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The mishap took place around 4.40 am when a coal-laden train heading towards Uttar Pradesh from Amlori mine in Madhya Pradesh collided with an empty goods train near Ghanhari village, located around seven km from here, Singrauli's Additional Superintendent of Police Pradeep Shende said. Evidence from CNX Nifty Constituent Firms, Predicting the Impact of Vaccination on the Transmission Dynamics of Typhoid in South Asia: A Mathematical Modeling Study, A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX OF SELECTED INDIAN STATES, Genetic variability for quantitative and qualitative characters in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.), Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in India's Cement Industry, Biodegradation of cyanide and starch by individual bacterial strains and mixed bacterial consortium isolated from cassava sago wastewater, Productivity and Profitability of Autumn Sugarcane and Brassica Crops based Intercropping Systems, Extreme Weather, Risk andSocial Crisis': An Analysis of Un-Answerability, Modelling and Forecasting of Meat Exports from India, Implications of National Food Security Ordinance (NFSO), Farmer Supported Biodiversity Conservation in Uttarakhand, India, Impact of Plant Variety Protection on Indian Seed Industry, Community Initiative In Rural Water Supply: The Success Story Of Jorhat Sub Division Of Assam, Characteristics of Squatter Houses in Burayu Town Adjoining Addis Ababa, Capital City of Ethiopia, Inequality in Carbon Emissions at Sub-National Level in India, TREND AND ROLE OF FDI IN INDIA: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION, Cancer profile in BP Koirala institute of health sciences, Dharan, Nepal: A five-year study, Welfare Gains from Application of First Generation Biotechnology in Indian Agriculture: The Case of Bt Cotton, The implications of refuge requirements for Bt cotton in India on world cotton markets, Standardization of Seedling Characteristics for Paddy Transplanter, Drought in India: Its impact and mitigation strategies–A review, Producers' Collectives in Sustainable Agri-value Chain, Polyols to improve quality and shelf life of baked products: A review, "Genetic Analysis of Rust and Late Leaf Spot in Advanced Generation Recombinant Inbred Lines of Groundnut ", Nutrient Uptake by Direct Seeded Rice and Associated Weeds as Influenced by Sowing Date, Variety and Weed Control, Women Entrepreneurship Development in India, Supply Chain Management of Rice in India: A Rice Processing Company's Perspective, Does discrimination drive gender differences in health expenditure on adults: Evidence from Cancer patients in rural India, Use of E-Resources and Services by Users at Indian Institute Of Management Shillong: A Study, Vertical integration paving way to organised retailing in Indian poultry industry, Nurturing an Agriculture friendly Commodity Derivatives Marketing in India, Comparative analysis of transplanted and dibbled method of redgram cultivation in Bidar district of Karnataka, Cost and benefit of investment in integrated broiler farming A case study, Fitting Nonlinear Time-series Model Using Swarm Optimization Technique, Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Tropical Dowleiswaram Reservoir on the Godavari River, Southeast of India, Use of E-Resources and Services by Users at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore: A Study, Cloud-based Services: Prospects for the University Libraries, The Paradox of Agrarian Stagnation in Bihar, India, Malaria burden in irregular migrants returning to Sri Lanka from human smuggling operations in West Africa and implications for a country reaching malaria …, Foreign Investment in Global Food Industry, Assessment of Quality of Raw Milk Samples from a Jurisdiction of Northern India, The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies, "ASEAN–India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and its Impact on India A Case Study of Fisheries and Selected Agricultural Products".
AGRONOMIC RESPONSES OF MAIZE TO PLANT POPULATION AND NITROGEN AVAILABILITY-A REVIEW, Tariffs, Social Status, and Gender in India, Tillage System, Crop Residues and Nitrogen to Improve the Productivity of Direct Seeded Rice and Transplanted Rice, Performance and Relevance of Wheat Futures Market in India–An Exploratory Analysis, "Problems of Women Labour Under MGNREGS - A Comparative Study with Special Reference to Women Labour in Agriculture", The Role of Public Finance in CSP Case Study: Rajasthan Sun Technique, India, Working and performance of regional rural banks in Haryana-comparitive study of Gurgaon Gramin Bank and Harco Bank, "Inflation In Food Articles: Causes And Analysis Of Factors During The Post-2008 Crisis Period In India", Dynamics of Demand for Rainfall Index Insurance: Evidence from a Commercial Product in India, Self Help Group: A Potential Tool For Financial Inclusion, An analysis of price trends and its behavioral patterns of the Indian poultry market with reference to egg, Association Rule Mining in Discovering Travel Pattern in Passport