The younger generation in Laos is particularly eager to adopt English.

Lao (ພາສາລາວ pháa-sǎa láo) is the main language of Laos. Der Wortschatz des Laotischen enthält viele Lehnwörter aus dem Pali und dem Sanskrit. If you want to join, say “Baw gin,” and if you want to continue on, say “Gin leo.”. “Mak pet” means pepper and Lao cooking uses green and red chilis with reckless abandon. Laotische Schrift |

Gurmukhi-Schrift | With few grammar rules and no requirement to use punctuation or even put spaces between words, Lao is a challenging tonal language for native English speakers to pick up. The Lao script was developed in the 14th century by the Khmer script which has its roots in the Indian Brahmic script.

Khmer-Schrift | Singhalesische Schrift | French subsequently grew in importance in the territory and reached its climax between the 1910s and the 2nd World War. Die grundlegende Wortstellung im Satz ist Subjekt–Verb–Objekt. Even if you never totally decipher meaning of the curvy squiggles that are the Lao alphabet, learning these go-to phrases will win you favor with the locals. Laos officially became a French protectorate in the 1890s. Lao food and especially delicious shakes, juices and coffee can have an overabundance of both sugar and MSG. Malayalam-Schrift | Asking about their English abilities in Lao will break the ice.

Erbwörter im Grundwortschatz sind meist einsilbig. Countless lottery tickets are sold at street-side tables, and spirit houses can be seen outside many homes and businesses. Es gibt ein Dialektkontinuum zwischen Thai und Laotisch, zwischen beidem liegt der Isan-Dialekt von Nordost-Thailand.[2]. Lao is the official and the most widely spoken language of Laos. 86 languages have so far been documented in the country as used by its various ethnic groups. Tʰuk tʰuk kʰôn mīhēt pʰôn læ kʰwômkʰit kʰwôm hian swàn tôw kʰɔ̄̄ṅ pʰai kʰɔ̄ṅ mân, tǣ̀vồ manut tʰuk tʰuk kʰôn kʰwan papʰʉt tàṁ kân kʰʉ̄ kân kâp pianốy nɔ̄́ṅ kân. More than 80 languages are used by the different ethnicities of Laos. Tempus und Numerus etc. If you want your food a little spicy, ask for “pet noy nung.” Be aware that “a little” is in the eyes of the beholder, and you might still end up with a fiery meal. Sharing a meal and food with passersby is standard procedure. “Jao vao passa Angkit dai baw” translates to “Can you speak English?” Many Lao people, especially younger ones, will have studied English in school but may be shy to speak with foreigners. “Men” is also used in the affirmative. These are helpful phrases for communicating with drivers, especially local bus and Songtaew drivers who are dropping off a lot of people at unmarked stops. Migration and conflict have resulted in the present ethnic composition of Laos and to the geographical diffusion of its ethnic groups. Thai is also closely related to Lao, and the Isaan dialect spoken in the northeast is, with minor differences in vocabulary aside, virtually identical to Lao. Lao, also called Laotian, is the official as well as the dominant language in Laos. Imprimerie National, P. Geuthner, Paris 1937. Lao is the official language of Laos, where it is spoken by 3 of the country’s 5.6 million people. Devanagari | Want to ask “How are you?” Say: “Jao saibaidee baw?” The answer: “Saibaidee.” Want to say good morning? With few grammar rules and no requirement to use punctuation or even put spaces between words, Lao is a challenging tonal language for native English speakers to pick up. Lao keyboard is the easiest keyboard to write in Lao language. While tap water is not safe to drink in Laos, the locals don’t drink it either, so you don’t have to be worried about drinking from pitcher in restaurants or from the big blue jugs. But here are a few key phrases that are good to know. The Khmu form the largest ethnic group in five Northern provinces (Luang Prabang, Phongsaly, Oudomxay, Bokeo and Lungnamtha Provinces). You’ll almost never hear a Lao person raise his or her voice in anger.

Die laotische Sprache kennt zahlreiche Dialekte, wobei die größten Unterschiede sich zwischen den im nördlichen Laos und den in Mittel- und Süd-Laos gesprochenen Dialekten zeigen.

With no official transliteration system to the Latin alphabet, you might see the same Lao word spelled several different ways. French and English are identified as minority languages in Laos.

Addresses are not always prevalent in Laos, neither are street signs.

Lao people are not the best with maps, and most people navigate by landmarks. If you’re hiring a taxi or tuk-tuk to a place more obscure than a major hotel or airport, you would do well to navigate yourself and instruct the driver where to turn. Kannada-Schrift | Sylheti Nagari | English to Lao Translation tool includes online translation service, English text-to-speech service, English spell checking tool, on-screen keyboard for major languages, back translation, email client and much more.

Many washrooms have hoses to spray yourself down, but carrying around a pack of tissues just in case, it’s always a good idea. Standard-Laotisch, also der Dialekt von Vientiane, hat sechs Töne: tief, mittel, hoch, steigend, hoch und steigend, niedrig und fallend.

Die Zeichen für Vokale werden je nach Vokal unterschiedlich zum Konsonanten angeordnet: das Zeichen steht vor, hinter, über, unter, oder (in diesem Fall als zwei oder drei Zeichen) um den Konsonanten herum. Several languages used in Laos and Thailand are closely related to Lao such as Tai Daeng, Phu Thai, Tai Dam, and Nyaw. Vientiane Lao is the dialect which is widely understood and upon which the Lao vocabulary is based. It serves as a lingua franca in this highly multilingual country with a population that speaks 86 languages that belong to Mon-Khmer, Hmong-Mien, and Sino-Tibetan language families besides other Tai-Kadai languages. Laos has an abundance of Western-style toilets, but squat toilets are still common in the provinces and in public parks.

