Ali Baba decided to show Khaled the cave with the treasure. Here you can find plenty ebooks in different digital formats: epub, fb2, mobi, rtf, txt, as well as audio books in mp3 format. Everybody went inside. One merchant had two sons. One day he was working in the forest, collecting the firewood.

Ali Baba did the same thing, after the men in black had left. 329    Some features are not available for unauthorized users, 26612    Analysis: This version of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, specifically the section included above where Morgana proves herself clever enough to foil the assasination attempts, is interesting in that for the most part, it is identical to the standard version included in every children’s story book. Unable to resist, the thieves stick their hands into the pot, only for their hands to become stuck, forcing them to cancel their plans to attack.  short-story When the merchant died, the elder son got a heritage and a wealthy wife. Khaled promised that he, too, would show When the thieves once again find their way to Ali Baba’s place, they are distracted by the wonderful smell coming from the halwa that is left outside. In actuality, he is planning to attack Ali Baba with his men in the night. One day he was working in the forest, collecting the firewood. For a French text of this story heard from an oral story-teller, see Les Mille et Une Nuits by Antoine Galland. Ali Baba became a woodcutter.

Suddenly he saw forty men in … She regularly told him and his siblings many different stories whenever she saw them. When the merchant died, the elder son got a heritage and a wealthy wife. Main piece: As the forty thieves tried to track down who had taken their gold, they traced the trail to Ali Baba’s door. 214    — J. Spurlin. Ali Baba, son of the Kalif of Bagdad is brought up by the 40 Thieves after his father is killed by the soldiers of Hugalu Khan, who received the necessary information by traitor Cassim. The stone obeyed him and he entered the cave. Background: The informant was recounting a story told to him by his great-aunt when he went to visit her. Ali Baba became a woodcutter. Initially, they attempted to leave a mark on his door so they could recognize it the next day, but the slave-girl Morgana sees this and marks the other household’s doors similarly, foiling their plot. Tags:  For questions regarding this archives or the folklore program at USC please email the director, Prof. Tok Thompson, at Quickly, she pours scalding oil into each of the barrels, killing all the thieves.

This story is a version of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, specifically the portion where Morgana manages to outwit the thieves’ plots.     Context: The following is an account from the informant, my father, that was told to him as a story during his childhood in a Pakistani village. Lastly, the head of the thieves comes to Ali Baba’s house with his men in barrels, claiming to be an oil merchant who needs a place to stay for the night. Something incredible happened: the stone opened an entrance into a cave. Ali Baba was so impressed with Marjaneh that he offered his son to her for her husband.

One merchant had two sons. The woodcutter found many treasures there and decided to take something with him. A boy prince, raised by forty thieves, takes revenge on the Mongol invaders who murdered his father and stole his kingdom. 67    The younger son Ali Baba got nothing and married to a poor woman. All forty thieves were dead and Ali Baba and his family were safe once and for all.

Summaries. The younger son Ali Baba got nothing and married to a poor woman.  fairy-tale 12. He said the magic words, 'Open Sesame'. Analysis: This version of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, specifically the section included above where Morgana proves herself clever enough to foil the assasination attempts, is interesting in that for the most part, it is identical to the standard version included in every children’s story book.


This is an Arabian folk tale, included in the "One Thousand and One Nights". For the second attempt, Morgana cooks a pot of halwa, a sumptuous dessert, but she mixes glue into it.

Khaled happily married Marjaneh and they had a baby. However, Morgana nears one of the barrels of oil and discovers that the contents are thieves, not oil. However, the second part about the pot of halwa is something that I have never heard before, and seems very specific due to halwa mainly being a dish eaten in South Asia. They came to a huge stone and one of them said, 'Open Sesame'. You can download ebook in format you want or just read online for free. Suddenly he saw forty men in black on the black horses.  magic, Hard words: baobab, woodcutter, sesame, donkey, painted, villager, jewel, thief, clever, persian, wheat, sack, coin, merchant, treasure, diamond, silly, forty, cave, asleep, thirty, wooden, corn, silver, amazing, pot, desert, shout, noise, gate, English e-Reader is the biggest online library of graded e-books.