All of those cards are cards I spent time crafting. my bad i thought it would be the outrageously expensive highlander decks. How to reroll a daily Hearthstone quest. The Hearthstone team left a few clues for you to follow in the Masquerade Ball announcement. I too don`t get why they invest so much into bringing new players that play the game for a couple of weeks, maybe months and then quit. A heads-up when it comes to game previews. Since this new content is coming alongside the Demon Hunter class, there’s going to be 3 catch-up missions added to the game, in which you play as a young Illidan. If the player previously owned cards from the new free deck, they will still get duplicates of that card from the new free deck.[4]. Have not played since May 2019 as I got the May ranked month popup when I launched the game a couple hours ago, I have no cards past Shadows, and have absolutely no hint of a returning player quest line at all.

If this happens, don’t worry! Scribbled on the back is mention of playing Rexxar’s tale in Hearthstone Book of Heroes, and at least one match in both Battlegrounds and Arena.". In the first quest, you will face three bosses made specifically for the quest line.

Hearthstone Shop. Quest Mage – #1 Legend (Ramses) – Wild S79 Tempo Mage – #1 Legend (Feno) – Scholomance Academy Tempo Highlander Mage – #15 Legend (McBanterFace) – Scholomance Take a trip through Hearthstone's many modes. And when you’re looking purely at value – the best choice would be Reno’s Riches (Highlander Mage). No idea what to do now. Players received two regular Transfer Student cards by logging into the game between July and October this year, but there's no way to craft this neutral Epic in its golden form (you can't disenchant it for extra Dust either). If you’re a returning player who has not logged in since before 11/18/2019, to earn your free deck. Thank you! Free decks added for new and returning players. I don’t get it, “added permanently” means they can also disenchant it? No returning player quest line, no free deck, nothing. You can play them in other decks and yes, you can disenchant them if you wish to.

Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, EDIT 2: We've just deployed a hotfix that contains, among other fixes, a resolution to heal up accounts we found affected by the issue we found and prevent it from happening in the future.

Rogue might pick up some extra value whenever Edwin eventually gets hall of famed, too. I understand that they need “fresh meat”, but they should make sure to keep the veterans happy. Back to the basic. Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020. Log into Hearthstone and be presented with a new Legendary Quest line, which is made up of three total quests. And while someone would have to focus on Highlander if he wanted to take advantage of those, those cards have seen play in non-Highlander builds too (especially Zephrys). There are new heroes and minions in Battleground, as well as … As a final note, it is possible that you may not see the deck in your deck list if you did not have an open deck slot when you chose your free Class Deck. Log into Hearthstone and be presented with a new Legendary Quest line, which is made up of three total quests. From here, copy the deck code, and you can then add the deck to your deck list from within Hearthstone. However, you should know that in the long term it’s positive thing for anyone. I stopped playing Hearthstone in May 2019 and came back March 14 just to play Battlegrounds. Weird that they’d do this now and not after the huge rotation that’s gonna shift everything and at the very least, will see some of these cards leave these decks in favor of newer better cards. If this happens, don’t worry! How competitive will these remain come Apr 7? The choice is not mine, and won’t be mine. To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. In the first quest, you will face three bosses made specifically for the quest line. it's really bumming me out, Ahhhhhh me too, kinda makes me unsure on coming back now. However, Ben Brode states "I don't think we've ever made a decision at the expense of current players exclusively because of returning players", adding "Part of the reason to keep them in mind is that it helps us find solutions that are good for everyone. If you’re looking for the strongest deck that will likely remain good next year, Galakrond’s Guile (Galakrond Rogue) is probably the way to go. Players received two regular Transfer Student cards by logging into … Finally, two follow-up quests award the player with three Classic packs each. If you’re a returning player who has not logged in since before 11/18/2019, to earn your free deck.

Galakrond Rogue is a Tier 1 deck right now and it doesn’t really lose much. What about them? Note that there’s also a chance you’ll see the Returning Player quests and need to complete those as well.

Like i said many will quit. In the first quest, you will face three bosses made specifically for the quest line. You will still receive all of the cards from that deck. In the first quest, you will face three bosses made specifically for the quest line. That's weird. Blizzard has just shared a list of new / returning players deck lists!