It will not work on Linux, especially changing the SOPIN is not working. Installing the cryptographic module in Mozilla Firefox will allow you to use this browser for accessing the secured pages of a website.

CentOS 4 / Scientific Linux 4 (rhel4), i686 and x86_64 architectures.

If you want to use your eToken on any other platform than Windows then stick with the RTE_3.65 software release instead.

You will then see a page with the following choices: Download the Aladin.jar file available a little bit further down the page: • Aladin.jar: The software • Aladin: Unix shell script … From the main menu, select: Tools -> Options -> Advanced and choose the Encryption tab. And I like that with a little tweaking, my eToken still works!

Academic theme for This can only be done on Windows (and perhaps MacOS, but this is untested). Have you gone back to default and then start again.

After initializing or reformatting your eToken you must initialize the user password ('PIN') before you can store any data on it.

For a quick verification, run, Aladdin eToken on Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric ocelot) amd64. ill try out. Install Aladdin eToken on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. The latest 4.55 package for MacOSX is also at at You can find the required software on the web: If you're running Windows XP or Vista you can also use the newer PKI Client 4.5/4.55 software: However, you need to make sure that your eToken is initialized in 3.65 compatible mode under the Advanced Settings screen otherwise your token is inaccessible on any other platform than Windows.

pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/ -k --key-type rsa:2408 -l --id 45 --label NEW. Has anyone been able to get Aladdin eToken to work on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit.

1 min read, At the end of last year the central heating system (including hot water) at home started to fail. the mkproxy script to generate grid proxies (see Using an Aladdin eToken PRO to generate grid proxies for details).

For example, it talks about applying a patch from the RHE tar ball after you install … I am currently looking for SafenetAuthenticationClient-8.3 386 and x64 debian file to install it on my ubuntu 14.04., This page was last modified on 5 December 2019, at 11:17. Initializing the user PIN can be done on both Windows and Linux. Note that I said libhal1, in DIRECT CONTRADICTION to SafeNet's user guide. I have documented the needed steps below. Introduction After some work on getting the Austrian Bürgerkarte to work under Linux, I have now decided to acquire some know-how about using more general smart cards under Linux. - openssl req -out CSR.csr -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout privateKey.key; Everything does seem to be working well but since Safenet Authentication Client says that certificate usage is AT_KEYEXCHANGE (although key usage is digital signature and certificate key usage nonrepudiation), then i am not able to use my eToken for digital stamping. After rebooting the operating system should recognize the eToken automatically when it is inserted (a red light will start to glow inside the eToken). Aladdin eToken RTE 3.65 software (in binary form only).

With the help of Ionut D’s comment I managed to install the SafeNet eToken software on a 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 system. You can use the eToken PRO on Mac OS X 10.4 and above in the same way as on Linux. 14.04 64-bit smartcard. 22 Nov 2018 – Ubuntu 16.04 / 32-bit deb prince_13.5-1_ubuntu16.04_i386.deb Ubuntu 16.04 / 32-bit tar.gz prince-13.5-ubuntu16.04-i386.tar.gz Ubuntu 14.04 / 64-bit deb prince_13.5-1_ubuntu14.04_amd64.deb Currently, it is not possible to reformat an eToken on Linux. /tmp/java-pkcs11.cfg: Now you can use the Java keytool to access your eToken: you can statically configure the file: add a line, to the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ file and now you can use, Using an Aladdin eToken PRO to store grid certificates, Downloading the Aladdin eToken RTE software, Installing the Aladdin eToken RTE software, Differences between manual and packaged installations, Generating or storing a grid certificate on the eToken,,,,,, Using an Aladdin eToken PRO to generate grid proxies,,,, Storing your grid certificate on an Aladdin eToken,,, Infrastructure for Collaboration - Site Access Control and MWSEC, A very secure way to store grid certificates is on an Aladdin eToken (, Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 and compatible (Scientific Linux 4, CentOS 4). Luckily it was not directly broken, but it slowly gave less and, Three weeks ago I finished my home build thermostat and heater control using openHAB and MySensors and I am really pleased with the result so far.

Those questions are already answered, but it’s nice to see how the system physically looks like. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. With some tinkering it is possible to use an eToken on.

Adding Token security provider....done Please reboot to run Token PKI service., sudo dpkg -i SAC\ 8.3\ Linux/Installation/Standard/DEB/SafenetAuthenticationClient-8.3.34-0_amd64.deb. eTokens initialized with this version of the Aladdin software are completely unusable by older releases. These hotplugging scripts work on all Linux 2.6+ kernels, including 2.6.16 and above. i would be thankful if you removed my thread.

Bahaa Aladdin 6,404 views. Disclaimer: Most of the pages on the internet include affiliate links, including some on this site. So you'll need to prep your x86_64 system with i386 goodness, by using sudo apt-get install ia32-libs libhal1 opensc pcscd. But I really Distribution: Ubuntu 12.04 The RPM and Debian packages contain the following. →. ah forget it. See If that is the kind of support the manufacturer offers, I would return it. To unpack the Linux archive, the rar command is required. Q&A for Ubuntu users and developers. Join 250,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles.

I found a lot of articles on how to set it up on Ubuntu.

Sun's Java SDK has pretty good support for external PKCS11 libraries. Aladdin eToken install issue on Ubuntu 14.04. Product: Aladdin eToken PRO, Problem: Unable to use certificate for digital stamping, [ v3_req ] It is very rare upgrades of Debian stable break functionality. Unfortunately, the steps are different for my Archlinux machine, so here it goes. There are two flavours: one for RPM based systems, and one for Debian based systems. Bruce Fulton 42,539 views. 1 min read, 17 Jul 2016 – This .CSR (made with utility) worked fine: ttoomema, your request is surely altered? To initialize your eToken for the first time you can use either the Windows client software (Start->Programs->eToken->eToken Properties) or you can use pkcs11-tool : where Your_New_SO_PIN is the new Security Officer Password. Since Ubuntu is very related to Debian, it may offer a solution. This page has been accessed 105,156 times., sudo dpkg -i libhal-storage1_0.5.14-8_amd64.deb, Download, unzip and install SafenetAuthenticationClient-8.3: Today I did a new install on my workstation at work going from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Now that you have initialized your eToken you can either generate a new certificate/private key pair on the eToken itself (very secure!)

A very easy method for importing (or removing) keys in your eToken is to add the eToken as a Security Device in Firefox. This information is somewhat outdated as most of us are using a more recent version of Ubuntu today. Enter your email address to get our daily newsletter. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. One of the softwares I need uses Aladdin USP key to initiate and run properly. install a package for your distribution which does all the hard work for you. COuld someone provide the steps for same.

not all functions are available on all platforms. Stack Exchange Network. It can be used to authenticate a given profile on company access portals. For Nikhef, SARA and IGTF members the following will also work: Instructions on how to manually install the Aladdin eToken software using the petoken install script can be found in Because the previous version of the software was outdated and the