Ganze Strassenzüge sind markiert mit gepfählten Leichen. In Folge des Einmarsches wird Vlad in einer Schlacht bei Bukarest getötet.

[45] He began a purge against the boyars who had participated in the murder of his father and elder brother, or whom he suspected of plotting against him. [143] Two years later, the pope included them in his Commentaries. [74] Basarab had settled in Sighișoara and laid claim to Wallachia.

[37], Vlad allegedly wanted to settle in Brașov (which was a center of the Wallachian boyars expelled by Vladislaus II), but Hunyadi forbade the burghers to give shelter to him on 6 February 1452.

Vlad unterliegt, Ende 1448, in einer Schlacht mit den walachischen Bojaren (=Großgrundbesitzer/Edelleute in "rumänischen" Fürstentümern), die Vlads Anspruch auf den Thron seines Vaters Vlad II nicht anerkennen wollten und flieht in die Karpaten, um sich dort zu verstecken. Dieser lässt ihn an einer Stege befestigen und zur Schau stellen.

[29] Vlad Dracul and his eldest son, Mircea, were murdered.

[24][25] Their lives were especially in danger after their father supported Vladislaus, King of Poland and Hungary, against the Ottoman Empire during the Crusade of Varna in 1444. [112], Vlad was first imprisoned "in the city of Belgrade"[113] (now Alba Iulia in Romania), according to Chalkokondyles. [105], Matthias Corvinus came to Transylvania in November 1462. [154] They provide a detailed narration of the conflicts between Vlad and the Transylvanian Saxons, showing that they originated "in the literary minds of the Saxons". He is often considered one of the most important rulers in Wallachian history and a national hero of Romania.[4]. [85][86], After the execution of the Ottoman officials, Vlad gave orders in fluent Turkish to the commander of the fortress of Giurgiu to open the gates, enabling the Wallachian soldiers to break in the fortress and capture it.

[77] Peace had been restored before 26 July 1460, when Vlad addressed the burghers of Brașov as his "brothers and friends". There were large stakes there on which, as it was said, about twenty thousand men, women, and children had been spitted, quite a sight for the Turks and the sultan himself. [160] The original text was written in Buda between 1482 and 1486.

[181] He urges Vlad to return from the grave and to annihilate the enemies of the Romanian nation:[181]. [103], The main Ottoman army left Wallachia, but Vlad's brother Radu and his Ottoman troops stayed behind in the Bărăgan Plain. [30][31] Taking advantage of his opponent's absence, Vlad broke into Wallachia at the head of an Ottoman army in early October. Mehmed launched a campaign against Wallachia to replace Vlad with Vlad's younger brother, Radu.

1444 werden die beiden Brüder aus der Kriegsgefangenschaft befreit, schweben jedoch nach einem Feldzug gegen Varna in Lebensgefahr. Er kämpft mit grausamer Härte gegen die osmanischen Truppen und pfählt seine Gegner. [177] Ion Budai-Deleanu wrote the first Romanian epic poem focusing on him. Vlad was killed in battle before 10 January 1477. Vlad broke into Wallachia with Ottoman support in October, but Vladislav returned and Vlad sought refuge in the Ottoman Empire before the end of the year.

[176], Most Romanian artists have regarded Vlad as a just ruler and a realistic tyrant who punished criminals and executed unpatriotic boyars to strengthen the central government. [81] Tursun Beg (a secretary in the sultan's court) stated that Vlad only turned against the Ottoman Empire when the sultan "was away on the long expedition in Trebizon" in 1461. [153] However, the stories emphasizing Vlad's cruelty are to be treated with caution[155] because his brutal acts were very probably exaggerated (or even invented) by the Saxons.

[93] The town had been deserted, but the Ottomans were horrified to discover a "forest of the impaled" (thousands of stakes with the carcasses of executed people), according to Chalkokondyles.[98]. [128], The place of his burial is unknown. [9][10] In modern Romanian, dracul means "the devil", which contributed to Vlad's reputation. [110] Florescu writes, "[T]he style of writing, the rhetoric of meek submission (hardly compatible with what we know of Dracula's character), clumsy wording, and poor Latin" are all evidence that the letters could not be written on Vlad's order. Das sind ungarische Werbauern, die Jahrhunderte lang die Karpatengrenze gegen Einfälle aus der Walachei bewachten. [93][95] However, the Wallachians "missed the court of the sultan himself"[96] and attacked the tents of the viziers Mahmut Pasha and Isaac. Das Ziel seines Kriegszugs ist die Unterwerfung und Eroberung der osmanisch-besetzten Gebiete. Vlad Țepeș (n. 1431, Sighișoara, Transilvania, România – d. 14 decembrie 1476, București, Țara Românească), denumit și Vlad Drăculea (sau Dracula, de către străini), a domnit în Țara Românească în anii 1448, 1456 - 1462 și 1476.

