Before we even begin, let’s take a step back and ask ourselves what we even mean when we say history. Even today, history holds an essential part in our society and the beauty of studying history is that it enables us to understand people, societies, and various cultures. Don’t know where to begin? For a knowledge to be considered historical, there has to be a at least, a slight truth about the situation that it is about. The collision of the ship with the reef tore a hole into the single walled hull of the tanker resulting in 10.8 million gallons of crude oil spilling into the waters of Prince William Sound and what is to this day still considered one of the worst environmental disasters in history. Excel Interview Questions and Answers to Help You Get the Job You Want. Why is the past important? These connections allow us to use their experiences both negative and positive to affect our personal and societal development. My teacher just makes it so boring it makes me want to burn every history text book in the world. One small thing (in the grand scheme of things) can leave such destruction in its wake. Why to study history; to know yourself, to know your world, to know others. To ignore history and not study it is to ignore some great lessons that could improve the future. "History" is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. If we don’t know anything about the rich and diverse history and geography of the Middle East, then we’d probably just shrug and nod at what the news tells us. Of course, we all understand that history repeats itself so others mistakes in the past serve as a lesson for us. These critical thinking skills are important for all areas in life, academic and otherwise.
Another benefit of know history is so you can understand why things are happening in our society today. On the other side of that coin, it can be fun to learn about ideas that began 100 years ago that are still a modern day issue. It does not matter what you intend to do to make money, knowing and understanding what happened in the past can you understand what is happening now, how things will work out, and what the future may hold. One can look at past economic and cultural trends and be able to offer reasonable predictions of what will happen next in today's world.
After there is an understanding as to how this has happened before in history, you can look to see how America recovered from it in the past and devise ways to help America recover from the housing market. History has the potential to break down those boundaries by offering us insight into entire worlds that would otherwise be foreign to us, unless we’d made the effort to seek them out. It is true that history is the record of our past; however, I think history is more than time and place. When we study history and learn about shocking atrocities that were committed and the events that led up to them such as the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, we avoid going down the same path. History offers us connections with the people that came before us, and the societies that they developed.
History is a valuable resource for us in numerous ways. Everyone knows that various media outlets have their own agendas, trying to push certain ideas on us and passing them as fact. Without informed thought, the same mistakes are made repeatedly and the same solutions continue to evolve.
Look that up, and you’ll find yourself some good reading on the history of photojournalism.
By learning about the causes and effects of events in history, people can learn better ways to deal with conflict among nations and individuals. The possibilities are endless when it comes to history, and there’s no shortage of inspiration for whatever your purpose: political, personal, creative, etc. Over 37 million people died as a result of this conflict, and it all began because a Yugoslav nationalist assassinated the archduke of Austria in June 1914. History is of vital importance to the human race because it primarily recounts the rise and fall of human civilizations.
What each and one of them have in common is the goal of tracing narratives of past events, and analyzing the patterns that emerge as a way to provide perspective on our past. Besides, we also learn from past mistakes made by our forefathers and avoid repeating them. It is important to study history for a litany of reasons. Or maybe you end up straying from photography, and discover the history of realist painters in America. If those are not good reasons for studying history, one can study history because it allows one to exercise their critical thinking skills. Many people feel like they need a sense of cultural belonging, which is something that studying your roots and embracing both the traditional and modern variants of your culture can provide. In fact, it wasn't until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 that women were allowed to possess a credit card in their own names (not attached to a father or husband's account). Learning to learn can be tough – check out this course on how to get motivated to learn. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Copyrights. Launching off the idea of history providing a framework by which activism can flourish, it also provides a rather strong foundation for empathy across cultures. Discover the Importance of India. Whether to study History or not is not a question at all. Looking back at past events helps us shape the present and the future. As such, future generations learn from past mistakes, past successes and evaluate whether history should repeat itself or not. It is important to study history so one may learn about past human behavior that is relevant to the intellectual growth and development of an individual. Knowing history helps you learn geography, political figures of the past, as well as have a small understanding of the advent of many things in modern society. The more we study history , the wiser we become.
It increases our knowledge of our cultural heritage and our ancestral roots where we originate from. History also helps us explain how systems were put in place in the past and how we relate to them in the present. The main reason to study history is so that you find out all of the facts for yourself. The issue that might surround an historical knowledge, is its credibility. it allows us to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. Historians also write a great deal; a study of history allows one to practice writing for different audiences. You will see people of the past who did not remember history and therefore made the same mistakes as the people before them. They stood a better chance of being admitted into law schools or even business promotion. History offers a deep-rooted knowledge on the existence and change in our society. Believing everything you hear, or having the power to criticize and empathize on your own accord? If you don't study history, you won't know when someone is misleading you. the aggregate of past events. History is the study of past events leading up to the present day.
History has its importance because: a. Throughout history there have been both great successes and horrific failures. For example, one can understand the importance of the social welfare programs if one looks at the Great Depression and New Deal. A historian of imperial Japan might focus on the role of the Japanese during World War II. We can evaluate the actions, reactions, and culmination of that adversity and use the data to inform our behavior and morality. Take for the story of World War I. I hope this makes you laugh :) . They were fighting to make sure that women could be treated as equal citizens of our country, including the right to vote, own property, or hold credit.