Dr. Rahul Singh is a General Surgery Specialist in Dover, Delaware. He has over 9 years of experience as a General Physician. Learn more about this provider's specialty, hospital affiliation, practice locations and how to request an appointment. Dr. Singh is licensed in Virginia, and is triple board certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology, and Oncology. The entity type codes are: 1 = Person: individual human being who furnishes health care; 2 = Non-person: entity other than an individual human being that furnishes health care (Examples: hospital, SNF, hospital subunit, pharmacy, or HMO).

The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider. ZIP 20037 Phone: (202) 741-3000. Fellowship, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 2020, Residency, West Virginia University. 8101 HINSON FARM RD STE 211 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22306, 2150 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20037. Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians / Surgery, Dr. Rahul Singh attended to a university and then graduated. Internists are trained to care for adults of all ages for many different medical conditions. Providers chosen based on Dr. Singh's location and specialty. BIO :: Rahul Singh, MD. The provider is registered as an individual and his NPI record was last updated 2 years ago. Click here to refine your results. He graduated with honors in 2000. Singh, R., Lucke-Wold, B., Gyure, K., & Boo, S. (2016). 3 (2012): 296-301. The location address of the provider being identified. The information contained in this website is only for general information purposes. Singh R, Josiah, DT, Turner RC., Cantu-Durand DE, Williams HJ, Gyure K, & Voelker JL. Having more than 20 years of diverse experiences, especially in GENERAL SURGERY, COLORECTAL SURGERY (PROCTOLOGY), SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, Dr. Rahul Singh affiliates with many hospitals including Christiana Hospital, St Francis Hospital, Bayhealth Hospital, Kent Campus, cooperates with many other doctors and specialists in medical group Christiana Institute Of Advanced Surgery Pa. 9:2. The contents of the NPI Profile website are for informational purposes only. Comments are gathered from our Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey and displayed in their entirety. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory.

Physician referrals will be based on your referral needs and preferences of location, specialty, and rotation availability of the physician. Rahul Singh is an internal medicine provider established in Alexandria, Virginia and his medical specialization is internal medicine (hematology & oncology) with more than 9 years of experience. ALEXANDRIA, VA Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery. Dr. Singh accepts the following insurance: Check if Dr. Singh treats your condition or procedure, Likelihood of recommending Dr. Singh to family and friends is 5 out of 5. The Certificate is NO longer offered. Only physicians with appropriate medical staff privileges at an Inova affiliated hospital may participate. Goldstein, I. M., Singh, R., & Agarwal, N. (2017). Does Dr. Rahul Singh, MD accept my insurance? NPI Profile 2020 | Find information about and book an appointment with Dr. Rahul Singh Tonk, MD in Miami, FL, Plantation, FL, Coral Gables, FL. Rahul Singh, MD . Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Singh to book an appointment.

- Rahul Singh, MD It was during that course that he learned about the holistic nature of treating patients with spinal disease: although two patients may have similar radiographic findings, their symptoms, family dynamics, and professional goals may necessitate very different treatment goals.