Pope Innocent followed the example of Pope Sixtus IV in living like a prince and being more concerned with furthering his family's prospects than with fulfilling the Church's spiritual mission and reforming its corrupt practices. Stay up to date with the latest news, information, and special offers.
In England he proclaimed the right of King Henry VII and his descendants to the English throne and also agreed to some modifications affecting the privilege of "sanctuary".
And moreover we enjoin by apostolic writ on our venerable brother, the Bishop of Strasburg, that, either in his own person or through some other or others solemnly publishing the foregoing wherever, whenever, and how often soever he may deem expedient or by these inquisitors or either of them may be legitimately required, he permit them not to be molested or hindered in any manner whatsoever by any authority whatsoever in the matter of the aforesaid and of this present letter, threatening all oposers, hinderers, contradictors, and rebels, of whatever rank, state, decree, eminence, nobility, excellence, or condition they may be, and whatever privilege of exemption they may enjoy, with excommunication, suspension, interdict, and other still more terrible sentences, censures and penalties, as may be expedient, and this without appeal and with power after due process of law of aggravating and reaggravating these penalties, by our authority, as often as may be necessary, to this end calling in aid, if need be, of the secular arm.
Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! In 1484, just after assuming the office of pope, Innocent VIII issued a bull calling for a vigorous persecution of witches in Germany. This left the pope free to establish closer ties with Lorenzo de' Medici, whose enmity with the della Rovere family was increased by the Pazzi conspiracy. Insecurity reigned at Rome during his rule owing to insufficient punishment of crime. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Lotario was the nephew of Pope Clement III; his mother, Claricia Scotti (Romani de Scotti), was from the same noble Roman family.
The pope did little to establish peace and security in Rome, which regularly saw fights between the Colonna and Orsini families. Cardinal Cibo was elected pope on August 29, 1484;[2] and he chose to be called Innocent VIII. Pope Innocent VIIIwas born Giovanni Battista Cibò in Genoain 1432.
Because Giuliano did not have the votes to win the papacy for himself, he supported Giovanni as a compromise candidate whom he could control. Reportedly, the night before his election, Giovanni signed a number of petitions granting lucrative favors to the cardinals who supported him. Decorating Summer Residence near Monte Mario. Innocent VIII's first means of raising money was by borrowing it using Church property. Under the influence of Cardinal Calendreni, for whom he worked initially, Giovanni took holy orders. The papal bull of Pope Innocent VIII known as Summis desiderantes (5 December 1484). We're not salespeople, but we depend on donations averaging $14.76 and fewer than 1% of readers give. We therefore, desiring, as is our duty, to remove all impediments by which in any way the said inquisitors are hindered in the exercise of their office, and to prevent the taint of heretical pravity and of other like evils from spreading their infection to the ruins of others who are innocent, the dioceses, territories, and places aforesaid in the said parts of upper Germany may not be deprived of the office of the inquisition which is their due, to hereby decree, by virtue of our apostolic authority, that it shall be permitted to the said inquisitors of these regions to exercise their office of inquisition and to proceed to the correction, imprisonment, and punishment of the aforesaid persons for their said offences and crimes, in all respects and altogether precisely as if the provinces, cities, territories, places, persons, and offences aforesaid were expressly named in the said letter. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. And, like his predecessor, Pope Innocent needed money for high living and enriching his family. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. The two were not reconciled again until 1492, when the dying pope was forced to make a deal that diminished papal territory.
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca – written by Rosemary Ellen Guiley – Copyright © 1989, 1999, 2008 by Visionary Living, Inc. Back to Historical Persons related to Witchcraft, Witchcraft in Europe, A Documentary History 1100–1700, The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca. Fr. The papal bull of Pope Innocent VIII known as Summis desiderantes (5 December 1484).
The only canonization which he proclaimed was that of Margrave Leopold of Austria (6 Jan., 1485). He agreed in 1489 to hold Sultan Bayezid II's brother prisoner in Rome in exchange for a yearly ransom and the lance of Longinus.
