The memo claimed that Cardiff has "got about a century to go before the rift tears it apart."

[4], The series 1 version of the Torchwood website had a "rift memo", dated 13 April 1913. (AUDIO: The House of the Dead), The Gelth coming through the Rift via Gwyneth. (PROSE: The Twilight Streets), Syriath, an entity born before the universe, was trapped underneath the rift. [3], The series 1 version of the Torchwood website features a speech from Queen Victoria, calling the Rift a "chilling" example of what the British Empire can "only" be defended from. A file on the series 1 version of the Torchwood website says that one end of the rift is fixed, ±5 miles from Cardiff Bay, while the other end is "wandering in a seemingly random progression across the universe". Others were disfigured or suffered some form of permanent damage from their travels through the Rift. Harrowkind coming through the Rift. Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community.

It's a split in the skin of the world. The Sanctified used the Rift's energy to power their empire. Torchwood Institute's interest in the Rift. using. It is established that the Rift releases radiation, prolonged exposure to which can grant psychic powers to people, including Gwyneth, a servant in the parlour. (AUDIO: More Than This), The Weevils used the Rift to cross over into Cardiff for reasons of their own, more so as the Rift destabilised. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.

Simply exit the Rift and re-enter.

(TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, COMIC: Rift War! (COMIC: Rift War! It was concerned about Robertson's conclusions from the data: it seemed to be a ripple from a "much bigger" event, or "[an] aftershock washing back to towards us through time – call it a preshock, if you will." (TV: Exit Wounds), In the year 2009, when Earth was transported by the Daleks to the Medusa Cascade, the Rift seemed to move there with Earth. A sensor representation of a temporal rift. ZeedMillenniummon (Digimon) is able to fly freely through space and time, and consigns its opponents to the gulf of space and time. (TV: To the Last Man), Gwen Cooper discovered an unknown property of the Rift, that it abducted people from Cardiff as well as depositing creatures and objects from the other sides. (TV: Boom Town), During Abaddon's and the Light's war against Pwccm and the Dark, both sides eventually became caught up in and trapped within the Rift, although they could escape the Rift and fight when it was opened wide enough. The ability to create cracks in time and space.