Data Analysis, "Efficiency of Marketing Channels for Pomegranate in Koppal District of Karnataka", Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences ISSN 2347-5374 (Online), IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON CASTE SYSTEM: AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS, Is Assurance of Health Care a Distant Dream for the State, On the limits of policy transfer: The OECD and “The Rest”, "Impact of Plant Variety Protection on Indian Seed Industry §", "NURTURING AN AGRICULTURE FRIENDLY COMMODITY DERIVATIVES MARKETING IN INDIA", MOLECULAR DETECTION OF YELLOW MOSAIC VIRUS INFECTING BLACKGRAM (VIGNAMUNGO (L.) HEPPER) IN ANDHRA PRADESH, "Fitting Nonlinear Time-series Model Using Swarm Optimization Technique", Foreign Trade Pattern of Nepal: Gravity Model Approach, Modeling Indian Wheat and Rice Sector Policies, Raising agricultural productivity with reduced use of energy and groundwater, "Is poverty the mother of crime? Bengaluru-based RoadMetrics AI-based solution alerts riders of impending dangers in roads such as potholes, cracks, and damaged roads. Access information on mining accidents and incidents in Queensland. 19 years of serving socio-economic & political research fraternity in India and abroad, Existing Subscriber please login by providing your, (Please Note: After login, you are require to re-click the desired table heading), Figures at India / State / Region level >>, Currently showing India-Country, State-wise or with Region Level consolidated figures, Distance and online B.Com & BBA degree programs launched by NMIMS, India's Top Ranked University, Fourteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship organizing by Entrepreneurship Development Institute, Free Counselling Session for Aspirants at Euro Chroma Institute of Cosmetology (ECIC), A storehouse of socio-economic statistical information of 620 districts of India, Provides constituency-wise election data for all 543 parliamentary and 4120 state assembly constituencies, since independence, A collection of election & reference books in print, eBook and Web based access formats, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2012 to 2020-upto August), Cause/Zone-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2017 to 2019-upto October 2019 and 2020-upto August) - Part I, Cause/Zone-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2017 to 2019-upto October and 2020-upto August) - Part II, Company/Cause-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2013 to 2019-upto October and 2020-upto September), Fatal and Serious Accidents in Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) in India (2008-2009 to 2019-2020-upto November 2019), Fatalities and Serious Injuries in Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) in India (2014-2015 to 2019-2020-upto December 2019), Region/Zone-wise Number of Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2019-upto October and 2020-upto August), Selected State/Location-wise Monthly Number of Accidents (Fatal/Serious) and Persons Injured/Killed in Coal Mines by Various Causes in India (January 2015 to July 2020) - Part I, Selected State/Location-wise Monthly Number of Accidents (Fatal/Serious) and Persons Injured/Killed in Coal Mines by Various Causes in India (January 2015 to July 2020) - Part II, Selected State/Location-wise Monthly Number of Accidents (Fatal/Serious) and Persons Injured/Killed in Coal Mines by Various Causes in India (January 2015 to July 2020) - Part III, Selected State/Location-wise Monthly Number of Accidents (Fatal/Serious) and Persons Injured/Killed in Coal Mines by Various Causes in India (January 2015 to July 2020) - Part IV, Selected State/Location-wise Monthly Number of Accidents (Fatal/Serious) and Persons Injured/Killed in Coal Mines by Various Causes in India (January 2015 to July 2020) - Part V, Trend in Accidents, Resultant Casualties and Rates in Coal Mines in India (1951, 1961, 1971 and 1981 to 2020-upto 31.08.2020), Accidents and Resultant Casualties in Coal Mines in India (1995 to 2019-upto 31.10.2019), Amount of Compensation Paid to Fatally Injured Coal Mine Workers of Coal India Limited (CIL) and Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) Employees as Per Provision of Employees Compensation (Amendment) Act-2017 in India (2014 to 2019), Cause-wise Trend of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2019-upto 31.10.2019) - Part I, Cause-wise Trend of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2019-upto 31.10.2019) - Part II, Cause-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2002 to 2019-upto 31.10.2019) - Part I, Cause-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2002 to 2019-upto 31.10.2019) - Part II, Company-wise Number of Accidents (Fatal and Serious) in Coal Mines in India (2004 to 2019), Company-wise Number of Fatalities and Serious Injuries in Underground Mine of Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2016 to 2019-upto October 2019), Fatalities and Serious Injuries in Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) in India (1999 to 2005 and 2013 to 2019), Number of