Kylo Ren reveals the news to Rey during one of their Force chats on the planet of Kijimi in between battling.

J. Kenji López-Alt, a chef and New York Times bestselling author, noticed the two had comparative fighting styles. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get more of it. Rey pak vezme světelný meč a porazí již oslabeného Rena. O vzniku ženské hlavní role pro novou trilogii řekl J. J. Abrams: „Už od počátku debat (se spisovatelem Lawrencem Kasdanem) byla pro mě představa ženy ve středu dění vždy něco lákavého a vzrušivého. Who is Rey? Lucasfilm. Celebration Chicago 2019, Star Wars: The Last Jedi/Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle/The Greatest Showman/Downsizing, Murder on the Orient Express/Justice League/Daddy's Home 2/Lady Bird, Red Carpet Interviews at the World Premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver Talk About Working Together on Star Wars: The Last Jedi, The Last Jedi Cast Competes in a Compliment Battle, Celebrities Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions, The Last Jedi Cast Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions, Wired Magazine: The Last Jedi Cast Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions, Live from the Red Carpet of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Daisy Ridley Talks Star Wars Fan Theories, Strange Merchandise and the Chewbacca Voice Glamour, Agatha Christie: Murder Beyond the Orient Express, Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley's Epic Star Wars: Force for Change Announcement, AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to John Williams, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens: The Story Awakens - The Table Read, The Scavenger & the Stormtrooper: A Conversation with Daisy Ridley and John Boyega, Secrets of the Force Awakens: A Cinematic Journey, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac & John Boyega/Dax Shepard/Ellen's 12 Days of Giveaways, The Cast of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens', "Star Wars" Cast Members Do "Star Wars" Impersonations, Especial Star Wars El Despertar de la Fuerza, Star Wars: The Force Awakens World Premiere Red Carpet, Daisy Ridley Talks Becoming A Star Wars Role Model & Famous Overnight, The Force Awakens Cast Plays "Star Wars or Florida?

První řád zaútočí na hrad Maz a vypukne bitva mezi Rebely a Prvním řádem. Instead of becoming the Sith empress that Palpatine wants her to be, she ends the series as one of the greatest and most powerful Jedi. They're mirrors, something that's perfectly captured on the cover of "The Art of 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. For all we know, it was Kenobi who suggested hiding Rey away on Jakku so she couldn't be found, in the same way he helped hide Leia and Luke Skywalker from their father.

For instance, would Anakin's lightsaber really call out to a Palpatine instead of a Skywalker? Disney. 8. Konec části článku, která vyzrazuje zápletku nebo rozuzlení díla. The larger payoff for me is looking at the mirroring stories that the prequel trilogy ("Episodes I-III") and the sequel trilogy ("Episodes VII-IX") tell. Her raw, untapped power seemed too great for Lucasfilm to suddenly introduce a new lineage seven films into the "Star Wars" franchise. Vidí, že nemusí jen vystavovat na odiv svá těla.“[5]. About the Obvious? A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. The Last Jedi Cast Answers YOUR Questions, Behind the Scenes of the Red Carpet Live Stream, & More! "When you look at this as nine chapters of a story, perhaps the weirder thing would be if Palpatine didn't return," Abrams said. Take a look at The Rise of Skywalker and Ophelia star's career on and off the screen. Daisy Ridley CONFIRMS There Was NEVER a Plan for Rey!

(You don't just hire Jodie Comer to play Rey's mother for a few moments, right? It's worth noting that Triclops worked in spice mines.

[1] Je hlavní protagonistkou v pokračující Star Wars trilogii. After "The Last Jedi" dubbed Rey a nobody, Simon Pegg, who played Unkar Plutt in "The Force Awakens," told the "Happy Sad Confused" podcast that the director J. J. Abrams originally had a plan for Rey to have a "relevant lineage" to the "Star Wars" universe.

Je sama od té doby, co byla oddělena od své rodiny ještě jako dítě. Rey je přitahována do sklepení, ve kterém Maz ukryla světelný meč, který patřil Luku Skywalkerovi a předtím jeho otci. But Lucasfilm introduced Rey into the Skywalker saga. Kylo Ren tells Rey that her father is Emperor Palpatine's son but that he and his wife chose to be "no one" in order to keep her safe from the emperor. In "Star Wars," it always comes full circle.

