(, Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. For this end, ponder the verbal declarations made of it in the Holy Scriptures; consider and improve the manifestations he hath given of it, both in your own and former times; and pray much that God would strengthen and increase your faith. It is difficult to believe his power. 2:6; 2 Kor. Which best represents the problem with the comment?
8In God is mijn Heil en mijn Eer; de Rotssteen mijner sterkte, mijn Toevlucht is in God. From creation to redemption and salvation, God is supreme. It may be taken in various ways.
want U zult eenieder vergelden naar zijn werk.
mijn sterke rots, mijn toevlucht is in God.
Kol. They instruct us to consider power as …
3:25; 1 Petr. ( Numbers 11:23 ); as if he had said: "What, Moses, dost thou think that my power is exhausted or weakened? Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. Sela. Psalms 62:11.
Ne 1:5. 7:27; 33:20; Matt. mijn veilige vesting; ik zal niet wankelen.
zijn een zucht. William Wisheart (1657- 1727), in "Theologia; or Discourses of God.". You have it also in Daniel 9:4 , in his solemn prayer. With the Hebrews also, and Orientals, txa is at one turn, as in 1 Samuel 26:8 : "Now therefore let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear even to the earth AT ONE TURN, and I will not smite him the second time." Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy; for thou renderest to every man according to his work.--Psalm lxii. Amen, When God speaks,it re-echo more than once or twice in the hearing of the listener,the best way to know whether God is speaking to you is by waiting quietly before Him,thou He speaks once but unquestionable power follows His voice to make it real in your mind.Bless you, In the midst of problems, loses,rebuke, treachery, oppression Lord spoke to me, "Do n't worry, because power & success belong to Me only.
Sela. want Gij zult een iegelijk vergelden naar zijn werk. Gij allen zult gedood worden; gij zult zijn als een ingebogen wand, een aangestoten muur.
God alleen is onze hulp.
Except some of the ancient versions, almost every version, translation, and commentary, says, Dr. A. Clarke, have missed the sense and meaning of this verse.
22:12want U zult eenieder vergelden naar zijn werk.
10Zeker, eenvoudigen62:10 eenvoudigen - Letterlijk: kinderen van een mens.
Creation and providence are evermore echoing the voice of God; "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." Stilheid en vertrouwen Voor de koorleider. ASV. ULTIMATE POWER BELONGS TO GOD. God said this once and for all; how many times Have I heard it repeated? AMPC.
'- Youngs Literal Bible (62:12) God hath spoken once, twice have I heard this: that strength belongeth unto God;- Jewish Publication Society Bible. Psalm 62:11. All rights reserved.
His enemies (evil men) were threatening to topple him as king and they were seeking ways to kill him 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God, 12 and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.
There are several renderings and interpretations, of these words; but that which to me seems most intended by our rendering is, I heard what was once spoken of twice at once; that is, I heard it speedily, and I heard it believingly: as soon as ever the word came to me I received it, and I received it not only with my ear, but with my heart.
Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. John 11:40 .
Thus mercy, and great and terrible are constantly joined together.
Once; yea twice. Immers zijn de gemene lieden ijdelheid, de grote lieden zijn leugen; in de weegschaal opgewogen, zouden zij samen.
From creation to redemption and salvation, God is supreme.
God heeft één ding gesproken, ik heb dit tweemaal gehoord: dat de sterkte Godes is.
Psalm 62 instructs us that the supreme power in all creation is God.