Note that it is only worse against things that were going to overkill you, so unless he's down to less than 6 wounds a Great Unclean One will take 33% less damage from a lascannon, while a Lord of Change takes 25% less damage.

Note: Now that they've been "buffed" to only have 8 wound, they now serve a very important role in your army--forcing your opponents to choose between shooting your big scary Greater Daemon who is scary by itself but has a useful but slightly meh aura, or trying to shoot down your hordes of Lesser Daemons that are protecting a monster that is almost as scary and giving large units one of the scariest buffs they can receive. Looks like (rumors!) This can also be a counter to the new ork codex hordes trying to drown your warlord in wounds. Artifact of Excess

The only weak point here is Watch Captain Artemis – like Ahriman in the Thousand Sons box, you’re probably only going to want one of this guy, although he’s good fodder for conversion into something else especially with the array of options on the Deathwatch Kill Team sprues (and upgrade sprue!)

Especially ones that can kill your Greater Daemons on turn one with some heavy armed flyers or lascannons. if Warlord is Khorne Daemon, can give the following to a Exalted Bloodthirster. If you’re thinking about a Deathwatch army, this is a great place to get that started – just remember that storm bolters and storm shields are in critically short supply. Treason of Tzeentch is unreliable in extreme, e.g.
One of these is a fantastic near must-buy for someone who wants to start their own Thousand sons army.

Won't help against GEQ, but against Primaris, TEQ, monsters, and vehicles, the extra damage is helpful. Magnus should take Warptime, so you can get him into melee anywhere on the table, Weaver of Fates, because 3++/re-rolling 1s will keep Magnus alive beyond all reason, and then Death Hex, Prescience, or Diabolic Strength, depending on your local meta - Prescience is useful for Magnus to hit something dodgy, like a Culexus Assassin if he needs to, in melee, while Diabolic Strength will help him delete enemy heavies in melee faster, which is one of his jobs in this list; Death Hex is relatively difficult to cast, but on anything with problematic invuln saves, like Space Marines with Storm Shields, it can be critical to letting your Knight do some proper work. Try to deal with Ork-/Nid-/Guard-Blobs. They are often used as messengers and outriders within the Scintillating Legions, and will frequently use their speed to dash into cover before unleashing their psychic powers to hurl changebolts to smite the foe, the energies of change rapidly mutating their enemies' bodies uncontrollably into hideous new forms. Still, most of the units are at least passable to good, and it’s quite a hefty chunk of points, too.

The oval formation is especially nice with khorne or slaanesh DPs that have better chances to reach enemies with their loci. Today we have your weekly report of all things competitive 40k. But like Slaanesh, most Khorne daemons lack defenses and their 5++ won't keep them alive for long. The Blue Scribes can be dropped for a Malefic Lord, a Smite source and an HQ tax so cheap you can afford a fourth Brimstone Horrors with spare change left over for another 3 Horrors models somewhere, but that will make your Horrors lose Objective Secured, assuming you're playing with the announced Chapter Approved rules. Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Rhinos are also a nice thing to grab since they can block enemy LOS and allow your squishier daemons like Bloodletters or Daemonettes to run from cover to cover and set up charges unmolested. Renegade Commanders and Enforcers are some of the cheapest Chaos CHARACTERS in the game, and are mostly likely going to be undivided to boot, letting you use Daemonic Ritual without risking a much more valuable and expensive CSM or Daemon CHARACTER. Just do it! Delightful Agonies is... eh, it's the worst one, it had its WC and FNP numbers swapped around for literally no reason so its a neutered version of the DH power with the same name. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

In the psychic phase cast warptime to move your prince near the front of the U formation , the front models will screen your 8 wound character from enemy fire. Only Slaanesh Daemon Psykers may roll powers on this chart. All daemons could deepstrike and were fearless per definition and now have to care more about mobility and morale a lot. Up until Chapter Approved these things were a steal at 75 points; WS 4+, AP -1 and d3 damage made them a little pillowfisted in terms of dealing damage but free Daemon of Tzeentch plus the constant wound regeneration shenanigans made them worth far more than the sum of their parts.