Some species look completely different if viewed from the top or bottom sides of the wings and are included in more than one section. This small butterfly usually takes place on grassland where has good grasses. The forewings are brown with bright orange in the center and black spot which resemble to the eye.

Large heath usually keeps its wings closed when it perches. 11 Types of Eagles in The World With Awesome Pictures, 11 Fascinating Animals that Start with the Letter U. Description: Bright orange forewings with dark brown spots and a thick, dark brown margin.

2. While upper wings of males are blue with veins, and white edges. These are considered a pest because the females are capable of laying almost 1000 eggs in their lifetime with their larvae, feeding off of cabbage.

The under wings have silver with black and orange spots, also white edges, while the upper wings have dark brown with orange patterns. Brown hairstreak typically its wings closed when it rests. Its habitats are in woodland edge, scrub, and hedges where Brown hairstreak lays eggs on the blackthorn offshoots.

Commonly found in England. The wings are black with thick red and white patterns. There are some types of butterflies that their names are adopted from their habitat, size, and color of wings. Its habitats are in chalk grassland and mainly found in England. The black hairstreak is found in the east midland of England, exactly in thickets of blackthorn in woodland. The males have orange on their tips antenna, while the females are black. There are more than 150 species of these types of butterflies. Dark brown hindwings, banded with orange. It mainly can be seen on May until June.

This butterfly has orange upper wings with black patterns and black line through to the edges. Brown Argus is widely Found in southern and central England and coastal in Wales. Has recently colonised the Edinburgh area. It is not intended to cover all species worldwide. It is commonly found in southern Britain, Scotland, and Wales.
Northern brown Argus is nearly similar to brown Argus, but it has orange spots. This large butterfly’s upper wings are blue, black bordered, black mark, and white edges. Dark green fritillary is commonly flying seen in grassy place such as coastal grassland, dunes and scrub. Identify Butterflies.

This small butterfly is commonly found in the grassland, heath land, woodland where are in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. The female’s wings are pale green, while the male’s under wings are yellowness green and the upper wings are yellow. Meadow brown is one of abundant butterfly species which is frequently seen flying together in a large numbers. Butterflies have the four distinct stage of their transformation process from immature to adult. They are often called the green clouded butterfly due to the tint of green found on their hind wings. This species is widespread in England and Scotland. They are hairy, small, not colorful and often confused with moths. They are rarely preyed upon due to the fact that they can be very distasteful. This butterfly is used to bask on the ground. The males typically have thin black veins.

These beautiful swallowtails have an iridescent hind wing and an ebony forewing. Description: White with prominent black tips to the forewings.
These butterflies are mesmerizing, offering a tropical appearance.

Females are brown with a blue 'dusting'. Note: This identification guide only includes butterflies found in the Museum’s Butterfly Rainforest exhibit.It is not intended to cover all species worldwide. It mostly sucks up the nectar on the bamble flowers. Over recent years, many of our once-common butterflies have declined dramatically in number due to increased development, agricultural intensification, habitat loss and climate change; for instance, the small tortoiseshell has decreased by a massive 80% in South East England since 1990. Read the guide, The Wildlife Trusts: Protecting Wildlife for the Future. The underside of the hindwings features brown and black patterns. Description: Black with broad, red stripes on the hindwings and forewings, and white spots near the tips of the forewings.

The upper wings of Silver-spotted skipper are orange with black tip and white marks, while under wings are bright brown with white spots. Like the Pipevine butterfly, the forewing is black and they are usually not preyed on due to their similar appearance. The top wings of males are blue with black border and white edges, while under wings are blue with brown with black spots and a bit orange. Painted lady can migrate to the longer distances. Butterflies have the four distinct stage of their transformation process from immature to adult. This butterfly is tiny with an average wingspan of under one inch.

The Viceroy ( Limenitis archippus) The males are used to fly over to find a mate. The wings of females are brown with a bit blue around their body and white edges, while the wings of males are blue with the dust black and white edges.