"From today onwards," he said, "the jihad has become a duty for all Muslims".It would be wrong to say that such words have yet inflamed Muslim public opinion to the point where it threatens any regime.
place on the basis of the travel sum per day. Het zou niet samengevat moeten worden met de oranje resultaten. Italiaanse lakschoenen van het huis Borgioli, geraffineerde manchetknopen en een zwarte zijden strik van € 998 voor € 798! domain names without having to print forms and sending them back to us. High quality example sentences with “effective from onwards” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Just as resolutions of this Parliament on the rights of people with autism and on the recognition of sign language for deaf people have meant real achievements, I believe that will be, Eerder zijn er door resoluties van dit Parlement concrete resultaten bereikt met betrekking tot de rechten van mensen met autisme en de erkenning van gebarentaal voor doven, en ik denk dat dat, All other shipping companies and agents which. Search Ludwig and find the best examples of use! From today onwards, bridges will be burnt. It is therefore provisionally concluded that the pressure exerted by the imports concerned, which. Onward means to move toward a point in time or forward. Ik verzoek president Papadopoulos dringend om ervoor te zorgen dat in zijn land de principes van, informatievrijheid en meningsvrijheid strikt. I went to that school from 1999 onward.
Therefore, on the basis of a Willingness-To-Pay of €30,000 per QALY, the SO method develops into a cost effective strategy from 1 year, onwards. Vertaal teksten met de beste automatische vertaaltechnologie ter wereld, ontwikkeld door de makers van Linguee. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. gelijk aan de roerende voorheffing, tussen partijen. De vertaling klopt niet of is van een slechte kwaliteit. Search Ludwig and find the best examples of use! OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Indien overeenkomstig artikel 14 van het Koninklijk Besluit van 26 mei 1994 de vergoeding gelijk aan de roerende voorheffing, wordt. Peter Friedl, Donald Judd, Angela de la Cruz, Panamarenko, Victor Burgin and others. The law change effective from December 2004 onwards was the intervention variable. Tangible fixed assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their, Materiële vaste activa worden lineair afgeschreven over hun, Your private employment agency can tell you whether you are entitled to the user company, Jouw uitzendonderneming kan je vertellen of ook, If, by virtue of article 14 of the Royal Decree of 26 May 1994, the refund equal to the withholding tax is carried. "From today onwards," he said, "the jihad has become a duty for all Muslims".It would be wrong to say that such words have yet inflamed Muslim public opinion to the point where it threatens any regime. een doorslaggevende rol heeft gespeeld bij de prijsdalingen en het verlies aan marktaandeel van de bedrijfstak van de Gemeenschap en, als gevolg daarvan, de verslechtering van diens financiële toestand. van de digitale databank ladingen wegtransport. determining role in causing price decreases and lost market shares for the Community industry and, as a consequence, a deterioration of its financial situation. Gebruik DeepL Translator om direct teksten en documenten te vertalen. On the other hand, all doses of the extract were effective from the 3rd hour onwards, regardless of the dose levels used, pointing to the fact that phase 3 mediators are the most likely targets for the extract. "I would like a categoric reassurance that not one of you will stay on at Olympus from today onwards," he added. De meest voorkomende Nederlandse woordenboekaanvragen: Als vertaling van "from today onwards" voorstellen. "The age of divisive politics has ended - from today onwards the politics of uniting people will begin". Gu Jun Pyo, from today onwards, I allow you to enter the player list. 5. Five stars! One difference is that there will be more Tory women ministers on our screens from today onwards, but they will exert little power. They are making no bones about wanting Farrell back and he'll be working with Saracens, One difference is that there will be more Tory women ministers on our screens, "The age of divisive politics has ended –, "I would put it in modern language: there is a time to fight and a time to unite, and, "Do you not realize how that looks to the world?" DiscoverLIA COVID-19Ludwig Initiative Against COVID-19, Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days.
Tiravanija, Peter Friedl, Donald Judd, Angela de la Cruz, Panamarenko en Victor Burgin. From today onwards you two must, live in hiding and disappear from the martial arts world.
those who are able to provide a full explanation of this plan in line with the United Nations' intentions. Examples: 1. Veel vertaalde voorbeeldzinnen bevatten "from today onwards" – Engels-Nederlands woordenboek en zoekmachine voor een miljard Engelse vertalingen.
Grandmother, I'm working at Jun Se oppa's shop from today onwards. : The appointments are effective from the date of the merger and subject to RBI approval, a bank press release said. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. Het komt niet overeen met mijn zoekopdracht. to the withholding tax between the parties. By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our cookie and privacy policy. Italian tuxedo shoes from the house of Borgioli, refined cufflinks and a black silk bow tie from € 998 for € 798! Many translated example sentences containing "effective from today" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Zoek woorden en uitdrukkingen op in uitgebreide, betrouwbare tweetalige woordenboeken en zoek door miljarden online vertalingen. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. "Do you not realize how that looks to the world?" Ludwig simply helps me pick the best words for any translation. 2. bij ons zonder daarvoor papieren hoeven te tekenen en terug te sturen. I started using it one year ago and I never had to look for another app.
In American English, we usually say onward without the "s". The deteriorating labour market situation has led to a, De verslechterende situatie op de arbeidsmarkt heeft vanaf, An ex-ante evaluation has been performed in accordance with the financial management rules, in order to focus the programme on the need for, effectiveness in achieving the objectives and to incorporate, Overeenkomstig de regels voor financieel beheer is een voorafgaande evaluatie uitgevoerd om het programma zo efficiënt mogelijk te maken in, het licht van de doelstellingen en al in het, 5.8 For trips lasting more than 60 days, the. The new rate increase was to be effective from Jan.1, meaning phone bills for January were set to be based on the new higher rate. ONWARDS is also an English adverb. digital database of road transport loads. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445. gesneden smoking op maat, een smetteloos wit smokingshirt op maat, luxe handgemaakte. Statistics from 1990 onwards come from MCYS (2008). "It was effectively gridlocked from 11.30am onwards.
aan mensen die dit plan volledig kunnen toelichten en de intenties van de Verenigde Naties naar voren kunnen brengen. By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our cookie and privacy policy.