Because the new sultan was willing to pay large sums to prevent his brother from returning to Turkey leading a Christian army, many political states wished to entertain and detain the prince. Innocent VIII A Genoan born in 1432, Giovanni Battista Cibň was the son of a Roman senator and served in the court of Naples as a youth. The chief concern of the new pope, whose kindliness is universally praised, was the promotion of peace among Christian princes, though he himself became involved in difficulties with King Ferrante of Naples. He issued an appeal for a crusade against the Waldenses, actively opposed the Hussite heresy in Bohemia, and forbade (Dec., 1486) under penalty of excommunication the reading of the nine hundred theses which Pico della Mirandola had publicly posted in Rome.
Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1972. These remarks are included in Part 2, Chapter XV, which is entitled: “How they Raise and Stir up Hailstorms and Tempests, and Cause Lightning to Blast both Men and Beasts”: Both the papal letter appended to the work and the supposed endorsement of Cologne University for it are problematic. Born at Genoa, 1432; elected 29 August, 1484; died at Rome, 25 July, 1492.
Innocent VIII died on 25 July 1492 leaving behind him two illegitimate children born before he entered the clergy “towards whom his nepotism had been as lavish as it was shameless” In 1487 he married his elder son Franceschetto Cybo (d. 1519) to Maddalena de’ Medici (1473–1528), the daughter of Lorenzo de’ Medici, who in return obtained the cardinal’s hat for his thirteen-year-old son Giovanni, later Pope Leo X. Pingback: Summis desiderantes affectibus, why women? And this, all other apostolic decrees and earlier decisions to the contrary notwithstanding; or if to any, jointly or severally, there has been granted by this apostolic see exemption from interdict, suspension, or excommunication, by apostolic letters not making entire, express, and literal mention of the said grant of exemption; or if there exist any other indulgence whatsoever, general or special, of whatsoever tenor, by failure to name which or to insert it bodily in the present letter the carrying out of this privilege could be hindered or in any way put off,—or any of whose whole tenor special mention must be made in our letters. A compromise candidate, Cibň was elected pope in 1484. Pico issued an apology and went into exile in France. Round Aurora Crystal Sterling Silver Rosary, Can a Catholic vote for Joe Biden? Innocent VIII, pope from 1484 to 1492. Educated at Padua and Rome, he was made a cardinal in 1473 by Sixtus IV. He was the son of the Roman senator, Aran Cibò, and Teodorina de' Mari. At the conclave of 1484, he signed, like all the other cardinals present, the election capitulation which was to bind the future pope. Like other bishops, the popes themselves owned slaves — Pope Innocent VIII accepted the gift of numerous slaves from Malaga, given by the exceptionally devout Queen Isabella of Castile in 1487. Pre-Ecclesiastic Period. Lorenzo's thirteen-year-old son Giovanni was made a cardinal at this time.
Pope Innocent VIII and the witches. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, © Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. The bull was printed in Rome by Eucharius Silber, and issued after November 17, 1487. Thank you.
It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Lorenzo de' Medici later interceded on his behalf and arranged for Pico to return to Florence, where he died in 1494. The pope's alliance with Lorenzo was strengthened in 1488 by the marriage of his illegitimate son Franceschetto with Lorenzo's daughter Maddalena. The choice fell on Cibò himself who, in honour of his countryman, Innocent IV, assumed the name of Innocent VIII. kramer and Sprenger used the bull at the forefront of their witch-hunter’s bible, the Malleus Maleficarum, published in 1486 and widely circulated throughout Europe. Although Pope Innocent would have liked to have mounted a crusade against the Turks, who had driven the Christians out of the Near East, his political attention was absorbed by his ongoing conflict with the Kingdom of Naples. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, © Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. He was made Bishop of Savona in 1467, but exchanged this see in 1472 for that of Molfetta in south-eastern Italy and was raised to the cardinalate the following year. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Wherefore in the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, and places aforesaid such offences and crimes, not without evident damage to their souls and risk of external salvation, go unpunished. Can a Catholic vote for Joe Biden?
Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. PRE-PAPAL BACKGROUND . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1939.