Ranker breaks it down for you: Although the official story places Sheev Palpatine (AKA Darth Sidious) at the center of the Sith's plot to destroy the Jedi and take over the galaxy, the Darth Jar Jar theory suggests that Jar Jar Binks is the real threat, and that Palpatine is just one of his followers. It is human instinct to impose structure and meaning onto ideas we don't understand, which perhaps explains why one of the most compelling Star Wars fan theories suggests that Jar Jar is actually the most powerful Sith Lord in the entire series. Koala_Guru, as well as other users, doesn’t buy that interpretation: “[I]t is clear that in order to actually trick someone, the motion of the hand is not very specific.

At most, a Force-sensitive Jar Jar might have unconsciously and unwittingly influenced people, Koala_Guru speculates. No matter how long it takes. That user doubts Lucas tried to pull a Keyser Söze with Jar Jar. Jar Jar certainly falls into that category: “He made Jar-Jar a completely ridiculous character. Is It in His Eyes?

#TPM, — Ahmed BEst (@ahmedbest) November 2, 2015.

It’s difficult to imagine a more universally loathed fictional character than Jar Jar Binks.

The Darth Jar Jar theory got something of a boost when Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released, simply because some fans began to speculate that Jar Jar was secretly Supreme Leader Snoke. Check out Jar Jar’s peepers and compare them to the eyes of a Sith-turned Anakin Skywalker. largest structural engineering firms in the world. Why?

Jar Jar Binks Sith Theory EXPLAINED!

Jar Jar takes down several enemy tanks, "accidentally" unleashes a mass of boomas that annihilate a brigade of battle droids, and shoots down bad guys with a blaster that is wrapped around his leg. Blue Harvest Episode 136: Solo: A Star Wars Story: A Teaser Discussion.

Fan theories and speculation about Star Wars in all its iterations. Photos via Lucas Film. That post has since caught fire on Reddit—there’s a Darth Jar Jar subreddit and a megathread—and in mainstream culture, replacing the Shining speculation of Room 237 when it comes to “out-there” movie conspiracy theories. Even Emperor Palpatine, an old evil dude who committed genocide across the galaxy has a higher approval rating than the dopey Gungan. Those characteristics are present for the reason fans have been claiming for years: Lucas isn’t a very good screenwriter. | Reddit | Star Wars | Darth Jar Jar, Please share on Facebook if you liked it!!! Star Wars: Jar Jar’s End – SPECIAL EDITION – Jawa Shoots First!

He’s Out of Control: For years, Jar Jar’s ascension to a Galactic Senate seat and his new-found eloquence during a speech granting Supreme Chancellor emergency powers in Attack of the Clones was all thanks to Palpatine using the Force to manipulate Binks’ feeble mind. That’s why Upvoted has decided to highlight the arguments for and against Jar Jar Binks being more vile and malevolent than anyone had ever possibly imagined.

He is said to have an ‘angry sneer about him’.”. | Reddit | Star Wars | Darth Jar Jar

“I want to believe” passion that would make Fox Mulder, teedoe's comment from discussion "Darth Jar Jar Watercolour", Reddit user Lumpawarroo posted the ür-thread. Not all Star Wars lovers are convinced. Then kids liked ewoks because they were cute and funny (the slapstick kind of funny). He’s Not That (Jedi Mind) Tricky: One of the bits of evidence used by those in the Darth Jar Jar camp is that the Gungan’s constant hand fidgeting and gesturing is clearly meant to be him intentionally using the Jedi mind trick on people. Original Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/comments/3qvj6w/ Darth Jar Jar Binks Darth A few days ago a user …. Photo illustration by Lisa Larson-Walker.

It's no secret that Jar Jar Binks is one of the most unpopular characters in the Star Wars universe.

Jedi mind tricks are featured in almost every one of the series's installments. The character is said to have pitch black eyes and a closed ‘bulbous’ mouth. Jar Jar Binks Sith Theory EXPLAINED! …and his tight-as-bros relationship with Palpatine that helped the fellow Nabooian move up the political food chain from supreme chancellor to emperor. If that’s the case, expect Han Solo to admit to Finn and Rey in The Force Awakens that Greedo really did shoot first. Shout Out From the OB (Original Binks): After the Darth Darth Binks theory reached critical mass, Ahmed Best, the actor who played the character in the prequels, made this ambiguous statement on Twitter: I will say this, it feels really good when the hidden meaning behind the work is seen.

