisses the altar, signalling the beginning of the third essential part of the Mass: the Sacrificial Communion or Immolation. A second common Palmarian devotion is the Way of the Cross (in latin "Via Crucis") through which faithful can recall the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His carrying of the Cross, His crucifixion and His death on the Cross.

Your articles were a further eye opener 2 behind the scenes. After making the sign of the cross with the Sacred Chalice, he kisses it and partakes. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. One must not forget to be dressed according to the norms that are very clearly explained on our webpage. In 1975, Domínguez formed a new religious order, the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, which claimed to be "faithful to the holy Pope Paul VI".

View full playlist (2 videos) The Christian Palmarian Church of the Carmelites of the Holy Face (Spanish: Iglesia Cristiana Palmariana de los Carmelitas de la Santa Faz), officially One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church, commonly called the Palmarian Catholic Church (Iglesia Católica Palmariana), is a small schismatic Traditionalist Catholic church with an episcopal see in El Palmar de Troya, Spain. The group in Archidona has since almost disbanded and there remains four or five.

Indulgentiam, + absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum vestrorum tribuat vobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus. The Palmarian Church is the Catholic Church of all times. Communion should only be taken on the tongue and the recipient must be kneeling when receiving the sacrament. In one of the Masses of the turn of Masses, faithful can communion sacramentally, by receiving the consecrated Host. But now I have revised the text. During the vision, Clemente proceeded to take the child Jesus, who had apparently appeared in the vision and placed the Child Jesus in the Archbishop's arms. The Palmarian Church is a continuation of the Church founded by Jesus Christ on Calvary.

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[14] According to the religious studies scholar Magnus Lundberg, the leadership of the Palmarian church treat the continued spread of the hoax as evidence that the media and the internet have been coopted by enemies of the church.[13].


The Cathedral can be visited daily in the evening. There was no Palmarian conclave for this election. Rather, they claim that Christ transferred the position of Patriarch of the West and Supreme Pontiff to the new episcopal see of El Palmar de Troya.

Domínguez died in March 2005, according to Palmarian sources, supposedly experiencing a vision during an Easter Liturgy. The Palmarian Church is the sole and authentic Christian Church, name which comes to her from Christ, her Divine Founder.

Archbishop Thục acted without obtaining the mandatory authorisation from the Holy See, and he and the five men he consecrated as bishops were subsequently excommunicated by Paul VI. The apparition became known as Our Lady of Palmar. Unlike most traditionalist groups with roots in the Roman Catholic Church, the Palmarian Catholic Church does not use the Tridentine Mass Order, but a very brief version which is thought to include ”the essential parts” of that rite.