High Temp: 89 °F. Rockhampton is a city with a significant rainfall. Showing: All Year January February March April May June July August September October November December.

Here are some average weather facts we collected from our historical climate data: During the month of May, June, July, August and September you are most likely to experience good weather with pleasant average temperatures that fall between 20 degrees Celsius (68°F) and 25 degrees Celsius (77°F).

All Year Climate & Weather Averages in Rockhampton.

We collected past weather data from many thousand weather stations around the world. Humidity: 37%: 77%: 92%: 54%: 37%: 76%: 90%: Dew Point: 54 °F: 59 °F: 60 °F: 59 °F: 57 °F: 62 °F: 60 °F: Visibility: 16 mi: 8 mi: 5 mi: 16 mi: 16 mi: 7 mi: 5 mi: Probability of Precipitation: 0%: 1%: 1%: 1%: 2%: … Weather and Climate offers all the information you need to know about the climate in Rockhampton. The afternoon humidity levels are for 3:00 pm local time. Rockhampton's average annual rainfall is a little over 800mm. The average annual percentage of humidity is: 59.0%. The morning humidity readings are taken at 9:00 am local time. The yearly averages for relative humidity are listed below for major cities across Australia.

There is also an extended table with more statistics available. Even in the driest month there is a lot of rain. More Climate Information For Rockhampton. Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold. Rainfall averages suggest a distinct wet and dry season, with the wet generally December to March and the dry June to September. Summary statistics ROCKHAMPTON AERO. The best time of year to visit Rockhampton in Australia.

Low Temp: 52 °F.

Precipitation: 0.58". A summary of the major climate statistics recorded at this site is provided below. Humidity: 68%. Rockhampton climate summary The Rockhampton lies on 14m above sea level Rockhampton's climate is classified as warm and temperate. Relative Humidity: 83%: Wind: ENE 9km/h: Wind Gusts: 9km/h: Pressure: 1012.2hPa: Fire Danger: 2.0: Rain since 9am/last hr: 26.2mm / - Mean Temp: 73 °F. This climate is considered to be … Typical daytime temperature ranges are 32 max 22 min in the summer /wet season and 23 max 9 min in the winter/dry season. More detailed data for individual sites is available. Months with the lowest humidity in Rockhampton, Australia, are August and September, with an average relative humidity of 40%.