Satellite image of the hurricane Laura 2020. The scale consists of five categories: the first one indicates minimal damage, and the fifth one is catastrophic. The hurricane brought with it a deadly storm surge and damaging winds, but at this time it appears Texas was spared the worst of the weather. On top of the live map, there is a colorful scale. Disclaimer   

"Our state hasn't seen a storm surge like this in many, many decades.". Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. "We did everything we could to encourage them to leave.". Comentar las notas de Clarín es exclusivo para suscriptores. In the coastal Cameron Parish, the district where Laura is making landfall in Louisiana, at least 150 people refused to evacuate before the storm's arrival. landfall late Wednesday into early Thursday morning. is a professional weather app, created for water and wind sports: sailing, surfing, fishing, and etc. Evacuation orders were in place in Texas and Louisiana for roughly 500,000 people, while buses of residents from western Louisiana headed to New Orleans, on the hurricane's eastern track. La escala con la que se mide la intensidad de los huracanes se conoce como Saffir-Simpson, y los divide en 5 categorías de acuerdo con la velocidad de sus vientos y la actividad ciclónica, que es un incremento anormal en el nivel del mar tras una tormenta. Su velocidad de traslación es de 25 kilómetros por hora. For more information see @NWSWPC and your local @NWS office. The storm arrived with sustained 150mph winds, and officials had warned it would bring an "unsurvivable" storm surge as high as 20ft for coastal areas. Hubo informes de los jueces locales del condado, así como de otros funcionarios... sobre la cantidad de personas que aún no fueron evacuadas", alertó Abbott. Now the hurricane Laura 2020 was formed was formed on Friday, August 21, 2020, near the coast of Cuba. Back in Texas early this morning, there were nearly 100,000 without power in the Beaumont area. According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), one of the main scientific agencies and meteorological services in North America, since 1924, only 35 hurricanes have reached such power levels. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Hurricane tracking maps, current sea temperatures, and more. The region has been battered by storms that have intensified with the climate crisis, with the erosion of protective marshlands, barrier islands and protective tree lines compromised by brackish water intrusion, while shipping lanes carved out by industry have stripped lines of defence from powerful storms. He cited particular concern for Cameron Parish, the district in Louisiana where Laura is making landfall and which could experience a storm surge of up to 20 metres. It was moving north at 15 mph. Tropical storm Laura 2020 is expected to become a hurricane of at least 3d category on the Saffir–Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale (SSHWS). Ante la peligrosidad del potente ciclón, más de medio millón de personas en la costa del Golfo de México recibieron órdenes de evacuación, luego de que la tormenta Laura se convirtiera en un huracán este martes.

But it is understood that not everyone who was advised to evacuate has done so. Or push the arrows or the "Play" button to get the forecast. Se prevén olas sin precedentes de hasta seis metros. Contact the appropriate services if you experience difficulties. Hurricane Laura, although a very powerful storm, has a very small wind field. Hurricane Laura - Huge chemical fire spews toxic chlorine gas over Louisiana and at least four dead as Mike Pence is blasted for empty offer of prayers. For now, the hurricane Laura 2020 is affecting Cuba and the Florida Keys in the United States. Here is a list of important items you should have at home or take with you if you evacuate before a hurricane: Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. The storm is hitting at high tide. COMENTARIOS CERRADOS POR PROBLEMAS TÉCNICOS. The hurricane is threatening a centre of the US energy industry, and 84 per cent of Gulf oil production and an estimated 61 per cent of natural gas production has been shut down, with close to 300 platforms evacuated. The data provided on this site is for informational and planning purposes only. : horario y cómo ver en vivo a Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden hoy, Las “milicias” paramilitares, más poderosas que el narcotráfico en Río de Janeiro, Áspero debate entre Donald Trump y Joe Biden con acusaciones cruzadas por corrupción, Histórico cambio de postura en la Iglesia Católica: el Papa Francisco alentó la unión civil para parejas homosexuales, Elecciones en Estados Unidos: Clarín en Ohio, el estado “oxidado” que siempre vota ganador, Fue a buscar sus ahorros y el banco le había dado la caja de seguridad a otro cliente: dice que le faltan US$ 100 mil, Los estremecedores detalles de la autopsia al sospechoso del crimen de Abigail Riquel que murió linchado, La verdad detrás del megaoperativo en la City: un clan narco peruano ligado a un financista asesinado, Pity Álvarez, un año preso: engordó 20 kilos y seis personas nunca dejan de verlo, El periodista al que le robaron mientras esperaba salir al aire contó cómo recuperó el celular, Dos horas de tensión en un edificio a cinco cuadras de Plaza de Mayo, luego de que tomaran a una vecina de rehén.

