Well worth a watch. [16] Richard Vernon Atherton was the last of the Atherton male line.

Jun 26, 2015 - Explore Brian Webb's board "Atherton" on Pinterest. Today the town is a large retail centre: almost 20% of those employed in the area work in the wholesale and retail trade, although there is still some significant manufacturing industry in the town. As one of the oldest and long-lasting mills in the town, Howe Bridge Mills played a great part in the lives of Athertonians; hundreds of people were employed there generation after generation.My mum worked as a cleaner at Unit 1 in the early 1990s. Likewise, each floor also contained forty-two buckets, which were always kept filled with water. Evidence of a Roman road and Bronze Age settlement have been found in the area. The boy’s sister, Ada, who works at the same mill, was greatly shocked at his misfortune, and altogether the scene in the house was a very affecting one. By 1999 this too had closed and the new millennium saw the disappearance of the cotton industry in Atherton.

Signed Bill Partington [29] Forty years later a |1,169 feet shaft was sunk to Arley Mine. Between 1873 and 1875, mineowners Fletcher Burrows built a small model village at Howe Bridge, comprising cottages, shops, a village club, and a bath house for their employees. He did so and with the exception of being somewhat shaken and a bruise to the right knee, appeared to be none the worse for his leap. 1309438: National Heritage List England no. Atherton, like many towns of the Greater Manchester region and the North, has been built upon the industrial revolution. My daughter who worked in the laboratory in the mill would never venture onto the top floor on her own due to it apparently being haunted. From the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries nail making was the main industry in Atherton, or Chowbent as it was commonly known back then. Forty-seven year old Richard Brown was caught in the carriage of his cotton mule machine. a wonderful record I have really enjoyed this. Mantle Mining (ASX:MNM) have been active on projects in queensland and have just made an annoucement to the stock exchange regarding a queensland project. 3 mill in one of the rooms filled with waste.

3 Mill. ( Log Out /  Hi John, Thank you for you kind comments and I’ll update the blog with the new information! [35], The cotton mills grew out of a cottage spinning and weaving industry that was widespread across the district. He later married and had a son. The new mill quickly established itself within the local cotton industry. In 1929 the Howe Bridge Spinning Company, along with many other local mills, merged with the Combined Egyptian Mills to cut costs. Every August the Howe Bridge Spinning Company hosted a gala and sports day, complete with trophies and medals for winners. By 1891 the Howe Bridge Spinning Company was the fourth largest company in Lancashire. 1068472: National Heritage List England no. [12] The manor house was situated towards the south of the ancient township. [18] This portion of Atherton was incorporated into Leigh in 1894 and the area became a public park. It was restored in 1867 twelve years before the church was finished. [51] It remained unconsecrated and was used by the Presbyterians. Chanters closed in 1966 bringing the era of deep coal mining in the town to an end.

It contained 60,000 spindles and unlike its predecessor this mill was built in a ‘fire-proof’ method meaning the fabric of the building would withstand any damage. See more ideas about Atherton, Old photos, Railroad tracks. One is the farmstead or village of a man named Aethelhere, an Old English personal name and the suffix tun, meaning an enclosure, farmstead or manor estate;[3][4] another is adre, Saxon for little brook with the suffix tun. The fire occurred in the ‘old’ mill so we can deduce this was the building constructed in 1877 (Belong Residential Home now sits on the site of this mill).

In 1908 there was an economic slump within the Lancastrian cotton industry and this had an direct impact on the towns of Atherton, Tyldesley, Leigh and Wigan. In the former mill buildings there was an indoor go-karting track, plumbing and bathroom merchants and children’s play area (Cheeky Chimps).

