{Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{  = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 4= ? [4](!
#SR4 ) [5](!
#SR5 ) [6](!
#SR6 ) The names "SR2", "SR3", etc. This material is published under the OGL: Scorching Ray Evocation Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S Casting time: 1 standard action: Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Effect: One or more rays Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes You blast your enemies with fiery rays. {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{     = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 7= ? Make a ranged spell attack for each ray. I put some time into creating a series of Macros to optimize this spell within Roll20, that I am sharing here, as I wasn't happy with any of the ones I found. 5e Spell Re-flavored - Scorching Ray. Similar spells include things liek ray of frost. {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{    = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 6= ? Create and save your own spellbooks, sign up now! With max levelled 4d10 on firebolt, the average damage is 22, which causes a DC 11 concentration save... would you rather force 3 DC 10 saves or 1 DC 11 save? On Social Media: Roll20® is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. You create three rays of fire and hurl them at targets within range. {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{ = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 3= ? You can throw all three as part of the same action, at one target or several. I'm pretty sure it's just a way to make sure spellcasters can use some higher-level spells on invisble creatures. Wizard are the names of the macros that are being called. Use code, ©2020 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Fandom Games. Make a ranged spell attack for each ray.

From D&D Wiki. for a case where the first roll is with advantage, but the others are not): Then the results of the spell rolls are displayed in this easy to digest format: The above example is the basic level 2 spell. Our way of saying thanks! For good reason too! | 3.5e SRD Scorching ray, at level 2, gives you 3 chances to hit and give a DC 10 save.As DVDMaster points out, the damage is actually higher at low tiers, and then also they near even out at high tiers based on the multiple chances to hit. 2nd-level evocation. {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{  = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}} SR3 (level 3 version) &{template:default}{{name= Scorching Ray (level 3)}}{{Ray 1= ? On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage. dnd-5e spells optimization cleric. The end result is a single macro button that I can click that first asks in the chat window what level I wish to cast Scorching Ray at: When the level of the spell is chosen, the macro asks whether the attack rolls will be standard, with advantage, with disadvantage, or whether I just want to roll twice for each attack roll and see both values (e.g. Managed to get 30d6 fire damage over three rounds with this thing and Melf's minute meteors. Scorching Ray is one of the most complicated spells to roll in DND 5e. I put some time into creating a series of Macros to optimize this spell within Roll20, that I am sharing here, as I wasn't happy with any of the ones I found. Make a ranged spell attack for each ray. D&D: Spellbook Cards: Druid Deck (131 Cards), D&D: Spellbook Cards: Paladin Deck (69 Cards).

3,970 21 21 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges. {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{    = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 6= ? Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features, social sharing functionality, and tailor message and display ads to your interests on our site and others. Login to your Roll20 Account to post a reply. So, basically, no. {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{       = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}} SR8  (level 8 version) &{template:default} {{name= Scorching Ray (level 8)}} {{Ray 1= ? {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{  = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 4= ? {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{ = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 3= ? Scorching Ray. Scorching Ray is like the warm up spell to every wizard’s dream of casting D&D’s most famous arcane spell, Fireball. April 9, 2020 by virat kohil Leave a Comment. Scorching Ray; 4e Creatures 4e Classes 4e Races and Race Variants 4e Other: 3.5e Creatures 3.5e Races 3.5e Classes 3.5e Other: 3.5e SRD. All rights reserved. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you create one additional ray for each slot level above 2nd. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you create one additional ray for each slot level above 2nd. © 2020 D&D Spells - Some rights might be Reserved. I think you're thinking of Fangs of the Fire Snake. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. | d20 Anime SRD {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{  = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 4= ? {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{= for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 2= ? Make a ranged spell attack for each ray. Dealing out 2d6 of fire damage to as many as 3 different targets is appealing. Having the minimum be 10 as opposed to half damage means that yes firebolt can only ever be 10 or higher when Scorching ray's saves will always be 10, but you also have to take into account that firebolt is hit or miss. On your macro bar, you'll only need to put the main macro, as it will invoke the other macros as chosen.  Here are the 9 macros that make this all work.  Scorching Ray  (main macro, that asks what level you want to cast the spell at, and then loads the corresponding macro): /w Aeronar {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{     = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 7= ? Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store!

Does that mean they can go around a corner if you can see through a familiar or something similar?
Traveller SRD On a hit, the target takes 2d6 fire damage. | Here Be Monsters When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you create one additional ray for each slot level above 2nd. I think you can probably use your imagination here. Damage, Available For: Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. DND-spells.com may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy. As you quoted the Help action rules text states:. 10/10 would nova again.

On an Artificer, it’s… a bit less strong. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. | Dungeon World SRD {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{    = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 6= ? Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the United States and other countries. Log in, Antipathy/Sympathy 5e (5th Edition) in dnd, Bestow Curse 5e Spell For Dungeons and Dragon, Clairvoyance 5e (5th Edition) Spell in D&D, Compulsion 5e Spell (5th Edition) for D&D, Destructive Wave 5th Edition (5e) for D&D, Leomund’s Tiny Hut 5e (5th Edition) for DND, Necromancer 5e (5th Edition) for Dungeons and Dragons, Prestidigitation 5e (5th Edition) Spell in D&D, Sleet Storm 5e Spell in Dungeons and Dragons, Spiritual Weapon 5e (5th edition) for D&D, Thaumaturgy 5e (5th Edition) in Dungeons and Dragons, Thunderous Smite 5th Edition (5e) for D&D, Vitriolic Sphere 5e Spells (5th Edition) in D&D. I'm trying to visualize how one "hurls" a ray. {Attack Type|Standard, [[1d20+11]]|Advantage, [[2d20kh1+11]]|Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1+11]]|Show Both Rolls, [[1d20+11]] / [[1d20+11]]} to hit}} {{   = for [[2d6]] damage (+[[2d6]] if crit)}}{{Ray 5= ?