In a culture in which visual size was everything, bigger was better, so a big king and an equally big queen showed them as equals. Written by – David Tee Staff Writer, Copyright © All rights reserved. So Tiye married her husband when they were both quite young, but the most interesting item about her is the way in which she was portrayed in statuary.
Perhaps more importantly for his son and successor, the "Heretic Pharaoh" Akhenaten, Amenhotep III followed in his father's sandalprints and identified himself with the biggest gods of the Egyptian pantheon on the monuments he built. Gigantic Kailasa Temple Emerging From A Mountainside: Engineering Marvel Of India’s Master Builders, Ancient Societies Ruled By Ruthless Dictators – Collapsed, Magnificent Pre-Dynastic City Of Sais And Its Lost Neglected Ruins, Mysterious 8,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Of Unknown Beings Of Sego Canyon, Utah, Mystery Of The 290-Million-Year-Old Zapata Footprint In New Mexico, Zagros Mountains: Home To Tribes, Kingdoms And Empires For Thousands Of Years, Cupbearer – Prestigious And Dangerous Profession In Many Ancient Cultures Throughout History, Basajaun: Giant Blacksmith, ‘Lord Of The Woods’ And How People Learned Secrets Of Agriculture. Her death seems to have hit Akhenaten quite hard for it is about this time that he lost any interest in foreign affairs.
Who Were The Goths And Where Did They Come From? ( Log Out / She also was the wife of a Pharaoh, the mother to their children, as well as being her husband’s closest advisor and representative to other lands. Famed Egyptologist Zahi Hawass considers the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III, one of the final rulers of the Eighteenth Dynasty, as the greatest monarch ever reign over the Two Lands. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Vatican Secrets – Dangerous Knowledge And Invention That Could Alter History, Puzzling McClelland Sherd – Undeciphered Inscription Could Be Early Bronze Age Writing, Cuneiform Tablets: One Of The Earliest Systems Of Writing Invented By The Sumerians, World’s Oldest Mosaics Of Biblical Jonah And The Whale Discovered, Codex Borgia: Pre-Columbian Mexican Manuscript Of Great Importance, 1,000-Year-Old Multi-Shaped, Double-Sided Mold For Jewelry Found In Swiss City Of Chur, Letters Reveal How Ancient Egyptians Argued With Friends And What Angered Them, Obscure History Of Atlantean Statues In Ancient Toltecs’ City Of Tula. They are important for establishing both the history and chronology of the period. The long reign of Amenhotep III and his great royal wife, Tiye, was a golden age for Egypt. We can see Queen Tyie’s influence in the Amarna letters uncovered by in the 20th century. Amenhotep deliberately commissioned statues showing himself, the king, and Tiye as the same size, showing her importance in the royal court, which was on par with that of the pharaoh! But as Dr. Hawass has said, little concrete evidence has been unearthed to support these allegations. Her parents, Yuya and Tjuya , were non-royal officials; Daddy was a charioteer and priest called "the God's Father," while Mom was a priestess of Min. African history is world history! There was a good reason for her support. She also was a strong domestic and foreign diplomat; directing both domestic and foreign policies. She's mentioned as "the Great Royal Wife Tiye" in his second regnal year - meaning they got married when he was just a kid! Her name is also recorded in a cartouche written in the style of a Pharaoh’s name. She was the queen of the sky, Celebrity, and one of the role players in the foreign policy. Or she may have placed the thoughts in her son’s head and let him carry out the changes. in Egypt in early sixties; the cause of death unknown. Records show that when Pharaoh Amenhotep III saw her as an adult, he was captivated by her beauty and wisdom. But, when he assumed the throne he changed his name to the former. Her reputation was very great, and she was spoken of quite highly by the rulers of other nations who took the time to write those pieces of correspondence. Amenhotep ascended the throne as a boy king, exercising his only dated military campaign when he was about seventeen in Kush. Occupation: Consort of Egypt, Great Royal Wife, and Matriarch of Armana Dynasty. during Egypt’s 18th dynasty. Credit: Public Domain, CC BY-SA 2.0 fr - Right: Bust of Queen Tiye. Create a free website or blog at View theoriginalblackwoman’s profile on Instagram, View theoriginalblackwoman’s profile on Tumblr, Queen Tiye: Nubian Queen of Egypt and Mother of Pharoah Ankenhaten, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Biography of Queen Nefertiti, Ancient Egyptian Queen, Akhenaten: Heretic and Pharaoh of New Kingdom Egypt, Nubian Pharaohs of Twenty-Fifth Dynasty Egypt, Biography of Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt. Could Michelle Obama Be A Long, Long Descendant of the Ancient Egyptian Queen Tiye Or Her Reincarnation? Then her mother Thuya was the Chief of the Entertainers of Amun and Min. He showed himself as the god of the sun at Karnak and contributed extensively to Amun-Re's temple there; later in life, Amenhotep even went to far as to consider himself as a "living manifestation of all deity, with an emphasis on the sun god Ra-Horakhty," according to W. Raymond Johnson. Ruling together for as many as 38 years, the pair oversaw a vast and prosperous empire from circa 1391 to 1353 B.C. (September 1966) By Abbey Lincoln ». Her son’s actions were just the right moves. Although historians dubbed him "the Magnificent," Amenhotep went by the moniker of "the Dazzling Sun Disk.". But Tiye wasn't Amenhotep's only wife - far from it! Hatshepsut: She Became a Female Pharaoh of Egypt, The Most Famous and Powerful Queens in Ancient History, Pharaoh Hatshepsut's Temple of Deir el-Bahri in Egypt, Woman Power: Women of the Eighteenth Dynasty in Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh Thutmose III and the Battle of Megiddo, Women Rulers of the Ancient and Classical World, Picture Gallery: Queen Hatshepsut, Female Pharaoh of Egypt, alleged father of Queen Nefertiti and eventual pharaoh after King Tut, showing himself, the king, and Tiye as the same size, the king took brides from foreign countries, marriage between the pharaoh and Kilu-Hepa, identified himself with the biggest gods of the Egyptian pantheon.
They also helped people think of him as semi-divine and created money-making opportunities for his officials. Read more. It wasn’t until the fifth year of power that Akhenaten made some drastic changes. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Akhenaten was originally named Amenhotep IV at birth. She then used her wisdom and political talents to help her son. The union seemed to be a good one as Tyie helped Pharaoh Amenhotep III stay on the throne for 40 years. Once she was made Queen she did what she could to help her husband be a strong leader. David Tee - - Was Queen Tiye the first super mother? Queen Tyie is last mentioned in roughly 1338 BC in a painting in Huya’s tomb. The priests of the old religions and temples had gotten too wealthy and powerful. Left: Statue of Queen Tiye, Louvre Museum. Her reputation seemed to be well earned as she was the first Egyptian Queen to have her name placed on official acts and is prominently included in her husband’s monuments.
By his mid-teens, though, Amenhotep wasn't focusing on the army, but his one true love, a woman named Tiye. Amenhotep was born to Pharaoh Thutmose IV and his wife Mutemwia. Senegambia’s Circles: Largest Cluster Of Megalithic Structures Of Lost Civilization On Earth, Asclepius Sanctuary On Acropolis Slope Will Be Restored, Mysterious Bronze Age Viksö Helmets With Horns Related To Myths, Holy Animals And Divine Power, Discovery Of Roman Settlement, Workshops And Artifacts Will Shed Light On Their Life In Northern England. Queen Tiye and her husband, Amenhotep ruled Egypt for 38 years until his death in 1353 B.C. Tiye was a truly remarkable woman.