Hand raking pine straw in a planted longleaf pine stand in south Alabama. You may want to eliminate those from California, the upper Midwest states, maybe New England, or maybe not. Slash, average from 6 to 36 years Slash, peak age (15 to 16 years). “Litterfall, Decomposition, and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dynamics in a Chronosequence of Slash Pine (Pinus Elliotii) Plantations.” Forest Science 31(2):463-78. Blanche, and T.C. It is best to harvest straw when it is dry—wet straw is heavier and can mold when baled and stored.

Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) grows better than other tree species in sandy, well drained soils, but it will grow in almost any soil except prairie soils. The amount of pine straw produced depends on several stand conditions. Conifers are trees that don't shed their leaves each fall.

Baled pine straw is usually stored on-site in a closed trailer until harvesting operations are complete. n.d. “Tree Tips: Making a Profit from Pine Straw.” North Carolina Cooperative Extension.

“Three Essays on the Pine Straw Industry in a Georgia Community.” Ph.D. dissertation, Auburn University. Among the major factors are basal area, age, and site index. Extension publication ANR-1371, “Basal Area: A Measure Made for Management.” ANR-1371. All plants are dug and immediately taken to our warehouse and tera-sorb moisture retention gel is applied to the roots and then wrapped in plastic to retain superior moisture for transit. All plants ships from our warehouses in Tennessee. Bare Root: 79 Species of Hardwoods including native Oaks, Maples, Gums, Cypress, Sycamores, Persimmon & American Plum. There are nine genera in the Pinaceae family worldwide, but only six are found in North America: Pinus (pine), Pseudotsuga (Douglas fir), Abies (fir), Picea (spruce), Larix (larch), and Tsuga (hemlock). The Longleaf Pine does not range as far north, with its range extending from Virginia to central Florida and as far west as eastern Texas. As trees mature, pine straw productivity will decline. Raking pine straw can potentially negatively affect the quality of local water resources. The stand needs to be flat with few or no terraces. So far they are still green 6 days in.

A neighbor approached this differently. However, there are a number of important factors to consider before investing time and money into pine straw harvesting operations. Although it prefers low lying river valleys, this pine tolerates a spectrum of conditions, including loamy, acidic, and even well-drained clay soils. If you think you may have a pine pollen allergy, then be sure to consult your allergist and ask for advice on options available to you.

Spring burns are often conducted to reduce hardwood species and likely would not interfere with raking operations. If the needles are only in clusters of two, the tree is likely a loblolly pine or a longleaf pine. Longleaf, site index of 60, basal area of 80 sq.ft./ac. Some leaf types you'll need to know are palmate leaves, those lobed to resemble a hand, or more feathery pinnate leaves. Copyright © 2020 Tennessee Wholesale Nursery. My suggestion is to plant evergreen shrubs (hollies, wax myrtle, etc. “Intensive Pine Straw Management on Post CRP Pine Stands.” Georgia Forest Productivity Publication Series. (Photo credit: Becky Barlow). Landowners or a trusted friend or relative should visit the site during harvesting to make sure that workers are using appropriate management practices and fulfilling contractual obligations.

Remember that burns can influence the effectiveness of other treatments, such as application of herbicide or fertilizer. Stands with more frequent raking schedules have demonstrated increased concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon in runoff collected following raking of research plots.

Loblolly Pine is a Southern U.S. commercial softwood tree species grown primarily in Georgia and South Carolina. Long leaf pines had a much more extensive range in Alabama historically, but because of logging activities and fire suppression, regrowth of long leaf pine forests all but disappeared. Wood is used for lumber, construction timbers, pulp, and plywood. The wood from these trees is used in building, wooden flooring, for furniture, and more.... Loblolly Pine can efficiently be transplanted. It also provides a brief overview, in three sections, of issues related to the production and harvesting of pine straw: • What landowners need to know about their property, • What landowners need to know about their objectives and management strategies, • What landowners need to know about the pine straw market. Available at http://www.caed.uga.edu/publications/2005/pdf/MA-05-01.pdf. “Pine Straw Management in Florida’s Forests.” University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS). Try some Shorleaf pines as well. On the other hand, if you plant a variety of broadleaf evergreens in front of them, you'll have a much more interesting screen.