On the map, you see a window with the hurricane Laura 2020 speed. 8:00 PM AST Tue Oct 20 Location: 28.2°N 56.3°W Moving: NW at 13 mph Min pressure: 992 mb Max sustained: 65 mph Public El gobernador de Texas, Greg Abbott, describió al huracán Laura como una "tormenta insuperable" y urgió a la población de la costa a evacuar cuanto antes porque solo disponen de pocas horas para abandonar sus hogares. Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said search and rescue rescue efforts will start when officials are able to head out into the floodwaters safely. Pronostica además “una marejada ciclónica imposible de sobrevivir” con “grandes y destructivas olas” que causarán “un daño catastrófico” desde el parque estatal Sea Rim, en Texas, hasta Intracoastal City, Louisiana. More info: #Laura Hurricane Laura, seen here by GOES EAST on August, 27, 2020, at 2 A.M. The estimated minimum central pressure of hurricane Laura 2020 is 996 mba. HOUSTON — Residents in western Louisiana received the worst impacts from Hurricane Laura, which was a major Category 4 hurricane at landfall late Wednesday into early Thursday morning. Please allow a moment for the live blog to load. “Para las áreas en el sureste de Texas, que estarán más cerca del punto donde el huracán puede llegar, esas personas todavía tienen solo unas cinco horas para evacuar. Propietario Arte Gráfico Editorial Argentino S.A. © 1996-2020 Clarí - Clarín Digital - Todos los derechos reservados. Get detailed weather forecast, live world wind map, and local weather reports. La categoría 4 es considerado como la segunda categoría más alta en la escala. The hurricane's center went between Shreveport and Monroe before heading into Arkansas and continuing to lose intensity. The storm already traversed the whole of Cuba, where 260,000 people were evacuated, but also Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Cayman Islands, Jamaica. © 2020 Copyright Windy Weather World Inc.

They're sending the strongest possible message about how serious this storm is.". Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards said: "They're thinking Cameron Parish is going to look like an extension of the Gulf of Mexico for a couple of days.". También advirtió de los tornados que arrastra el potente ciclón. Hurricane Laura made landfall in Cameron, Louisiana very early Thursday morning. River Valley 'Go Red for Women' event goes digital amid pandemic, Washington County Sheriff's Office searching for missing teen, Daytime sky turns pitch-black due to fire, Arkansas men’s basketball to play University of Central Arkansas in December, Arkansas at Oklahoma State for SEC/Big 12 Challenge, VERIFY: Live fact-checking the second presidential debate, VERIFY: Fact-checking the final debate between Trump, Biden. "Widespread" flash floods are expected in streets and waterways from eastern Texas into Louisiana and Arkansas, the Hurricane Centre reported. Laura is moving north fast, which means seriously flooding (from the rain) will not be a widespread issue - even in Louisiana. All new users living in the area of the hurricane or typhoon get access to the free Pro version of the app on the time of hurricane or typhoon activity, so they can use professional tools in order to correctly evaluate weather conditions. A storm surge warning also is in effect along the central Texas coast to the mouth of the Mississippi River in southeast Louisiana, while hurricane-force winds are expected along the Texas and Louisiana coasts through Thursday. Scroll or zoom (+ / -) the cover to find out where the hurricane is now, and how strong it is.

Scroll it to the right to see the projected path (track) of the hurricane Laura 2020.