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In perfect agreement: public acclaim for the device was matched by that of the experts of the Jury. Approved by major transport operators: Transdev, Keolis and RATP, The Rudder by vOOg has won the Auvermoov innovation competition, Purchase or lease, costs and lifespan of the device, The Rudder by vOOg was selected from among 21 candidates for the Auvermoov award.

The Rudder: patented in France and in around 50 other countries. In addition to being installable using standard methods for setting up devices in spaces, The Rudder is also compatible with the ‘PLUG’ system, which enables any device to be installed securely and quickly, offering incredible flexibility, either outdoors and indoors. But to really add value, it needs to have a map that also highlights them. The fastest way to sign up is by simply clicking on the ' GET STARTED' button at http://voog.com . The French patent (INPI) and its extensions in more than 50 countries (PCT), all claims retained, testify to the uniqueness and value of The Rudder, which is marketed exclusively via vOOg. Our cartographic expertise will allow you to talk about your spaces much better than any other orientation device could do. Sic: ‘This is the classic orientation device of the future.’. Even the device itself will enhance your space and its identity. The Rudder has once again been considered a future classic with undeniable added value: a natural response to a universal need. The Rudder by vOOg was selected from among 21 candidates for the Auvermoov award. The Rudder promises to become a classic orientation device that will fulfil all expectations in terms of its design, robustness, durability and ease of installation and maintenance. It is very easy to get started with Voog. Risk free. Its maps are clearly well oriented in relation to real space, which makes the experience virtually infallible. A geographer and urban anthropologist, Sonia is an internationally recognised specialist in pedestrian strategy and the walkability of spaces. Auvermoov: the competition for innovations and solutions that promote sustainable transportation (www.auvermoov.fr). Voog propose de nombreux modèles de conception facilement modifiables.
The easy procedure for modifying or updating the map appearing in the dial means that The Rudder will continue to be useful over time (transformation of the space or event), adapting itself to the needs of each new development. Voog peut être intégré à une variété de méthodes de paiement.

Logistically and technically, if the map needs to change, an ingenious system of interchangeable capsules makes it possible to reduce call-outs to a few minutes and a few simple tasks with zero risk of errors. The Rudder is a unique and fun-to-use object that intrigues and attracts the public and that they clearly enjoy using. Trials: general public and decision-makers, The voice of an expert who's impressed with The Rudder: Sonia Lavadinho, A strength of The Rudder: the quality of industrialization, Cartography: personalisation and development of maps, Positionnement : rendre l’outil le plus pertinent dans vos espaces. The prototype presented was claimed to be THE discovery at these events. All develop complementary skills to offer optimal use of spaces. Local councillors, community organisations, transport-industry and space-management professionals and the media were unanimous in their praise of the innovation.

Sign up for a free VPN account to try out Zoog VPN. You're directed to our choose-a-design page where you can choose an initial template to get started with your site. Choisir un thème Un environnement convivial pour les développeurs. Our skills in understanding pedestrian traffic and perspectives on grids or ‘leisure routes’ enable us to assist you in choosing the best location(s) in the service of mobility.

Le Gouvernail et Révéler vos mobilités sont les deux activités de vOOg, start-up lyonnaise spécialisée dans la signalétique et l'information voyageurs. People of all generations and backgrounds, from children to the elected representatives of major French cities, were heard to make the same comments, almost universally: ‘It’s crazy!

No commitment.
Set up a call with us to know more about our cooperation with major fashion brands on closing their loop of production leftovers. By turning with The Rudder, which makes it possible to place your destination at the top of the dial, the place you want to get to will remain in front of you, physically and mentally. Set up your new website or online store in minutes. The cost will be linked to a specific scale of prices relating to the lifespan monitoring of the device and potential future maps. The Transdev Group, one of the world’s leading public transport companies, operational in 20 countries and on 5 continents, has ranked The Rudder as the most effective solution for pedestrian support around sustainable transport solutions (metro, tram, bus, car-sharing, etc.). For the occasion, Transdev is widely distributing a video that demonstrates this conviction. ‘Why hasn’t anyone thought of it before?’, ‘At least with this, we can find out about and understand what’s around us’, ‘Finally, there’s a way of finding my way around without having to bury my head in my smartphone.’, ‘We’re fed up with digital innovations that are obsolete after a few months … a practical solution, at last!’. Your route becomes much easier to memorise … and to follow. A ground-breaking low-tech innovation that revolutionises pedestrian orientation, wherever there’s any possibility of uncertainty. A confirmation of the power of simplicity. Signing up to Voog is simple, free and takes almost no time at all. The Keolis and RATP groups are also showing a lot of interest in The Rudder.

Essai gratuit pendant 30 jours, pas de carte de crédit requise. 3. 10 cartographic agencies committed to our side! The Rudder’s cartography: promoting a fully conversant dialogue between the space’s administrators and its users! She works closely with communities and transport operators, in particular to imagine innovative concepts that will increase the ease, pleasure and the space available for walking in everyone’s daily life. Voog - Eesti ausaim sotsiaalvõrgustik. The Rudder received very positive feedback from the general public in Grenoble (France), during eight months of testing, followed by trials in Brest, Clermont-Ferrand, Puteaux and Issy-les-Moulineaux. vOOg is associated with 10 French cartographic agencies strongly involved in the service of the rudder in a partnership logic. Outdoors and indoors: it finds its place everywhere. J'accepte les Conditions de service, les Accord sur le traitement des données et j'ai lu les Politique de confidentialit é. Commencer. A device that’s valued for its durability, and thus its environmental friendliness, its ease of installation, and for offering a map that’s customised and endlessly renewable in terms of its content, scale and graphics, in accordance with the life of the space, The Rudder faithfully represents the place to its administrators and users. Configurez votre boutique en ligne avec des systèmes de paiement sécurisés.