If I were to give advice to anyone I would say “Trust your own experience, don’t listen to me!” I agree with you that we should do nothing to denigrate reason. To catch the significance of this bland assertion, you must think of the legions of New Age believers who passionately promote vague forces, often emanating from the human mind, which like almighty God, they claim, can “do anything”; and of the ambitious young who proclaim that “anything is possible”. To retain the belief that “Anything is possible”, for as long as possible in ones life, will keep the imagination at work with fewer restrictions and greater rewards.
One of the women was a single mother of three earning $13.00 per hour and paying $1,200 a month for an apartment. Another word for argue. Alexia is a dedicated person who provided a personal, in depth educational moment to those who heard her, and agreed or disagreed with her tactics, as she does indeed live her life in a complex, confrontational world where “Politics and life and economic justice are the art of the possible.”. I know there is a whole mythology about them in the Kabbalah (well I think there is but again I am not going to check, because this is not my main point) but there is also a history of “angel” being used in the sense of something-we-don’t-understand making a benign intervention.
They justify the hankering after extraordinary wealth by invoking a so-called Law of Abundance and a Law of Attraction which makes it come to them; conveniently ignoring the reality that they live in a society which permits this, whilst others who pick cocoa or coffee or tea out on the plantations are further impoverished by the inequities of world trade and failure to control the bad effects of rampant capitalism. why these things happen i`m not sure but i see it as a recognition that consciousness is a fluid thing.
CLUE also partners with the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, labor organizations, and community groups, with a stated goal of joining low wage workers in their struggle for economic justice. His only limitation was the brief time he had, living a human existance, to fully realize all he imagined. In-your-face confrontations. Alexia was seeking advocacy for CLUE. And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? (Genesis 4:9). Outstanding, thorough summary! The operative word is “change,” the antithesis, represented by corporations, companies, businesses of all types, managements, supervisors, and individual bosses who may not be fair or moral in their relations with their employees and will resist change. I choose “angels” with care.