to give a tip or bribe to (esp. “H—— are all the same. The kakapo is about the size of a raven, of a green or brownishgreen colour, thickly freckled and irregularly barred with dark brown, and dashed here and there with longitudinal stripes .of light yellow. But the peace of 1810 and the fall of Stadion once more dashed his hopes, and, disillusioned and "hellishly blasé," he once more retired to comparative inactivity at Prague. 133.

3. For the heart of a dancer, inspirational dance quotes can strengthen a weary spirit and refresh dreams that are often dashed by failed auditions and side lining injuries. As she dashed the cool water on her face, the strength returned to her legs. On this occasion a great crowd, especially of young people, thronged round the well with shouts of religious enthusiasm, while the servants of the well dashed buckets of water over their heads. One of the kittens dashed toward Kiera, moving sideways like a spider on its flexible legs, and she skittered farther away. a government employee). dashed arrow is connected to the full arrow to make things clearer. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It took fifty minutes before the door burst open and Howie dashed out and up the stairs with Martha close on his heels. Qat's great enemy, Qasavara, was dashed against the hard sky, and was turned into stone, like the foes of Perseus. try its best to collect and create good sentences. The motion of the foot is indicated by either a solid or a dashed line - the solid indicating the foot that moves first, the dash indicating the secondary motion of the following foot. The end of the Constituent Assembly he heard of with joy and with bright hopes for the future, soon dashed by the behaviour of the Legislative Assembly. Then he stiffened as if sandbagged by a sudden recollection, gave a small yelp of terror and. John appears to have expected that this alliance would restore him to his kingdom, but his hopes were dashed to the ground when Frederick himself assumed the title of king of Jerusalem. Snatching some clothes, she dashed off to the bathroom.

Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. "My turn," Julie said as she dashed off to the John.

She may pass the next without being dashed to pieces, but she is too rickety to stand the third.

The most common types … to daunt (someone); cast down; discourage, the symbol (–) used, in combination with the symbol, ⓘ One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term. But the peace of 1810 and the fall of Stadion once more dashed his hopes, and, disillusioned and "hellishly blasé," he once more retired to comparative inactivity at Prague. 22. All Rights Reserved. Frozen for a few moments by the audacity of this woman, the two men finally collected their wits and dashed out the door after her, but she was already gone.

Compare these sentences: Writers and transcriptionists replace unknown, censored, or intentionally omitted letters with em dashes. 132. dasheen in a sentence - Use "dasheen" in a sentence 1. "Hurrah-ah-ah!" In a flood of tears and half-controlled sobs she got to her feet, and handkerchief to her face, dashed across the room toward the entrance.
The death of the pious king Josiah at Megiddo in 608 B.C. dotted definition: 1. past simple and past participle of dot 2. past simple and past participle of dot . In these cases, em dashes appear in pairs or threesomes. Arrived at the summit, Bredow sounded "line to the front," but at that moment a storm of French bullets swept down on them, and the men, no longer to be restrained, dashed forward, before the line could be completed, almost due east against long lines of infantry and artillery which they now saw for the first time about 1200 yards in front of them. Farther inland, sunny skies will be dotted with many cumulus clouds. 40. Dashed and dotted lines indicate mountain folds.

There are three forms of dashes: em, en, and the double hyphen. He cupped his hand and dashed water into her face. Katie dashed off and was back seconds later, frantically pushing it firmly into place. The child turned and dashed away. -- 2, The elephant dashed the man on the floor violently, Types of road lines - solid, dotted, broken, dashed.
There are three forms of dashes: em, en, and the double hyphen.

shouted different people and the people dashed in pursuit of the trap. She dashed off to her room to retrieve it. so as to break to pieces: He dashed the plate into smithereens against the wall. It immediately dashed off down into the thickly vegetated gully below the trail. This was the pinnacle of my happiness, from which I was in a little while dashed to earth. 2. Replace "dash-dotted" with "dashed and dotted" and you get a sentence that's harder to parse, and on first reading implies a mismatch between the number of samples and the number of lines. At this point we were very wet, with Kate pebble dashed by the ash track bed. Forum discussions with the word(s) "dashed" in the title: In other languages: Spanish | French | Italian | Portuguese | Romanian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Russian | Polish | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic. She dashed out into the rain, her head protected only by her thin scarf. At the head of 150 mounted riflemen, accompanied by Colonel Mackinnon, he dashed out of the fort, and, through a heavy fire of the enemy, rode to King William's Town - a distance of 12 m. "To the health of our Sovereign, the Emperor!" He dashed forward and grabbed Lisa's arm on the other side. Be dotted with in a sentence - Use "be dotted with" in a sentence 1. Any hope he'd had of finding something—anything!—to use as a weapon was dashed as he looked around the sparsely decorated room.