Jedi can levitate x-wing fighters with their minds. The drama that could have been will never unfold. We already know from the first couple of movies that it doesn't stop blaster fire. ;). One would hope that it could stop arrows fired from non-composite shortbows...alas. And, as Obi-Wan warned Vader, the Jedi master would become "more powerful than" Vader "could possibly imagine," as he could now advise Luke wherever he went, including the Death Star trench.

Digital Spy participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. The Emoks worked well in the film and everyone thought it great entertainment. This is a place for people who can't get to the theater until the third week a film is out; a place for people who just want to find something great to stream online after the kids have gone to sleep, a place for people whose favorite pastime is to grab a bunch of classic films on DVD from the library and watch them all weekend. He is a Jedi Master after all, and he probably had quite a long fall to regain his bearings. I always just assumed that Stormtrooper "armor" was really just a fancy Nuclear/Biological/Chemical/Hard Vacuum environment suit, not meant to stop real weapons fire at all. When the film was being developed, Lucas did once pitch a seriously grim finale that is as far from dancing teddy bears as you could wish to get. One of the onlookers speculates that that may be the origin of the Skywalker surname.

I am not sure what to say about Ewoks. After all, playing the benevolent old man might work before you construct the galactic Empire that goes around killing peoples' families and blowing up planets, but not so much afterwards. Palpatine recants what truth he knows and Luke is horrified that Obi-Wan had used both his mother and father's love against each other (as Palpatine would put it). George Lucas really liked Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, George Lucas: 'Star Wars 3D getting closer', George Lucas loses 'Star Wars' copyright war over replicas, Here's George Lucas's reaction to The Last Jedi.

While this obviously did not happen, the fact that it was once the plan makes it a little less weird that people have speculated Luke could take some sort of villainous turn in Episode VIII or Episode IX. These ideas get used over and over in hollywood when they are bankable. Palpatine shows Luke a holocron of his mother and father together and tells Luke that the Holocron is his father's and he watches it everyday. As for Endor, would it have been better if they found a Rancor breeding facility that had gone amuck (Jurassic Park style) and lead the things to the Imperial Base?

Other times, though, the scrutiny comes from wistful fans thinking of how a few simple changes could have made the prequels better.

Anakin uncovers the true culprit and a contrite council invites Ahsoka back, but she declines...and is never seen again until she pops up in the Rebels television show.

Luke, who is tainted by the Dark Side, but has not yet fallen completely, starts to reform the empire into a less harsh, but no less authoritarian, government.

On one hand, he completed his ultimate trial by defeating Darth Vader and the Emperor. Luke's appearance in The Force Awakens was an extremely crowd-pleasing moment. If one had watched the film Excalibur and took notes, Morgan Le Fey would have been a better canidate for tempting Knights to turn to the "Dark Side".

I see your problem.

He is a roleplayer that doesn't want to show his real colors, especially when he sees something he wants real bad. I hate to say it, but ideas that were original always seem to have a bit of familiarity that keeps everyone in the "feeling good" mindset. While many people already know Ford wanted Han to die in Jedi (he's been very public about it), most don't realize just how bleak those early scripts were: in addition to Han dying, the movie would have ended with the rebellion defeated, Leia becoming a queen, and Luke wandering off by himself. Could that lead then, to Leia being the last hope of the Jedi? It's a place that believes that every great movie is a wonderful new treasure, whether you see it the night of its premiere or fifty years later. But many fans don't realize that these films went through a lot of changes on their journey to the big screen—including some alternate endings that would have completely changed our favorite characters, their adventures, and the entire shape of the saga. Post jobs, find pros, and collaborate commission-free in our professional marketplace. Not only that, but finding out that Obi-Wan had betrayed him in such a way was supposed to be the final thing that drove Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side. from A funny "alternate ending" to Return of the Jedi. Early drafts of Return of the Jedi had Han Solo dying while raiding an Imperial base. I'm inclined to think that the scenario in the throne room plays out much the same regardless of who wins down on Endor. Get your tickets now ➡️. Kasdan responded, "That's what I think should happen", but Lucas backed down from the idea, insisting that the film "is for kids". Luke would indeed turn to the dark side and strike down the Emperor, but he would first strike down Darth Vader to get to him. Lucas plays to the crowds mostly, and you could have heard it quite well back in 1983. How does 50 hours of new, fresh content sound at less than a buck an hour? All of which makes it that much more surprising that Obi-Wan wasn't originally supposed to die. I think they are the line that becomes Skywalker. We all know how RotJ ends, but I for one hate the freakin' Ewoks. I like the idea, but my original plan was to have the Empire win the Battle of Endor. Things still play out much the same for most of the movie (though rescuing Han might be a tad more difficult without a jedi along), but when they reach Endor, not only are the stormtroopers waiting, so too is Vader, undistracted by his son. He puts Obi-Wan squarely responsible for all the misery Luke's family had endured. This leaves the Empire fully intact, with Palpatine and Vader still in control, and a mostly operational Death Star at their command. Our goal is to save you time and money by sharing our thoughts and recommendations on which movies to race to theaters for, which to watch at home and those to actively avoid. Browse and buy exceptional, royalty-free stock clips, handpicked by the best. But I agree with Pulp, I think the Throne Room scene plays out like normal.

While there's no denying the power of the "I am your father" reveal, it's interesting to imagine a Star Wars universe in which Vader is an entirely different character who potentially has entirely different motivations for his servitude to the evil Emperor.

I would assume most jedi weigh less than an x-wing. This change would have had profound effects on the rest of the Star Wars mythology. Clearly a loss of focus and coordination. Originally, however, she was supposed to factor very prominently in the end of Clone Wars.

Originally This Edit Was Intended To Add More 'The Force Unleashed' Dialogue To Palpatine, Just To See What It Looked Like. It's neat for understanding Force mythology and Yoda himself, but it doesn't really illuminate much about favorite characters like Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Anakin's apprentice, Ahsoka Tahno. Bored watching the same stuff over and over again? That's because Spontaneous is honest. ), like where we saw Yoda in "Revenge of the Sith" (or was that "Attack the Clones"?). EDIT: Ah, I see you meant the pillow cart thing. Create .