9 hours ago, by Perri Konecky Well, the coven gathered together to recreate what can be only described as a Southern Sorority "Let's get that ugly bitch to kill ,herself before we have to take our yearly composite pics" ritual.
After inviting Quentin (is he the only man-witch?) From the moment we found out he was a witch-murderer, we all knew there was no way Hank was going to get the best of the ladies on American Horror Story: Coven. I know I say this basically every week, but I am always stunned by the caliber of camp Ryan Murphy manages to achieve.
By signing up, I agree to the Terms & to receive emails from POPSUGAR. Let’s hope Fiona doesn’t get too much weaker, or she’s headed to the vat for sure.
Why do they need spells and potions? I take back what I said earlier: Queenie has killed a hobo with her bare hands, but she is still pure of heart. And it made my stomach hurt.
I’ll let you be the judge of that. At first, she just appears to be a little overprotective of her son, but then there's that Clorox enema incident.
The only witches who had so far refrained from butchery were Cordelia, Nan and Myrtle, and oh boy, you can count Myrtle out after this week. We already knew that LuPone's character was nuts, we didn't need to see her flush her son's ass with poison.
Never forget what they are,” Hank’s dad warns baby Hank after his first botched kill. We finally know the cure for racism!
Oh, and the little wave LaLaurie’s headless body gives Fiona absolutely killed me. Patti LuPone. But instead he decided to shoot up the neighbors house with one witch. This scene was easily the worst thing I ever had to endure while watching American Horror Story. So a mom giving her grown son an enema as punishment is worse than a serial killer repeatedly raping a woman? Also Cordelia's husband is shooting at people next door to complicate the plot some more. Fortunately for Marie, the first witch-hunter they must deal with is Hank, and as discussed before, he sucks hardcore at his job. Clearly there is a genetic component, though their skills must be honed. In This Article:
The command raises an interesting question I’ve asked before: what are witches, anyway?
Ever. That was not needed. It was really something, and Queenie shoots the back of her head off, thus killing Hank. 10 hours ago, by Chanel Vargas She takes something that looks like kitchen cleaner and forces her son to shove it up his ass. But that doesn't mean it was without its delicious charm.
Myrtle burned to a crisp and she looks fabulous, but I choose to believe that silver will kill a witch dead. Everything you need to know about and expect during, the most important election of our lifetimes.
Can’t a Hank get a break around here? The neighbor, Patti LuPone, is convinced that her son is "unclean."
The worst thing to ever happen on AHS, ever. Just a bunch of happy queens screaming out lines from Mommy Dearest whilst their beloved fruit flies pull at their coat tails and hiss, "God I hope they don't play something from Cats.". Myrtle then, um, dismembers her former coworkers and dissolves their body parts in acid. Good thinking, guys! I also have to assume that silver bullets permanently kill witches, or else the league of witch hunters is just not that interesting to me. Girls Patti LuPone (2014) American Horror Story Joan Ramsey (2013-2014) People in New Jersey Rachel Levin (2013) Unfortunately for Marie, that time is now, as Delphi intends to kill the voodoo clan too. That is the worst plan of all time! And that's not even the super fucked up part — the scene featured in the above video is. After seeing Hank prepare his guns to storm the Academy, it’s a delightful reveal to see him barging into Laveau’s salon instead.
So she gives him a Comet enema. NO. Although: Hank has been trained for decades, has all the proper technology and his plan is to just walk into the place and randomly gun down whoever is standing there? Which only further solidifies my suspicions that the writers room on this show is less like a writers room and more like the (sadly shuttered) Musical Monday's at New York City's Splash. Who’s dark-sided now, Joan! It’s not surprising that Laveau is pissed. View documentary series Entrances, Exits, and Everything in Between with Patti LuPone home | patti's bio | films | recordings | television | theatre | photo gallery | calendar | ramblings from the road | picks & links
A Few Things to Keep in Mind as Trump Attacks Hunter Biden, Dolly Parton Made Stephen Colbert Cry With an Old Folk Song on ‘The Late Show’, Steve Perry: ‘My Heart Bleeds Daily to Be in Front of People And to Sing for Them’, Watch Obama Absolutely Torch Trump During His Debut Campaign Event for Biden, Adam Sandler’s Bulldog Bagel Joins Fleetwood Mac ‘Dreams’ Craze, Stevie Nicks Is the White Witch on ‘American Horror Story’, ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ Recap: Hunter and Prey. Myrtle is still lovey-dovey toward Cordelia, so she gives her surrogate daughter the gift of sight through Quentin and Pembroke’s stolen eyeballs.
Miss Robichaux struggles with the rise of Hank, and Patti LuPone has a secret, Frances Conroy as Myrtle on 'American Horror Story: Coven'. Priorities, people. 10 hours ago, by Samantha Brodsky It is horrifying. Want more Rolling Stone? On a related note, are witches inherently violent?
Not only because it's horrible, but because COME ON. She takes something that looks like kitchen cleaner and forces her son to shove it up his ass.
Laveau reluctantly shows up at Fiona’s doorstop to talk, and I hope the subject of their convo is how Queenie is the next Supreme. You’re welcome, Ryan Murphy! Which they probably should have figured out earlier, but these ladies were busy picking out black hats to wear to their fall formal where they burn a bitch down.
If you thought Patti LuPone was going to be on AHS without singing a song, boy, were you dumb!
Now she is still alive, and they realize someone else is trying to kill them. Send us a tip using our anonymous form.
La de dah, Marie Laveau serves the Kathy Bates, and she's still alive on delivery. Fortunately Nan is still holding down the Tiny Shred of Humanity fort. Sign up for our Celebrity & Entertainment newsletter. 10 Terrifying ‘American Horror Story’ Scenes. Slowly Madison and the Wig tricked Fiona into offing herself.
Anyway, now that everyone is resolved to not kill Fiona (I guess) we can focus on the war between Marie Laveau and Cordelia's girls. Great, Click the ‘Allow’ Button Above Cordelia and Misty Day cook up some healing mud and bring a dead plant to flower, which was charming if you ignore the part where Misty brought Patti LuPone – er, Joan – back from the dead with her bare hands.
Lupone's arc gets really twisted, really quickly.
And you know what, IT MAKES THIS SHOW REALLY FUCKING FUN TO WATCH. It's window dressing, heaps and heaps of lovely, over-the-top, kitsch window dressing. Unfortunately for Joan, God told Luke that she killed her philandering husband by … Even when we learn Hank has been trained since childhood as heir to the Delphi Trust of Atlanta, a privately funded sacred brotherhood dedicated specifically to the murder of witches, the knowledge that Hank would goof it up has always been there. It's amazing.
Rather than let her secret out, Joan suffocates her baby boy. But it didn't work. I particularly liked Fiona's Bewitched line: "Every day I look less like Samantha and more like Endora." Also, her plan totally works! So she gives him a Comet enema. The last five minutes of this episode was pure insane trash. As you might assume, Laveau is unmoved by Fiona’s request for a truce. and Pembroke over to the Academy for some fruit salad and amends, Myrtle exacts her revenge on them, gouging out their eyes with a melon baller.
by Yerin Kim
I mean absolutely NOTHING happened last night, and yet we got antique cigarette spitting devices, Andy Warhol nods, and giant wigs. We want to hear from you! So what did happen? On the third season, Coven, we get even more guest stars. The combination of Madame LaLaurie’s head sobbing over footage of protesters in Selma, Luke’s feeding tube being removed and Hank’s slo-mo rampage all playing under the civil rights anthem “Oh, Freedom” was such next level Divine-eating-a-dog-turd filth I could hardly believe it. “No mercy.