These cardinals were reluctant to meet with the batch of cardinals recently promoted by Callixtus II, who were mainly French or Burgundian.

[53] Although Pope Callixtus II had made him Papal Legate of a number of Spanish provinces, Honorius informed Diego that he had been made aware of Diego's ambitions and subtly advised him to keep his ambition in check. [36] In 1126, Louis insisted on filling episcopal vacancies in the See of Tours with his own candidates over Hildebert's objections.

This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Pope Honorius II. The Frangipani, led by Leo Frangipani, pushed for the delay in order that they could promote their preferred candidate, Lamberto,[7] but the people were eager to see Saxo de Anagni, the Cardinal-Priest of San Stefano in Celiomonte elected as the next pope.

[30], Honorius, on hearing news of the disorders at Cluny, sent a legate to investigate with orders to excommunicate and denounce Pons and order him to present himself before Honorius. Lamberto est né dans une famille simple dans le hameau de Fiagnano dans le village de Casalfiumanese près d'Imola. [6] Conrad found little help in Italy and with Honorius's support, Lothair was able to keep his throne.

[34] Charging Henri with simony, Louis attempted to remove another threat from within the French church.

There, he formally invested Roger with the duchy of Apulia and both agreed to a peace between the Kingdom of Sicily and the Papal States. In the conclave to elect Calixtus’ successor, the choice of Honorius was challenged by a faction supporting Cardinal Teobaldo Buccapeco (Antipope Celestine II). Made cardinal bishop of Ostia (1117) by Pope Paschal II, he became Pope Calixtus II’s emissary to Germany. [21] Oderisio also mocked Honorius's peasant background behind his back. [33] Louis confiscated Stephen's wealth and began harassing him so that he would cease his reforming activities. [18] In 1128, Honorius's forces successfully captured the town of Segni, which was also held by a local baron who died during its capture. [67] Honorius eventually transferred from the monastery to the Lateran for reburial once Innocent II had been elected. [18] In 1125, papal force brought to heel the lords of Ceccano. His pontificate achieved reform within the church and peace between the Holy See and world rulers. [58] To rectify this situation, some members of the order appeared before the Council of Troyes in 1129, where the Council expressed its approval of the order and commissioned Bernard of Clairvaux to draw up the order's rules, which now included vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. [24] He reassured the monks of his intentions, and in September 1127, he personally installed Seniorectus as abbot.

[14] This was a coup for Honorius, as such a confirmation had never occurred before,[6] and around July 1126 Honorius invited Emperor Lothair to Rome to obtain the imperial title. [42], Honorius was also called to intervene in the affairs of Normandy, as Fulk of Anjou and King Henry I of England battled for domination.

[8] There, at the suggestion of Jonathas, the Cardinal-Deacon of Santi Cosma e Damiano, who was a partisan of the Pierleoni family,[6] the Cardinals unanimously elected as Pope the Cardinal-Priest of Sant'Anastasia, Theobaldo Boccapecci, who took the name Celestine II.

[47], Next, John convened the Synod of Westminster in September 1125, which was attended by both the archbishops of Canterbury and York, together with twenty bishops and forty abbots. [22], Determined to bring the Benedictines to heel,[6] Honorius insisted that the election of Niccolo was uncanonical, and demanded that Seniorectus, the provost of the monastery at Capua, be elected as abbot, to the fury of the Monte Cassino monks. Lamberto est l'un des cardinaux qui ont accompagné Gélase II dans son exil de 1118-1119. [14] Lothair was keen to keep Honorius on his side, keeping to the terms of the Concordat of Worms by not attending episcopal elections, agreeing that the investiture should only occur after the bishop's consecration, and that the oath of homage be replaced with an oath of fidelity. Honorius II, original name Lamberto Scannabecchi, (born, Fagnano, near Imola, Romagna [Italy]—died Feb. 13, 1130, Rome), pope from 1124 to 1130. [13] Of the German princes, the ecclesiastical faction was against any expansion of Hohenstaufen power,[6] and they were determined to ensure that Frederick would not succeed Henry. Although he obtained numerous privileges for his see and Honorius always spoke encouragingly to him, Honorius avoided having to make a decision that might alienate the powerful archbishops of Canterbury.

After the death of Pope Nicholas II (1059–1061) in July 1061, two different groups met to elect a new pope. Le pape Honorius II (9 Février 1060-1013 Février 1130), né Lamberto Scannabecchi, était chef de l' Eglise catholique et souverain des États pontificaux du 21 Décembre 1124 à sa mort en 1130.. Bien que d'un milieu modeste, son intelligence et ses capacités évidentes remarquables ont vu le promu dans la hiérarchie ecclésiastique.

[3], With Gelasius's death at Cluny on 29 January 1119, Cardinal Lamberto and Cardinal Cono (Bishop of Palestrina) conducted the election of a new pope according to the canons.

[26] Honorius had just suffered a defeat at the hands of a local baron at Arpino in 1127 when Honorius received word that Roger had landed in Italy.