While fans have long considered Jar Jar one of the greatest evils in the Star Wars universe, a recent Reddit post in the Star Wars community compiled evidence to prove that there might be an in-story reason for that: He was a Sith lord all along and was working with Emperor Palpatine—aka Darth Sidious—since being introduced in The Phantom Menace. The Darth Jar Jar theory also notes that the clumsy alien is actually capable of amazing physical feats that are usually reserved for those knowledgeable in the ways of the Force. Because of the reason we’ve been defending for the past 16 years. So, what if Sidious was serving another master all along? The Resistance Broadcast – So Much Solo and Winter is Coming to Star Wars! According to user guiguilebref, both characters share the same jaundice eye-coloring, betraying the evil in their hearts.

Within the context of the films, Lumpawarroo cited examples of Jar Jar’s fierce Force-aided physical feats …, …his subtle use of the Jedi mind trick to influence other characters …. Well, that's what the Reddit theory posits, anyway. How is it possible that someone like Jar Jar – who often has trouble staying upright – is promoted to the rank of general during the Battle of Naboo? That’s sound reasoning, according to user valouris: “Doesn’t it sound more plausible that Jar Jar is not doing everything conciously of his own accord, but that he is under complete control of Palpatine, who truly is the Sith Lord?”. This would explain why Padmé Amidala makes him one of her aides in the Senate, then later her direct representative. It's no secret that Jar Jar Binks is one of the most unpopular characters in the Star Wars universe. Darth Jar Jar. One Reddit thread in particular delivers an epic Jar Jar Binks fan theory on par with the best tales from the Star Wars canon.

The $200 Million Question: Why in the name of Evar Orbus and His Galactic Jizz-Wailers would Disney, J.J. Abrams and everyone else connected with the production up to and including craft services take a chance on alienating audiences by continuing to give such a reviled character screentime, even if he has been reimagined as a badass villain? The Robot Chicken Connection: This 2010 comedy sketch, which user TheRealHeathBar mentioned in Lumpawarroo’s thread, isn’t corroborating evidence so much as it’s an example of how far back the germ of this theory goes. Well, Redditor "Lumpawarroo" actually makes a pretty convincing argument! We've certainly seen Jedi jump that high, but Jar Jar is the only "non-Force user" who can move like that. Basically, Jar Jar is putting up a facade in order to appear dumb and clumsy. Even popular Reddit user and illustrator (and Upvoted contributor) Shitty_Watercolour was compelled to visually respond to the theory, causing one user to point out: But how plausible is the Darth Jar Jar fan theory? Darth Jar Jar is the supreme ruler of the Sith and master of the Dark Side. Secretly, he's actually an amazing soldier. Could Jar Jar be a master of mind control? Even Emperor Palpatine, an old evil dude who committed genocide across the galaxy has a higher approval rating than the dopey Gungan. The new would-be galactic tyrant seemed set up to be somebody important, and as a result there was intense interest in his backstory.

According to Mendonza, all of Jar Jar’s foolish and embarrassing traits—his ineptitude, his clumsiness—aren’t an elaborate ruse Lucas devised to keep audiences from guessing the character’s true evil nature. This "Darth Jar Jar" theory suggests that the Gungan has been the mastermind behind the Sith all along, and that it will be revealed that Supreme Leader Snoke is actually the bumbling alien from the prequels.

Darth Jar Jar?

And he wasn’t wrong either. That post has since caught fire on Reddit—there’s a Darth Jar Jar subreddit and a megathread—and in mainstream culture, replacing the Shining speculation of Room 237 when it comes to “out-there” movie conspiracy theories. Because the “Darth Jar Jar Hypothesis” keeps cropping up, I’ve decided to weigh in. To sell toys! And in the examples the theory supplies, each hand movement is accidental rather than intentional.”.