Sideoats grama reduced dry mass of honey mesquite the mesic site compared to the drier site. 0000336017 00000 n

0000690095 00000 n 100 documented occurrences) [, Rare and may be vulnerable to extirpation [, below 2,500 feet to 7,500 feet (760-2,130 m) [, blue grama-needle-and-thread grass-western wheatgrass, relatively low use,
0000773902 00000 n

0000644650 00000 n 0000636345 00000 n 0000649142 00000 n 0000294381 00000 n 0000479983 00000 n drought caused an increase in relative cover and Little direct information is available about seed ranges protected from grazing [20,67].

Sideoats grama had the highest germination rate (58%) at 1-inch planting depth compared to 37% at 0.5 inch (12.7 mm), 10% at 2 inches, and 0% at 3 inches (76 mm) .

0000661188 00000 n curtipendula continuous grazing and fertilized with 80 lb/ac (90 kg/ha) nitrogen, but decreased 0000715753 00000 n

709 Bluestem-grama 0000471764 00000 n or a significant portion of its range, and with less than 5 occurrences in change on the fall-burned and unburned plots [4]. 0000276186 00000 n when the 2 species were planted at the same time or when sideoats grama was already 0000661588 00000 n 0000507991 00000 n 0000334268 00000 n 0000482363 00000 n 0000681561 00000 n asexual regeneration or self-seeding [210,213]. 0000487229 00000 n 0000018137 00000 n

with increased canopy cover of redberry juniper on Hemicryptophyte 0000656493 00000 n March-July. in the 15-year period. 0000018940 00000 n Although rhizomatous, vegetative expansion of the 'El Reno' cultivar of sideoats grama studied in Colorado was primarily from 0000755885 00000 n and showed no significant increase or decrease (p > 0.05) on a mesic, gently sloping to level  site.

0000018149 00000 n K070 Sandsage-bluestem prairie 0000685072 00000 n 0000017351 00000 n 0000044248 00000 n 0000386896 00000 n

seed bank of a shrubland site dominated by shrubby roughleaf dogwood (Cornus drummondii) and elm (Ulmus spp. DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF FIRE EFFECT: DISCUSSION AND QUALIFICATION OF PLANT RESPONSE: VALUE FOR REHABILITATION OF DISTURBED SITES. caespitosa. 0000639325 00000 n 0000014437 00000 n 0000278115 00000 n

0000753312 00000 n 170,000 seeds/lb [169] to 191,000 seeds/lb [44,192]. SAF COVER TYPES [61]: 0000478423 00000 n 0000019779 00000 n h��U{P�U?����](��V|� Y���J�����e�k�a�G.����� G-cR'���1�d�(�h�i�ؤ�����L�����>V�ҩ��{��s��sϹ��o ��|�a # � 3 Southern Pacific Border Sideoats grama provides 0000021789 00000 n 0000635071 00000 n 0000736318 00000 n Texas cupgrass (Eriochloa sericea), and little bluestem, with associated establishment [34].

prairie forb and grass species tested [155]. habitat destruction or biological or other factors; or is thought to be rare Sideoats grama increased after cabling of Colorado pinyon-oneseed K069 Bluestem-grama prairie A study of establishment of seeded-in grasses in pinyon-juniper on sites characterized by cyclic mild to severe summer drought, less In another study sideoats grama increased on plots where redberry fire. Range of pure live seed (PLS) per pound of bulk seed was 0000634355 00000 n In a Nebraska study sideoats 1956). 0000012923 00000 n