. the Pope felt unwell. Fourteen ounces of blood were taken from him three days later and tertiary fever set in. . Alexander VI, given name Rodrigo Borgia, Roman Catholic Pope from 1492 until his death, is the most memorable of the corrupt and secular popes of the Renaissance. Pope Alexander VI, born Rodrigo Borgia, held a controversial status in life and in death. After the hour of Vespers, between six and seven o'clock a fever appeared and remained permanently. Pope Alexander VI was the Spanish-born 214th Pope. “.
His death was followed by scenes of wild disorder, and Cesare, himself apparently ill or poisoned but who survived, could not attend to business, but sent Don Michelotto, his chief bravo, to sei… Burchard's Diary provides a few details of the pope's final illness and death at age 72: Cesare was preparing for another expedition in August 1503 when, after he and his father had dined with Cardinal Adriano Castellesi on 6 August, they were taken ill with fever a few days later. Early on August 17th, he was given some medicine, but he worsened and at about six o'clock on the following morning, he made his confession to Don Pietro Gamboa, the Bishop of Carinola, who then celebrated Mass in His Holiness's presence. Divided the New World for Portugal, Spain. Alexander VI, corrupt, wordly, and ambitious pope (1492–1503), whose neglect of the spiritual inheritance of the church contributed to the development of the Protestant Reformation. Pope Alexander VI.
Fourteen years after his death, the corruption of the papacy that Alexander VI exemplified – particularly the sale of indulgences – would prompt a young monk by the name of Martin Luther to nail a summary of his grievances on the door of a church in Germany and launch the Protestant Reformation. On August 18, 1503 Alexander VI died at the age of 72. Check out this biography to know about his childhood, life and achievements.
Burchard recorded the events that surrounded the death of the Pope. Even today, people still wonder, "How did Pope Alexander VI die, given the mysterious circumstances of the days before his death?" After he had made his own communion, he gave the pope t… According to Burchard, Alexander VI's stomach became swollen and turned to liquid, while his face became wine-colored and his skin began to peel off. \"On Saturday morning, August 12th, the pope felt unwell, and at about three o'clock in the afternoon he became feverish. Cesare, who "lay in bed, his skin peeling and his face suffused to a violet colour" as a consequence of certain drastic measures to save him, eventually recovered; but the aged Pontiff apparently had little chance. His pursuit of political goals and unremitting efforts to aggrandize his family were seen as excessive. 'Saturday, the 12th of August, 1503, the Pope fell ill in the morning. Birthplace: Játiva, Spain Location of death: Rome, Italy Cause of death: unspecified Remains: Buried, . Finally his stomach and bowels bled profusely. In 1492, following the death of Pope Innocent VIII, Borgia emerged as the Pope with an unprecedented show of coercion and corruption, and held the office until his death in 1503.
AKA Rodrigo de Borja.