The Coal Authority Interactive Viewer desktop version help .

A table of unique Licence references derived from the Authority’s coal mining data base. Coal Mining Related Hazards* Sites or properties that have either been subject to investigation or remedial works by the Coal Authority under its Emergency Hazard Call-Out Procedures. An order issued by the court to work coal where no previous mining lease was in existence. Zoom in to activate a disabled layer. They have produced a map viewer which allows you to view the National Heritage List for England. expressly provided in these Terms. The Coal Authority works to resolve the impacts of mining. Published 25 September 2017 Our Coal Authority official CON29M is the industry leading coal mining report for the conveyancing and property markets. The Coal Authority interactive map viewer allows you to view selected coal mining information in your browser graphically. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. Use the "Policy Layers" tab to add additional map layers. A withdrawal of support notice served on the public by coal operators as a legislative requirement. These datasets are for indicative purposes only. The shallow coal workings dataset is derived from the Authority’s records of underground coal mine workings. Click on the 'Key' button to display a key for the currently visible layers. Select a checkbox associated with a layer to display it on the map. Undertaken on behalf of the Department for Communities and Local Government (now Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government), this study assessed the impact on shallow coal resources of using separation zones around urban areas.

If you use our online ordering platform, and draw a property or site boundary on screen, you’ll receive your mining report within minutes. The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the maps will remain the property of the Coal Authority or other third "© National Grid UK". The map provides a synopsis of both areas of possible future developments and potential hazards due to past mining. Main Report: Move around the map by left-clicking and dragging the mouse in the direction you wish to travel. Coal occurs in the form of layers (‘seams’) in sequences of sedimentary rocks. The Coal Authority own the copyright to these maps. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Click on the dropdown at the top to toggle between Coal Mining Data layers, Planning layers and Environment Agency Data layers. * These data sets are only available for ‘Use’. In addition, the information is also be summarised in the BGS United Kingdom Minerals Yearbook. The BGS has produced a Summary of information on coal for land use planning purposes. Available data layers are listed in the top right of the screen (see image below). The intersection of an underground coal seam with rockhead, indicating coal that may have been worked at some time in the past. The transparency slider will update the transparency of all selected layers displayed on the base map. They have produced a map viewer which allows you to view selected information about your area including: the Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea; air and water pollution and important areas for water supply known as groundwater (principal and secondary A and B aquifers, and source protection zones). Our experts can provide information on past, present and future coal mining activities for any property or site in Britain.

Records the chronology of an underground working, proposed or actual (a Parent Phase will typically start life as ‘proposed’ and as coal is extracted over a period of time it will become ‘actual’). 2013 Philips Ltd. Geological Disturbance - Fissures and Breaklines. Areas in which the Coal Authority recommends that a mining search report is required for property conveyancing or development purposes. Identifies areas where coal has been mined, or is currently being mined under the surface. Details of individual operating coal mines can be found in the BGS Directory of Mines and Quarries. Shows lines of weakness at the surface (Fissures and Breaklines) which may have been produced and/or modified by coal mining. This website contains detailed information about important areas which are protected because of their biodiversity and provides information on species protected by law. Individual seams are up to 3.5m in thickness (thicker seams are also known). They are owned by National Grid and you are required to acknowledge us in your product or application using "© National Grid UK. An underground roadway connecting two areas of working. The map legend lists only the currently loaded layers. Coal Mining Related Hazards* Sites or properties that have either been subject to investigation or remedial works by the Coal Authority under its Emergency Hazard Call-Out Procedures. These datasets are for indicative purposes only. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Home | Downloads | Glossary | Contact us | Site map | Videos | Help. A table listing local seam names and corresponding unique Coal Authority Codes. Identifies the year the coal was mined at a geographic position in a specific seam. The Coal Authority holds a large quantity of data, including historic information, relating to coal mining in the United Kingdom. The BGS and the Coal Authority have produced a map showing the distribution of UK coal resources, both onshore and offshore. Browser support

It includes: inset maps showing details of the individual coalfields at 1:400 000 scale; Enviro All-in-One questions English Heritage