He came into conflict with the Transylvanian Saxons, who supported his opponents, Dan and Basarab Laiotă (who were Vladislav's brothers), and Vlad's illegitimate half-brother, Vlad the Monk. 1475 fallen die ungarischen Truppen unter der Führung von Vlad in Bosnien ein. [179][183] Even Vlad's acts of cruelty were often represented as rational acts serving national interest.

1443 geriet Vlad mit seinem Bruder Radu in türkische Kriegsgefangenschaft. [72] In response, Vlad "ransacked and tortured" some Saxon merchants, according to a letter that Basarab Laiotă (a son of Dan II of Wallachia)[73] wrote on 21 January 1459. Wer auch immer ihm widersprach, dem drohte wie auch allen Kriegsgefangenen der Pfahl. [40] He must have returned to Hungary before 3 July 1456, because on that day Hunyadi informed the townspeople of Brașov that he had tasked Vlad with the defence of the Transylvanian border. [74] Dan III stated that Vlad had Saxon merchants and their children impaled or burnt alive in Wallachia.[74]. Er nennt sich nun Vlad III. [120], Basarab Laiotă returned to Wallachia with Ottoman support, and Vlad died fighting against them in late December 1476 or early January 1477. [29] The Byzantine historian Michael Critobulus wrote that Vlad and Radu fled to the Ottoman Empire, which suggests that the sultan had allowed them to return to Wallachia after their father paid homage to him. [80] Both records suggest that Vlad ignored the suzerainty of the Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, already in 1459, but both works were written decades after the events. Er selbst war ein Zeclar. Dieser Beiname wurde bisweilen auch als „Soh… [162][163] For instance, the Skazanie writes of a golden cup that nobody dared to steal at a fountain[164] because Vlad "hated stealing so violently ... that anybody who caused any evil or robbery ... did not live long", thereby promoting public order, and the German story about Vlad's campaign against Ottoman territory underlined his cruel acts while the Skazanie emphasized his successful diplomacy[165] calling him "zlomudry" or "evil-wise". [16] Modern historians identify Vlad's mother either as a daughter or a kinswoman of Alexander I of Moldavia,[13][16][17] or as his father's unknown first wife. [37][39] Vlad returned to Moldavia where Alexăndrel had dethroned Peter Aaron. [92], The Ottoman fleet landed at Brăila (which was the only Wallachian port on the Danube) in May. [35][36] Not long after, he moved to Moldavia, where Bogdan II (his father's brother-in-law and possibly his maternal uncle) had mounted the throne with John Hunyadi's support in the autumn of 1449. 1448 unterwirft Vlad die ungarischen Truppen bei Bukarest und marschiert in die Hauptstadt ein. Gleichzeitig sollte diese grausame Art der Tötung einfallende Feinde abschrecken. [118] Mehmed II acknowledged Basarab Laiotă as the lawful ruler of Wallachia.

Die Schreckensherrschaft von Vlad IV Tepes Draculea, Woiwode der Walachei ist vorbei.

Dracul den Thron zu besteigen. [120] In January 1476 John Pongrác of Dengeleg, Voivode of Transylvania, urged the people of Brașov to send to Vlad all those of his supporters who had settled in the town, because Corvinus and Basarab Laiotă had concluded a treaty.

[108][110], To provide an explanation for Vlad's imprisonment to Pope Pius II and the Venetians (who had sent money to finance a campaign against the Ottoman Empire), Corvinus presented three letters, allegedly written by Vlad on 7 November 1462, to Mehmed II, Mahmud Pasha, and Stephen of Moldavia. [26] Vlad II Dracul was convinced that his two sons were "butchered for the sake of Christian peace", but neither Vlad nor Radu was murdered or mutilated after their father's rebellion. [80] The Renaissance historian Giovanni Maria degli Angiolelli likewise wrote that Vlad had failed to pay tribute to the sultan for three years.