Honorius II failed to prevent Roger II of Sicily from extending his power in southern Italy and was unable to stop Louis VI of France from interfering in the affairs of the French church. [35], Royal pressure was also brought to bear on Hildebert of Lavardin, whom Honorius had transferred from the see of Le Mans to become the Archbishop of Tours in 1125. Attached to the Frangipani family of Rome, his election as pope was contested by a rival candidate, Celestine II, and force was used to guarantee his election. [18] When Honorius took possession of Fumone, he returned it, after taking safeguards, to its rebellious custodians and ordered that the Antipope Gregory VIII be transferred there from his previous lodgings at Monte Cassino. Henry objected to the marriage of Fulk's daughter Sibylla of Anjou to William Clito, the son of the duke of Normandy, on the grounds that they were too closely related by blood, being sixth cousins. Made cardinal bishop of Ostia (1117) by Pope Paschal II, he became Pope Calixtus II’s emissary to Germany.

The Grimoire of Pope Honorius is a significant seventeenth century French grimoire with a selection of Book of Secrets charms attached to it In combining these two strands of practice, it continued the tradition found in earlier manuscripts where this practice is seen regularly.

Honorius had a long-standing dislike of Oderisio going back to the time when Honorius was cardinal-bishop of Ostia.

[6] Cardinal Aymeric and the Frangipani family began planning their next moves, and Honorius was taken to the San Gregorio Magno al Celio monastery, which was located in the territory controlled by the Frangipani.

[23] The monks elected Niccolo, the dean of the monastery.

[6] Eventually, Celestine's supporters abandoned him, leaving Honorius the only contender for the papal throne. [6] Both groups looked towards the great Roman families for support. [11] Henry had immediately begun appointing imperial vicars throughout the newly acquired province over the objections of both the Tuscan cities and the papacy. [27], Roger returned in May 1128 and continued to harass papal strongholds while avoiding any direct confrontation with Honorius's forces.

[63], After almost a year of suffering a painful illness,[64] Honorius fell seriously ill in early 1130. [5] The struggle came to a conclusion with the Concordat of Worms in 1122 and the "Pactum Calixtinum" that was almost entirely due to Lamberto's efforts[5] was effected on 23 September 1123. [21] Oderisio refused, and Honorius never forgot the insult. Honorius in the meantime entered into an alliance with the new Prince of Capua, Robert II. [21] Honorius had asked for permission from the abbot to allow him and his entourage permission to stay in the church of Santa Maria in Pallara, which was a traditional privilege belonging to the bishops of Ostia. [46] Upholding the claims of York, Honorius was unsuccessful in forcing the Scottish bishops to obey Archbishop Thurstan. [2] Entering into an ecclesiastical career, he soon became archdeacon of Bologna,[2] where his abilities eventually saw him attract the attention of Pope Urban II,[3] who presumably appointed him cardinal priest of the Titulus St. Praxedis in 1099. He expected absolute obedience, so much so that it took the mediation of Archbishop Adalbert of Mainz to prevent the suspension of Saint Otto of Bamberg for non-attendance. [45] Honorius wrote to the clergy and nobles of England, directing them to treat his legate as if he were Honorius himself.

[6] He was buried in the south transept next to the body of Callixtus II.

[54] Honorius also ensured that Diego should play a leading role in the Synod of Carrión (February 1130), having his legate approach Diego and ask for his assistance during the synod.

The pope sent a legate back to Palestine with instructions that Bernard was to acquiesce and that the various bishops were to submit to William of Malines within forty days.

[6], Honorius travelled to Benevento, and after safeguarding the interests of Robert of Capua,[28] he met Roger on the Pons Major, the bridge which crosses the Sabbato river near Benevento, on 22 August 1128.

Pope Honorius II (9 February 1060 – 13 February 1130), born Lamberto Scannabecchi, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 21 December 1124 to his death in 1130. Lamberto was of simple rural origins, hailing from Fiagnano in the Casalfiumanese commune, near Imola in present-day Italy.

Comme légat du pape, il a participé activement au concordat de Worms (1122).

[43] They refused to divorce, and Honorius was forced to excommunicate Fulk and his son-in-law and to impose an interdict upon their territories.

In July 1128, the two armies came in contact with each other on the banks of the Bradano, but Roger refused to engage, believing that the papal armies would soon fall apart, and soon enough some of the Pope's allies began deserting to Roger.

[26] In the meantime, many of the local Norman nobles, fearful of Roger's power, allied themselves with Honorius, as Honorius formally excommunicated Roger in November 1127. [41] He also intervened on behalf of the monks of the Lérins Islands who were constantly harassed by Arab pirates, encouraging a crusade to help defend the monks. Updates?

[51], Urban of Llandaff also travelled to Rome on numerous occasions to meet with Honorius throughout 1128 and 1129, to plead his case that his diocese should not be subject to the see of Canterbury. [6] Honorius agreed to invest Roger with the duchy of Apulia in exchange for an oath of faith and homage by Roger. C'est pendant son pontificat que furent approuvés les prémontrés, et l'ordre du Temple en 1129 lors du concile de Troyes.

[48] Although the synod issued rulings on the forbidding of simony and of holding multiple sees at the same time, it did not touch on the vexed question of primacy between Canterbury and York.

[39] Although this incurred the wrath of Bernard of Clairvaux, who wrote to Honorius expressing his disgust,[39] Honorius pressured Stephen of Senlis to become reconciled with King Louis in 1130. [25] Honorius also insisted that the monks take an oath of fidelity to the papacy, but they strenuously objected.

[40] That same year, Honorius helped Conan III, Duke of Brittany, bring one of his rebellious vassals to heel.