Malinda A Estes (born Sapp) was born on month day 1846, at birth place, Missouri, to William Thomas Sapp and Louisa T. Sapp (born Risk). The parents of Marvin Sapp are Lodena Holyfield (mother) and Henry Lewis Sapp (father). William was born on December 6 1825, in Ashland, Jefferson, Missouri, United States.

The church had posted a message on its website asking for prayers for MaLinda Sapp. The two divorced when little Sapp was just 10 years old, but the songs his mother taught him remained with him. MaLinda Sapp was a professional counselor and administrative pastor at her husband's Lighthouse Full Life Center Church in Grand Rapids, Mich. Louisa was born on January 1 1825, in Boone Co., Missouri.