It was certainly plausible. Our interest rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It moves us toward the glowing city with great swiftness. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate and ancient face. Shortly after the entry of the United States into the First World War in April 1917, Byrd was recalled to active duty and was assigned to the Office of Naval Operations and served as secretary and organizer of the Navy Department Commission on Training Camps and trained men in aviation at the aviation ground school in Pensacola, Florida. This is incredible! It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty-Seven. Amarna: The Lost City of Akhenaten – Ancient Egypt's Heretic... 5,000-Year-Old Penguin ‘Mummies’ Found in Antarctica, An Ancient Tablet’s Clue to Immortality Sounds Like One Scientists Study Now, One of the beings motions for us to stop before a great door. They are close enough now to see the markings on them. All preparations are complete for our flight north ward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours. In 1958, Norwegian-American aviator and explorer Bernt Balchen cast doubt on Byrd's claim on the basis of his knowledge of the airplane's speed. NO!!!
I do not appreciate your racism and your attitude. His qualities of leadership and unselfish devotion to duty are in accordance with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Incredible! This distinction was given to 'American citizens whose achievements in outdoor activity, exploration and worthwhile adventure are of such an exceptional character as to capture the imagination of boys ..'. Recently, scientists have discovered that there is a huge Ocean beneath the surface of our planet. Byrd Elementary School on April 5, It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. Now, the long night begins to approach, but there shall be no end. Then again without supplying a photo copy of the journal I could also write stuff. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947 edition of the Chilean newspaper. When he returned to the United States from the Arctic, Byrd became a national hero. I said nothing. There are those that will try to explain, and ridicule what I and my brothers and sister saw, including my mother and father. 0910 HOURS- Both Magnetic and Gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and wobble, we are unable to hold our heading by instrumentation. I tug at the controls again. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them. Yes, even pursued with malice and animosity by your fighter planes. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. The Fokker F.VII of Byrd and Bennett in flight. Those in control may appear Caucasian to you but I assure you that they are our mortal enemies. 0600 Hours – All preparations are complete for our flight north ward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours. With these closing words, our meeting seemed at an end. The engines were idling and we boarded immediately. We report all conditions normal….normal. I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. 0730 Hours – Radio Check with base camp. It is green with either moss or a type of tight knit grass. They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them.
0730 Hours- Radio Check with base camp. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! In the distance is what appears to be mountains. Byrd was an active Freemason. The aircraft suddenly felt as though caught in a sharp downdraft for a moment.
There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! NO!!! We watched for a moment as the flugelrads disappeared into the pale blue sky. Byrd received numerous medals from non-governmental organizations in honor of his achievements. The 1996 release of Byrd's diary of the May 9, 1926 flight revealed erased (but still legible) sextant sights that sharply differ with Byrd's later June 22 typewritten official report to the National Geographic Society. In 1927, the Boy Scouts of America made Byrd an Honorary Scout, a new category of Scout created that same year. 0600 Hours – All preparations are complete for our flight north ward and we are airborne with full fuel tanks at 0610 Hours. 0955 Hours – Altitude change to 2950 feet, encountering strong turbulence again. Updated on December 16, Google provides ad serving technology and runs an ad network. In recognition of his service during World War II, Byrd was twice awarded the Legion of Merit.
I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. However, I found one think that disturbed me. The following excerpts from Admiral Byrd’s log book from his alleged 1947 flight to the North Pole were written in February and March of 1947 under circumstances that evidently defied the imagination and credibility for those times as any others.