Fatal and Serious Accidents Along with Fatalities and Serious Injuries in Coal India Limited (CIL) and Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) in India (2014 to 2019), Number of Fatal/Serious Accidents, Deaths and Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2014 to 2019-upto 31.10.2019), Overall Status of Accidents Occured in Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2017 to 2019), Selected/State-wise Number of Accidents, Resulting in Deaths and Serious Injuries in Coal Mines in India (2004 to 2019), Trend in Fatal Accidents and Fatality Rates per 1000 Persons Employed in Coal Mines in India (1901-1910 to 2011-2019-upto 31.10.2019), Accidents (Five Year Average) in Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (1975-1979 to 2015-2018), Amount of Compensation Paid to Next of Deceased Employee in Cases of Fatal Accidents of Employees Working for Coal Mines in India (2013 to 2018), Company-wise Accident Statistics of Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2018), Company-wise Disciplinary Action Taken Against Persons Held Responsible for Accidents in Internal Safety Organisation (ISO) Inquries in Coal Mines in India (2012 to 2018), Region/Zone-wise Number of Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2016 to 2018), Selected State-wise Number of Deaths and Injuries Caused due to Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2014 to 2018), Company-wise Accident Statistics of Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2017), Mineral-wise Industrial Injuries in Mines in India (2015 to 2017), Rate of Fatality and Serious Injury in Coal Mines in India (2004 to 2017-upto December), Selected State/Company-wise Number of Accidents (Fatal/Serious) in Coal Mines in India (2014 to 2017-upto 20.01.2017), Cause/Region-wise Number of Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2012 to 2016) - Part II, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2015) - Part I, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2015) - Part II, Cause/Region-wise Number of Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2012 to 2015) - Part I, Cause-wise Trend in Dangerous Occurrences in Coal Mines in India (2007 to 2015), Cause-wise Trend of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2006) and (2010-2015), Company/Cause-wise Fatalities in Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2012 to 2015), Company/Cause-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2015), Company/Cause-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2015), Company/Cause-wise Serious Injuries in Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2012 to 2015), Company/Place-wise Number of Accidents, Persons Killed and Seriously Injured in Coal Mines in India (2015), Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Major Cause Group and Responsibility in India (2015), Place-wise Accident/Casualty Rates in Coal Mines in India (1981 to 2015), Region/Zone-wise Number of Accidents and Resultant Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2015), Region/Zone-wise Number of Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2013 to 2015), Safety Parameters of Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2014 and 2015), Selected State/District/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2015), Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2014) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2014) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2014) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2014) - Part II, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2014) - Part I, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2014) - Part II, Company/Place-wise Consolidated Fatal Accident Statistics in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Company/Place-wise Consolidated Serious Accidents Statistics in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Company/Place-wise Number of Accidents, Persons Killed and Seriously Injured in Coal Mines in India (2014), Company-wise Casualty/Serious Injury Rates in Coal Mines in India (2014), Company-wise Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Major Cause and Responsibility in India (2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Adequacy of Support in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Depth of Cover in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Height of Working in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Hours Spent at Work (Prior to Accident) in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Nature of Fallen Strata in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Responsibility in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Shift in Coal Mines of India (2009 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Thickness of Fall in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Time Elapsed After Blasting in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Persons Killed Due to Transportation (Other than Winding in Shafts) in Coal Mines in India (2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014), Number