Maz s ní pak polemizuje, že její rodina se už nikdy nevrátí na Jakku a že její jediná možnost je vyhledat sílu v Síle. Po příchodu do hradu Maz Kanaty jsou rozpoznáni jak Rebely tak i Prvním řádem, a obě strany jsou upozorněny na jejich přítomnost. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories, none of this is technically canon anymore, heard Kenobi's voice in her head more than any other Jedi in her "Force Awakens" Force vision, "The Art of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'", the composer John Williams' themes for both characters shared similarities, an official Lucasfilm graphic breaking down the vision, noticed the two had comparative fighting styles, clues that Rey was a Palpatine all along here, 12 clues you may have missed that hinted at Rey's true identity in the 'Star Wars' sequel trilogy, The 23 biggest questions we have after seeing 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker', 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' finally gives us an explanation for Snoke, and it's a big letdown, Our review of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker". Postava Rey se objevuje ve video hře Disney Infinity 3.0, s hlasem Daisy Ridley. Sarah Palin Defends Ben Carson - Trump Vs Hillary - And More! - Wallpaper Abyss Je hlavní protagonistkou v pokračující Star Wars trilogii. Je sice ženou, ale přesahuje oba rody. 2020 v 19:24. Rey nabídku odmítne, protože se cítí být povinna doručit BB-8 Rebelům, ale začíná o Hanovi uvažovat jako o mentorovi a otcovské postavě. That's up for debate. Instead of becoming one of the greatest Jedi, he becomes one of the greatest (if not the greatest) Sith Lords. Lucas said that was on purpose. A few "Last Jedi" scenes can be interpreted differently now that we know Rey is a Palpatine. Pro tuto roli musela absolvovat pět konkurzů.


When you look at the trilogy as a whole, it's just another stanza in a larger poem that often repeats and has parallels. Neither of them knew their real identity, just like Rey. The parallels between Rey and the Emperor go beyond Rey showcasing some Force lightning abilities in "The Rise of Skywalker." Daisy was born in Westminster, London, on April 10, 1992. Rey dokazuje, že se učí velmi rychle; jakmile ji Ren zanechá samotnou jen se stormtrooperem, použije Jediský trik s myslí na stormtroopera, aby jí pomohl utéct. since. From Saint Maud to The Wicker Man here are some British horror movies that are certain to keep you looking over your shoulder for weeks to come. Rey žije na planetě Jakku, kde přežívá tím, že sbírá části ze starých lodních vraků. Now it all makes more sense. Other than Luke, Rey heard Kenobi's voice in her head more than any other Jedi in her "Force Awakens" Force vision. Abrams Books. Palpatine's voice can also be heard if you listen closely to Rey's mysterious Force vision in "The Force Awakens." Někteří kritici si všimli podobného pozadí a osobních rysů s oběma hlavními protagonisty originální trilogie, Hanem a Lukem, což vedlo ke spekulaci, že může sdílet příbuzenský vztah s některým z nich[1][10], buď jako dcera Luke Skywalkera nebo jako ztracená dcera Hana Sola a Leiy a tím pádem i sestra Kylo Rena. If you're still in disbelief and trying to figure out how this all makes sense, let's break it down together. It wouldn't make sense with the 40-plus years of history to dismiss the Skywalker family in its series of films; it would have been disrespectful. Lucasfilm, The prequels introduce us to a young Force-sensitive boy who is assumed to be the chosen one to bring balance to the Force.

Rey je fiktivní postava ze Star Wars série, kterou ztvárnila Daisy Ridley. The first time both of them are seen wielding a lightsaber, in "Revenge of the Sith" and "The Force Awakens," they wear similar expressions in very similar stances. Getty Images, At its heart, "Star Wars" has always been about Palpatine versus Skywalker. Though we don't get any real information on Rey's parents from "Episode IX," I'm sure Disney already has some book or Disney Plus show ready to explain more about Palpatine's mystery offspring. This is explained so quickly that you may have missed it, especially if your theater had a big reaction to the reveal.