The file may be saved in various formats depending upon it final usage, such as JPG, TIFF, RAW, etc. Speaking of which it’s that time of the year again to get out the bucket, the rags, and start cleaning up the car, for us before we we sold it, it meant our Cougar! This may help you when talking to someone about having a digital restoration performed on your image. When Life Was Simpler Life Was Better When Life Was Simpler From Our Point Of View. Simple living encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to simplify one's lifestyle. When Life Was Simpler Life Was Better When Life Was Simpler From Our Point Of View. Following is a brief description of what some of the most common terms in digital restoration mean. A camera with a higher mega-pixel number may produce an image with more fine detail then one with a smaller number of pixels. Main menu. See more. However, once the nice weather arrived, in our case, many years back now, the Vette was taken out of storage and we started to get it back in shape. The preferred file format for restoration of photographs is the TIFF, “Tag Image File Format”. A husband and wife chatting over a fire, a couple of friends having a game of darts in … If the original image is small and it is destined to be enlarged you would want to scan at a higher resolution. Simple living may be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they have rather than want. I can remember spending the whole day cleaning the inside, washing it, waxing it and then going out to the local eatery and showing it off. Pixels – are considered as the smallest element of an image. Resolution – if referred to in scanning, is the number of dots per inch (DPI) that your scanner produces when making a copy of your image. The Meaning Of Some Common Terms; Restoration Fees; How To Get A Price Quote For Severely Damaged Images; FAQs General; … For the rest of you, it doesn’t matter, whether you have a hot rod, street rod, or just a driver, Spring getting here tells you, you need to get started. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Scanning – is a method where an image or document is converted to pixels for electronic transmission and display. Photo Restoration Services. We will have our memories and our car mags to remind us of those wonderful times. Why Choose Cherished Photos Restored; How Digital Restoration Works . Reflecting on the question of meaning can be an answer. b. A medicinal plant or the medicine obtained from it. File Format – The file that is produced by the act of taking a picture digitally or by scanning into the computer. Welcome to When Life Was Simpler Featured. Digital Photographs – are produced by using a fixed number of colors appearing as a fixed number of squares or pixels. simple people who have trouble understanding health regulations. Home; Who’s Behind The Curtain; Do You Remember When . How To Get A Price Quote For Severely Damaged Images. The higher the resolution, the more pixels per inch you have to work with, however there is a practical limit as to how high to scan an image. For those of us who have procrastinated over the winter, putting it in gear to get it ready for the Spring and Summer shows and events; or just getting it ready. As all of us know, house repairs and improvements can take on a life of their own. How To Get A Price Quote For Severely Damaged Images. Up to a point, higher resolution provides a more distinct image (more information to work with) while the lower the resolution provides lesser detail and distinction. For those of us with a love of cars, it means taking the car cover off, taking it off the blocks it was on over the winter, or just taking it out of the garage. So, if you have 8 bits per channel you get a yield of 256 levels of information, while 16 bits per channel gives us 65,536 levels to work with, a pretty big difference. Life as Laboratory. A higher bit depth doesn’t increase the number of pixels in an image, what it does is provide a greater level of precision in the way the tonal information is recorded by a camera or scanner.