of Persons Killed in Roof Fall Accidents by Age Group in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Number of Roof Fall Accidents by Method of Work in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2014), Region/Zone-wise Number of Accidents and Resultant Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2014), Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Fatal Accident Occurred in Coal Mines in India (2014 -upto June 2014), Selected State/District/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2014), Trend in Serious Injury Rates per Thousand Persons Employed, Manshifts Worked and per Million Tonnes Output in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2014), Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2013) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2013) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2013) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2013) - Part II, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2013) - Part I, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2013) - Part II, Cause/Place-wise Number of Fatal Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Non-coal Mines in India (2013) - Part I, Cause/Place-wise Number of Fatal Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Non-coal Mines in India (2013) - Part II, Company- wise Number of Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India ( 2010 to 2013), Company/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2013), Company-wise Casualty/Serious Injury Rates in Coal Mines in India (2013), Number of Accidents by Width of Gallery in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2013), Number of Fatal Accidents and Persons Killed Due to Machinery (Other than Transportation Machinery) in Coal Mines in India (2013), Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Major Cause and Responsibility in India (2013), Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Responsibility in India (2012 and 2013), Number of Fatal Accidents in Different Places of Coal Mines in India (2002 to 2006 and 2008 to 2013), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Distance from Face in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2013), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Operation at the Time of Accident in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2013), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Responsibility in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2013), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Thickness of Seam in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2013), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Type of Roof Support in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2013), Number of Persons Killed and Seriously Injured in Fatal Accidents Due to Ground Movement in Coal Mines in India (2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013), Number of Persons Killed in Roof Fall Accidents by Category of Mine Worker in Coal Mines in India (2010 to 2013), Number of Serious Accidents in Different Places in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2013), Region/Zone-wise Number of Accidents and Resultant Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2013), Selected State/District/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2013), Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Fatal Accidents Occurred in Coal Mines in India (2013), Trend in Fatal and Serious Accidents/Injury Rates per Thousand Persons Employed in Different Places of Coal Mines in India (1990 to 2013), Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2012) - Part I, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2012) - Part II, Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal India Limited in India (1975-1980 upto 2011 to 2012), Industrial Injuries in Mines by Minerals in India (2003 to 2012), Number of Persons Killed Due to Machinery (Other than Transportation Machinery) in Coal Mines in India (2012), Selected State/Company-wise Number of Persons Killed in Various Coal Mines in India (March 2011 to October 2012), Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Fatal Accidents Occurred in Coal Mines in India (2012), Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2011) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2011) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2011) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2011) - Part II, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2011) - Part I, Cause/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2011) - Part II, Cause/Place-wise Number of Fatal Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Non-coal Mines in India (2011), Company/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2011), Company-wise Casualty/Serious Injury Rates in Coal Mines in India (2011), Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Major Cause and Responsibility in India (2006 and 2011), Region/Zone-wise Number of Accidents and Resultant Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2011), Selected