Varda was the queen of the stars and the most beautiful of all the Valar. Is that real smoke you're putting into your lungs? At the very least lifted one star at a time) | Immeasurable, Striking Strength: At least Multi-Solar System Class, likely Multi-Galactic | At least High Universal, likely Universal+, Durability: At least Multi-Solar System level, likely Multi-Galaxy level | At least High Universe level, likely Universe level+, Range: Extended melee range.

: Cowboy

Nell Forms preying on other forms. Saint-Exmin HAIL THE CONQUERING HEROES!

: Hmm!

What else would I kill for? Shad

Other plans? Saint-Exmin

Release Dates

What makes you so... popular? Even before Melkor first began to create his discord, Varda knew his mind well, and rejected him because of it, and was always his enemy from that moment on. Your ship is like a toy; you have no firepower. The First Law of the Varda is to use greater force against itself. She was also known as Elbereth (Sindarin; IPA: "Queen of the Stars"), Tintallë ("The Kindler"), or Gilthoniel, and was the spouse of Manwë, with whom she lived in Ilmarin on the summit of Taniquetil in Aman. Nestor 1 Varda was the most beautiful of all the Valar, and her beauty was said to be beyond the description of Men and Elves, for her face radiates the light of Eru Ilúvatar. [speaking of himself and the four behind him]  : I don't like anyone behind me. [quoting Saint-Exmin, mesmerized by her action]  The farming world Akir is threatened by the tyrannical warlord Sador (John Saxon), who rules the sinister Malmori Empire and, his body parts deteriorating, is capturing and appropriating them from others. [switching over to Gelt] 

You were a little harsh, weren't you? My name is Gelt.

: [upon meeting Shad for the first time]  We share identical consciousness. : I was born in space.


Cowboy The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, Characters in The History of Middle-earth, You bet.

Okay, what's the big idea?


Varda was the queen of the stars and the most beautiful of all the Valar. Don't everybody talk at once! : : [speaking of himself and the four behind him], [to Nanelia, realizing what Shad's up to], [just prior to force-landing back on Akir], [drawing his handgun as he finds himself aboard Nestor's ship]. Saint-Exmin We EXIST for battle.



: : Can we outrun 'em? Shad, did you see me on the monitor?


As a result of this, Melkor also hated Varda the most out of the Valar, and feared her more than all others whom Eru had created. Queen of Arda,Queen of the Stars,Queen of the Valar When they reach the age of five cycles, all the relatives gather together in a special room, and they watch while the child tears and bites at this plastoid with its teeth and nails, till it breaks out into the arms of its parents, feels their skin for the first time, feels the wetness on their cheeks for the first time. : : The Varda SAYS we can take life to SAVE life.


: In a manner of speaking.

It seems a better fate than that offered by the Malmori, does it not? unknown (extra)

Varda came to Arda with her husband, Manwë, and the other Valar before the world was formed.




: Forms must prey on other forms to survive. Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) Richard Thomas: Shad.

Zed (Jeff Corey), last of the …

[Shad can't bring himself to shoot down Kalo and Tembo's Malmori warship]. The One Wiki to Rule Them All is a FANDOM Movies Community. [surprised] 

Nanelia Arda


Not even a pale imitation. : She is probably best known by her Sindarin name. : We sensed that you did not intend to shoot. Shad Wha... Now, I thought I did pretty well back there. Saint-Exmin My PLANET is in danger, and you're playing TAG with me!

Nell Gelt


It's strictly business with me.

Official Sites Varda was the most beautiful of all the Valar, and her beauty was said to be beyond the description of Men and Elves, for her face radiates the light of Eru Ilúvatar.

I'm organic.

But we don't want you, we don't need you, and we won't have you, so go count your coup somewhere else. [drawing his handgun as he finds himself aboard Nestor's ship]  ...Who sent you?

When she sat beside Manwë, she could hear more clearly than any other ears. [looking her in the eyes]  They even gave her the name of "Elbereth", invoke her in times where they require aid, and sing her praises whenever the stars rise. ...I came back here for a rest.


Varda came to Arda with her husband, Manwë, and the other Valar in the beginning of days. Gelt In all likelihood created the concept of light, are at the very least has conceptual-level control over it), Acausality (Likely Type 4; Exists and can interact in the Timeless Halls just like the rest of the Ainur), Attack Potency: At least Multi-Solar System level (She created an innumerable number of stars), likely Multi-Galaxy level (Helped build the physical universe) | At least High Universe level, likely Universe level+ (One of the 14 Valar, all of control aspects parts of the universe, and are second only to Eru Ilúvatar. Sure, you did.

| : Shad [surprised]