Evidence has been discovered of a Roman road passing through the area, on the ancient route between Coccium (Wigan) and Mamucium (Manchester). Coal projects on Atherton Tablelands - Rail Required; Search thread Image gallery. Some of the work people in the mill yard seeing him standing on the window ledge, held out a sheet for him to jump into. Central Park, a 10-acre public park, was created in 1912. [1] Roman Catholics celebrated mass in a loft behind the Star and Garter public house on Tyldesley Square until Sacred Heart Church opened in Hindsford in 1869. She was removed into a house near the mill, and afterwards taken home in  cab where she was attended by Dr. Evans. It was designed by the architects J.J. Bradshaw & Gass and was described by the Leigh Journal upon its opening as “the handsomest and most substantial erection in Lancashire”. [15] The carriage drive from the hall led over Lion's Bridge down an avenue to gates which faced the parish church in Leigh where the Atherton's had a chapel. The Medieval Period saw Atherton and many of the surrounding townships starting to gain a reputation for their rich coal deposits. Formby Hall plays host to the Bent 'n' Bongs Beer Festival over the last weekend of every January. Worst still 250 people lost their jobs. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest is © 2003-2020 Interactive Omnimedia Pty Ltd. You can syndicate our news using one of the RSS feeds. [39][40], There are several historic buildings in and around Atherton, some, but not all, in the area referred to as Chowbent. A supermarket chain agreed to purchase the land from Realty Estates as long as the building was demolished first. The Atherton estate was inherited by Lord Lilford, who preferred to live at his family seat, Lilford Hall in Northamptonshire. More development of the mill’s land too place at the corner of Flapper Fold Lane and Gloucester Street, which was home to Atherton Fire Station from c.1950-1970s. Taking a closer look. They controlled the Atherton Collieries with several pits in the area at Howe Bridge, Chanters and Gibfield. (Source: Wigan Archives & Leigh Local Studies - copyright). Burrows also arrived at the scene, the latter man “working most assiduously“. Location: Melbourne, Australia. The Mill was running successfully, it closed as normal on a Friday evening and was inspected by the manager, James S. Kearton on Saturday and the secretary, Duncan Willis on Sunday. (Civil War tracts of Lancashire, Chetham Society Series, vol II). [45], A pseudo-Egyptian obelisk near the south-east corner of the parish church, similar to one in Leigh, was probably built for Robert Vernon Atherton in 1781. 1309446: National Heritage List England no. Other parks were later provided in Lodge Lane, Hindsford and Devonshire Place. In fact the majority of the damage in this incident was caused by water damage to the machines. Along with neighbouring Shakerley, Atherton has been associated with coal mining and nail manufacture since the 14th century, encouraged by its outcrops of coal. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. [36] Fustian was woven and after 1827 silk[1] also was brought from Manchester. [10] The site of Gadbury Brickworks at the Gibfield Colliery site has been excavated, and evidence of Roman and possibly earlier settlements found.[11]. (Source: Wigan Archives & Leigh Local Studies – copyright), Hidden Histories: 2 Union Street, Manchester – Buildings of the Northern Quarter (Part 2), Long Lost Histories: Gas Explosions, Leigh, Long Lost Histories: Howe Bridge Mills, Atherton, https://leigh.life/index.php?action=media;sa=item;in=29897, http://archives.wigan.gov.uk/archive/photograph-collections/howe-bridge, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZQMmgPlNzo, http://www.leighjournal.co.uk/news/11226422.Six_fire_engines_deal_with_town_centre_mill_blaze/#, http://www.countryside-properties.com/new-homes/all-developments/new-home-developments/greater-manchester/hamilton-square/, Hidden Histories: The Men behind the Memorial, Howe Bridge Mills, Atherton – If Those Walls Could Talk, Follow If Those Walls Could Talk on WordPress.com. (A coal seam was referred to as a "mine" in this part of Lancashire.) The Ena Mill, one of Atherton's large spinning mills, complete with chimney, survives as a reminder of the textile industry. The pit closed in 1963.

Unfortunately I don’t have space here to display the vast number of historical photographs that exist of Howe Bridge Mills: This is link to the rest of the wonderful collection at Wigan Archives and Leigh Local Studies, they have many more free to view at the archives themselves.

[20], In 1715, during the Jacobite Uprising the supporters of the Old Pretender were marching on Preston.

It is 60 feet wide, 127 feet long, and the 24-foot square tower rises to 120 feet. Gen time: 1.4304s | RAM: 11.68kb. These rumors persisted for the next decade or so but nothing ever came of it. [1][13] "Mad" Richard Atherton, the last direct male descendant of the Athertons is remembered for two events; his expulsion of the congregation from the first Atherton Chapel in 1721,[14] and building Atherton Hall on a grand scale, to designs by architect William Wakefield.