State/District/Place-wise Casualty and Serious Injury Rates in Coal Mines in India (2011), Selected State/District/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2011), Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Fatal Accidents Occurred in Coal Mines in India (2011), Cause/Location-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2010) - Part I, Cause/Location-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2010) - Part II, Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents and Injuries in Coal India Limited (2008 to 2010), Number of Fatal Accidents and Persons Killed Due to Transportation Machinery (Other Than Transportation Machinery) in Coal Mines in India (2010), Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Major Cause and Responsibility in India (2010), Number of Roof Fall Accidents by Method of Work in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2010), Region/Zone-wise Number of Accidents and Resultant Casualties/ Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2010), Selected State/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2008 to 2010), Selected State/District/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2010), States/Company/Coal Mine-wise Number of Persons Killed in Coal India Limited (CIL) and Its Subsidiaries in India (2010), Company/Place-wise Consolidated Fatal Accident Statistics in Coal Mines in India (1998 to 2009), Company/Place-wise Consolidated Serious Accidents Statistics in Coal Mines in India (1999 to 2009), Company-wise Number of Accident Prone Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Company-wise Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Accidents by Width of Gallery in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Adequacy of Support in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Depth of Cover in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Distance from Face in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Height of Working in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Hours Spent at Work (Prior to Accident) in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Nature of Fallen Strata in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Operation at the Time of Accident in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Thickness of Fall in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Thickness of Seam in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Time Elapsed After Blasting in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Fatal Roof Fall Accidents by Type of Roof Support in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Persons Killed in Roof Fall Accidents by Age Group in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), Number of Persons Killed in Roof Fall Accidents by Category of Mine Worker in Coal Mines in India (2001 to 2009), States/Company/Coal Mine-wise Number of Persons Killed in Coal India Limited (CIL) and Its Subsidiaries in India (2009), Company/Cause-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2007 and January, 2008), Company/Coal Mine-wise Fatalities in CIL and Its Subsidiaries in India (2008), Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2007 to 2008), Location/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2007 to 2008), Selected State-wise Fatal Accidents due to Collapsing (Fall of Roof and Sides) in Various Coal Mines in India (2005 to 2008), Selected State-wise Number of Accidents and Fatalities in Coal Mines in India (2003 to 2008), Company-wise Fatal Accidents, Fatalities, Serious Accidents and Serious Injuries in Coal India Limited (2005 to 2007), Company-wise Safety Statistics of Coal Mines in India (January-December, 2007), Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Number of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part II, Cause/Location-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part I, Cause/Location-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part II, Cause-wise Trend in Dangerous Occurrences in Coal Mines in India (1990 to 2006), Company/Cause-wise Accidents and Serious Injuries in Coal India Limited (2003 to 2006), Company/Couse-wise Fatal Accidents and Fatalities in Coal India Limited (2003 to 2006), Company/Place-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal India Limited (2003 to 2006), Company/Place-wise Fatalities in Coal India Limited (2003 to 2006), Company/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part I, Company/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2006) - Part II, Company/Place-wise Rate of Fatalities per million Tonne of Coal Production Manshifts Deployed in Coal India Limited (2003 to 2006), Company/Place-wise Rate of Serious Injuries in Coal India Limited (2003 to 2006), Company-wise Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal and Lignite Companies of India (2006), Number of Fatal Accidents and Persons Killed Due to Machinery (Other than Transportation Machinery) in Coal Mines in India (2006), Owner-wise Casualty/Serious Injury Rates in Coal Mines in India (2006), Selected State/District/Place-wise Number of