Julien Joseph Hospitalier: Grammaire laotienne. Chakma-Schrift |

If you’ve had something tasty, let your host know by telling them it was “sep” or “sep lai” for very delicious. Other minority languages of Laos include Arem, Hung, Khmer, Maleng, Pacoh, Lamet, Phai, Akha, and Kim Mun. “Lai Ngun Deh” literally translates to “calculate money please.” No one will be in a hurry to push you out of a restaurant or coffee shop, so you’re going to need to ask for the check.

Culture Trip stands with Black Lives Matter. While “sorry” isn’t a common phrase spoken by Lao people, “khaw toot” is a polite attention-grabber in a store or restaurant. Vatteluttu-Alphabet, ມະນຸດທຸກຄົນເກີດມາມີກຽດສັກສີ ສິດທິ ເສຣີພາບແລະຄວາມສເມີພາບເທົ່າທຽມກັນ ທຸກໆຄົນມີເຫດຜົນແລະຄວາມຄິດຄວາມເຫັນສ່ວນຕົວຂອງໃຜຂອງມັນ ແຕ່ວ່າມະນຸດທຸກໆຄົນຄວນປະພຶດຕໍ່ກັນຄືກັນກັບເປັນອ້າຍນ້ອງກັນ, Zuletzt bearbeitet am 26. Both “Khop jai lai lai” and “Khop jai deu” mean thank you very much. Eine weitere Besonderheit im Vergleich zu europäischen Sprachen ist, dass es bei den Verschlusslauten nicht nur zwei Reihen (stimmlos–stimmhaft), sondern drei Reihen (aspiriert–stimmlos–stimmhaft) gibt. These small decorative houses are a way to honor and give offerings to the spirits who live on the property so they don’t cause mischief for the inhabitants. Tamil-Schrift | A little over half of the population of Laos can use Lao and an estimated 3.3 million people can speak Lao in the world. Young children may point and stare calling out the word. Einige Vokale werden mit unterschiedlichen Zeichen geschrieben, je nachdem ob die Silbe auf diesen Vokal oder auf einen Konsonanten endet. The standard greeting, “suh-bye-dee,” offered with a smile and wave or a bow with hands pressed together at the chest in a “nop,” will nearly always be enthusiastically reciprocated by Lao people. Be forwarned, if you start dropping Lao phrases, locals may assume you know more than you do and talk your ear off. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. The Lao language helps people from the many ethnic communities interact with one another and in doing so serve as the lingua franca of Laos. Phagpa-Schrift | 86 languages have so far been documented in the country as used by its various ethnic groups. Der Ton einer Silbe wird durch die Kombination des Vokals und des oder der Konsonanten und teils durch Diakritika deutlich gemacht. Tell your barista or waitstaff ahead of time if you want your order made without either. Gujarati-Schrift | Toasting is done often, and all drinkers at the table are involved.

You can wave goodbye or give a bow with your hands together in a “nop.” The higher you hold your hands in a nop, the more respect you show. There is some cognitive dissonance with Westerners of Asian or African descent, who may be met with questions like “Where are you really from?” Falang isn’t an insult but rather a category.

Lao keyboard for all of us who love Lao language. Die Schrift hat 33 Konsonanten (der Buchstabe R wird nicht immer mitgerechnet) und 28 Vokale. It is often expected that the higher status person or person who invited the group together will pay. Laotisch ist eine isolierende Sprache, die weder Deklination noch Konjugation kennt.

If they can’t or won’t they might say, “baw dai” for “cannot.” If they know a little you might hear “dai noy nung.” Substitute “passa Ankit” for a language of your choice: “passa Falang” for French, “passa Lao” for Lao, or “passa Chin” for Chinese.”, What “Hakuna Matata” is to Swahili, “Baw Pen Nyang” is to Lao. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen. Pamela Sue Wright: A Lao grammar for language learners. Instead they brush off such thoughts: “Baw pen nyang.”. English has been threatening the dominance of French as the preferred foreign language. But here are a few key phrases that are good to know. Hold onto the elbow with your free hand during a toast for extra politeness. Im Dialekt von Luang Prabang gibt es fünf Töne: mittel fallend und steigend, tief steigend, mittel, hoch fallend, mittel steigend. In der folgenden Tabelle sind die Konsonanten des laotischen Alphabets angeführt sowie ihre Aussprache am Silbenanfang in Lautschrift und die Transkriptionssysteme des britischen Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, des US-amerikanischen Board on Geographic Names (BGN/PCGN),[3] der Library of Congress (ALA-LC)[4] und – soweit vorhanden – die Transkription, die in den Unicode-Namen der Buchstaben verwendet wird. Lao merchants aren’t trying to rip you off, and while you can ask them to lower the price, don’t expect more than a 10-15% discount. “Baw” means no and when paired with me as in “baw mee” it means “don’t have” and baw dai” means “cannot.”.

Bengalische Schrift |

Thailändische Schrift | Lao style meals are served with a bowl of sticky rice, spicy sauces, vegetables and meats, and eaten with the hands. Lao, manchmal bezeichnet als laotianische ( ລາວ ‚Lao‘ oder ພາ ສາ ລາວ ‚Lao Sprache‘) ist eine tonale Sprache der Kra-Dai Sprachfamilie.