Accidents and Casualties/Seriously Injured Persons in Coal Mines in India (2006), Company-wise Number of Accidents in Coal India Ltd (2005), Number of Fatal Accidents and Persons Killed Due to Machinery (Other than Transportation Machinery) in Coal Mines in India (2005), Number of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Responsibility in India (2005), Safety Statistics for Fatal Accidents and Fatalities in Coal India Limited (1975 to 2005), Safety Statistics of Integrated Coal Mining Limited (ICML) in India (2005), Action Taken Against Persons Held Responsible for Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2002 to 2004), Cause/Company-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2004), Cause/Company-wise Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2004), Cause/Place-wise Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2004) - Part I, Cause/Place-wise Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2004) - Part II, Classification of Fatal Accidents by Cause and Responsibility in Coal Mines of India (2004), Company-wise Accident Rates in Coal Mines in India (2004), Company-wise Accidents and Resultant Casualties in Coal Mines in India (2004), Company-wise Accidents for Coal India Ltd. (2004), Number of Persons Died in Roof/Side Falls in Mines of Coal India Limited and Compensation Paid to Family Members of Victims in India (2002 to 2004), Region/Zone-wise Fatal/Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2004), Safety Statistics of Bengal Emta Coal Mine Ltd. (BECML) in India (2004), Trend in Death Rates in Coal Mines in Selected Coal-Producing Countries (1986 to 2004), Action taken Against Persons held Responsible for Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2002 and 2003), Cause of Accident-wise Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2003) - Part I, Cause of Accident-wise Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2003) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2003), Cause/Company-wise Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2003), Cause-wise Fatal Accidents in SCCL in India (2002 and 2003), Company-wise Accident Rates in Coal Mines in India (2003), Company-wise Accident Statistics for CIL in India (2003), Company-wise Accidents and Resultant Casualties in Coal Mines in India (2003), Company-wise Number of Accident and People Injured/Killed in Coal Mines in India (2002 and 2003), Country-wise Comparison of Fatality Rate Per Million Tonne Coal Produce (1995 to 2003), Fatalities and Number of Seriously Injured Workmen in Singareni Collieries Company Limited in India (1997-1998 to 2002-2003), Fatality Rate in SCCL in India (2002 and 2003), Fatality Rate Per 3 Lakh Manshifts Deployed in Coal Mines of India vis-a-vis Other Countries (1995 to 2003), Place-wise Fatal and Serious Injuries in SCCL in India (2002 and 2003), Region/Zone-wise Fatal /Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2003), Accident and Casualties in Coal Mines by Place and Cause in India (2002) - Part I, Accident and Casualties in Coal Mines by Place and Cause in India (2002) - Part II, Action taken against Officials Responsible for Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (1999 to 2002), Cause/Company-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2002), Cause/Company-wise Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2002), Company-wise Accident and Resultant Casualties in Coal Mines in India (2002), Company-wise Casualty Rates in Coal Mines in India (2002), Compensation Paid in Cases of Fatal Accidents and Serious Injuries in the Mines of Coal India Limited (2000 to 2002), Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines by Cause and Responsibility in India (2002), Number of Persons Killed and Injured in Accidents in Coal Mines in Different Coal Companies in India (2000 to 2002), State-wise Accidents and loss of Life due to Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2000 to 2002), State-wise Compensation Paid in Cases of Fatal Accidents in Mines of CIL, SCCL and NLC in India (2002), State-wise Fire Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2000 to 2002), Accidents and Casualties in Coal Mines by Place/Cause in India (2001) - Part I, Accidents and Casualties in Coal Mines by Place/Cause in India (2001) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2001), Cause/Company-wise Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2001), Cause-wise Fatal Accidents and Fatalities in Coal Companies in India (2000 and 2001), Company-wise Accident and Resultant Casualties in Coal Mines in India (2001), Company-wise Accident in Coal Mines in India (During 1998-2001), Company-wise Casualty Rates in Coal Mines in India (2001), Place-wise Fatal Accidents and Fatalities in Coal Companies in India (2000 and 2001), Region/Zone-wise Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2001), Trend in Accidents, Resultant Casualties and Rates in Coal Mines in India (1981 to 2001), Accidents and Casualties in Coal Mines by Place/Cause in India (2000) - Part I, Accidents and Casualties in Coal Mines by Place/Cause in India (2000) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2000) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2000) - Part II, Cause/Company-wise Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2000) - Part I, Cause/Company-wise Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2000) - Part II, Cause-wise Trend of Fatal Accidents in Coal Mines in India (1991 to 2000), Cause-wise Trend of Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (1991 to 2000), Company-wise Casualties Rates in Coal Mines in India (2000), Company-wise Number of Accidents and Persons Killed in Coal Mines in India (2000), Company-wise Number of Persons Seriously Injured in Coal Mines in India (2000), Region/Zone-wise Accidents in Coal Mines in India (2000), Region/Zone-wise Fatal and Serious Accidents in Coal Mines in India (1999), Inside Countries: Subnational Research in Comparative Politics - Richard Snyder - Google Books, Finger millet (Eluesine coracana):- Nutritional status, health benefits and processing status - A review, Pearl millet based pasta: optimization of extrusion process through response surface methodology, Visualising 21st Century Educational Milieu Achieving Skill Competence Through Unconventional Practices, Status of alien pest fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith) on maize in Northern Karnataka, SRAPs and EST-SSRs provide useful molecular diversity for targeting drought and salinity tolerance in Indian mustard, Selection of F2 plants through hydroponics screening at higher iron toxic levels for bulk segregant analysis (BSA) in rice, Influence of magnesium, calcium, ferrous and zinc nanomaterials on production and multiplication of Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson, Effect of sowing dates and crop spacing on growth, yield and quality of linseed under south Gujarat condition, Growth and Yield of Maize-Rajmash Cropping Sequence Affected by Different Agronomic Practices, MEASURE OF INDEX ON FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN INDIA, Growth and Development of Rapeseed Mustard and Other Field Crops under Different Sowing Dates, Growth and Yield Response in Maize (Zea mays L.) to Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources under Haryana Conditions, A good-governance framework for urban management, Characterization of African Rice Germplasm for Morphological and Yield Attributing Traits, Prevalence of major potato viruses and aphid population dynamics in Punjab, India, Effect of integrated weed management practices on weed dynamics of dry direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.), Solar Rooftop Systems: A Promising Option for Renewable Energy in India, Information and Communication Technology Diffusion and Financial Inclusion: An Interstate Analysis for India, Role Of Energy In Bridging The Rural-Urban Gap In India, Inside Countries: Subnational Research in Comparative Politics, Women Empowerment through Education in India: An Analytical Study, Effect of reliable electricity on health facilities, health information, and child and maternal health services utilization: evidence from rural Gujarat, India, Effect of insect growth regulator, Novaluron and Chlorfluazuron on growth and development of Antigartra catalaunalis Duponchel, Induction of radiomutants in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.
Newspapers Limited, One Yonge Street, 4th floor, Toronto, ON, M5E 1E6. A worker was found dead at the railway siding area on the plant premises of Vedanta Aluminium Ltd in Jharsuguda a couple of weeks back. Serious accidents and high-potential incidents. Effect of planting geometry and nitrogen application through fertigation on production and quality of sugarcane, Digital literacy among student community in management institutes in Davanagere District, Karnataka State, India, "Institutional Changes in Delivery of Agricultural Inputs and Services to Farm Households in India", Impact of Lagged Urbanization on the Process of Urbanization in India, Impact of Wheat and Rice Export Ban on Indian Market Integration, "Standardization of Seedling Characteristics for Paddy Transplanter", Integrated model shows that atmospheric brown clouds and greenhouse gases have reduced rice harvests in India, Recent climate and air pollution impacts on Indian agriculture, "Vertical Integration Paving Way to Organised Retailing in Indian Poultry Industry", Why tax effort falls short of capacity in Indian states: A Stochastic frontier approach, "Design, Modeling and Simulation of Prostate Cancer Biosensor with ssDNA biomarker and DGFET Biosensor", Forest area estimation and reporting: implications for conservation, management and REDD, THE CHALLENGES CONFRONTING PUBLIC HOSPITALS IN INDIA, THEIR ORIGINS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS, Ordeal Mechanisms and Information in the Promotion of Health Goods in Developing Countries: Evidence From Rural China. Apart from the Indian Navy, the Army, the NDRF and the state's agencies are engaged in the operations that begun hours after the accident took place. Mining operations were suspended while an investigation is conducted.