But I think it was just a fear, I think, that we've see in the news that globalization means Americanization. Onscreen caption: Jakarta, Indonesia In addition, Unit One: Introducing Economic Growth, in the Activities provided with the Educators' Guide, concentrates on interpretation of measures for growth, income and distribution. Government budget policies Economy, Money supply, Monetary policy 603  Words | First being bonds, which is a debt investment in which an investor loans money to an entity that borrows the funds for a defined period of time at a fixed interest rate.

And of course it's not just what's on the balance sheet of banks and so forth, but that would translate into people not working, businesses not operating, small businesses not being able to get their capital they need.

-France and Belgium said that the Germans should pay for what they've done And yet most normal working people, most normal citizens don't watch the volume of trade. Japan stuck to its old ways, and the nation's economic slump continued. Together, these chapters detail how India's idealistically planned, protectionist economy produced a noncompetitive, monopolistic auto industry that stifled innovation. new rules of the game talked about a more recent global market. While the growth of globally integrated markets has expanded wealth and raised living standards in many parts of the world, there have also been destructive effects. Economy, Money supply, Monetary policy 603  Words | Efficiency, Equity and the Role of Government

I earn enough to send some money home to my children. This all dated back to, two very influential figures with rival views and their schools of taught which had a huge impact on western economic theory in the 20th century. ANAND PANYARACHUN: And that's the unfortunate part of so-called globalization, because such negative effects can be totally responsible, can come very fast. Shortly afterward, the leading presidential candidate was assassinated. Nobody loses. This AT&T control center handles 300 million calls each day. Following World War I two young economists emerged that hoped to solve the world’s economic troubles, John Meynard Keynes and Friederich Hayek. That's why I am today standing selling things for two hours. His headquarters in Bangalore became the world's second largest software campus. NARRATOR: By the mid-90s, many Asian economies were growing at the astonishing rate of 10 percent or more each year. The first episode of Commanding Heights begins by showing a world with a global economy that is then torn apart by World War I. And so in a lot of different fronts we think that NAFTA has shifted the balance of bargaining power in the continent of North America towards multinational corporations. Commanding Heights Episode 3 LAWRENCE SUMMERS, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 1999-2001: We had a close call. Brazil's government cut spending and enacted reforms. PROGRAMMER, Silicon Valley: This is the land of opportunity. Of particular note are Chapters 7, 13, 15, 17, 18, and 19, which deal with the consequences of establishing state-owned monopolies to create "fair shares" and the eventual re-privatization of these same industries.

This guide maps Commanding Heights Online resources to criteria from The College Board's "Advanced Placement Program Course Description: Economics." I. But this time, a loan package was put in place early. Behind each fence and barnyard wall there must be a risk that we hadn't though of, you know, like the redcoats retreating from Lexington. Along with migration comes problems, these migrations can cost the area where these people are flocking to, cutting jobs for the natives for slightly cheaper wages. NARRATOR: The cost of living was rising. Premium On the low-bandwidth version of the site, these same links to related content can be accessed for each chapter from the Storyline menu of Episode Two.

NARRATOR: The very day NAFTA came into effect, Zapatista rebels launched an uprising in Southern Mexico. people (after WWI) Summary: Episode Three: The New Rules of the Game Just the trade agreement with the United States has moved our total trading, which was six years ago US$40 billion, today is US$280 billion in just six years. Part 1, The Battle of Ideas, chronicles the history of economic thought from the start of the 20th century and its socialist reforms right through the deregulation of the 1980s. A quarter of its money was invested overseas. TRANSCRIPT 8. Onscreen caption: Singapore Investment flowed elsewhere. And I learned that discipline, that hard work, that talent is the way to succeed. The third episode of the Commanding Heights series entitled “The New Rules of the Game” does examine the history and development of globalization from 1990 till the present day.

Chapter 2: The Global Idea [3:52] Churches have been burnt; mosques have been attacked; they have killed each other. Episode 3 addresses the current and future problems of a globalized world.

Premium LEE HSIEN LOONG: I think they misjudged the situation.

NARRATOR: Many developing countries had been colonies of the West. It's easier said than done, but these are the principles you have to follow. DANIEL YERGIN: They called it the Asian economic miracle because the world had not really seen that kind of economic growth, that many people brought out of poverty, that rapid a creation of a middle class so quickly anywhere in the history of the world. -Keynes was advicing the UK gov't on how to utilize money

Only Microsoft's was bigger. As Rubin said, we'd never seen that before. Chapter 8: The Global Village [6:47]

All it takes is someone with a vision and an idea for how to do something better. Manages $6 billion In addition, chapters within all three episodes of the program trace the evolution of the Indian economy from independence through the reforms of the 1990s. This episode related to our class material in multiple ways. Companies have been more aggressive and threatening to move production to Mexico. NARRATOR: In just four years, loans to Thai businesses had tripled to over $200 billion.

This episode in particular addresses the current and future problems of a globalized world. 3  Pages. And sometimes he doesn't remember how old they are. Dr. Gregory Arburn

Narayana Murthy understood this revolution earlier than most. Measurement of Economic Performance

The Draper family had invested in entrepreneurs since the 1950s, when they brought venture capital to Silicon Valley.

Commanding heights 1. DANIEL YERGIN: Historians may well say that a new era began at the beginning of the 1990s with the end of the Cold War and the Gulf crises. When that didn't work, the Thai government asked Washington for even more help. Economics, World War II, Minimum wage 601  Words | How the world nationalized third world countries allowing exchange and investment. Onscreen caption: Economic reforms lifted 300 million Chinese out of poverty. The new rules of the game talked about a more recent global market. LEE KUAN YEW: The fund managers didn't know the difference between Indonesia and Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore. WILLIAM McDONOUGH: The head of a securities firm or a bank is not paid to be a patriot. Extensive related content links/enhancements include economic data, essays, debates, and in-depth interviews from participants who shaped and reshaped these policies. In the end although it hurt American Jobs because Mexico’s goods were cheaper, Both Bush and Clinton wanted NAFTA to succeed in order to put labor and pollution laws into effect in all the countries involved. For much of the last century the argument appeared to swing in favor of central planning and government control. 3  Pages. "It is important for students to understand the arguments for and against government intervention in an otherwise competitive market. DANIEL YERGIN: It's hard to believe that at the beginning of the 1990s, e-mail was virtually unknown; most people didn't have it. Onscreen caption: Robert Rubin called an urgent meeting at the Treasury. This. It takes decades for a country to grow up to a certain level, and all of a sudden it disappears. Worthwhile examples of outward directed, comparative advantage policy in action are found in the following country reports: Hong Kong (especially from '60s on), Chile (from 1974), Argentina (from 1976), Egypt (after 1977), Turkey (after 1980), Brazil and Bolivia (after 1985), Tanzania (from 1987), Mexico (from 1988), Peru (from 1990), Taiwan and India (from 1991), Russia (1992), South Africa (1995), Singapore and Pakistan (after 1997), Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand (after 1998), and Korea (after 1999). Basic Economic Concepts I knew a lot of rich people and multimillionaires would like to take time off to play golf, to enjoy the fresh air in the mountains, which you cannot find in Bangkok. By early 1997, Southeast Asia's rapid economic boom was overheating. In covering perfect competition, the course focuses on determining short-run and long-run equilibrium, both for the profit-maximizing firm and for the industry, and on the equilibrium relationships between price, marginal and average revenues, marginal and average costs, and profits. Assets: $150 billion And finally we got to the point where we said, "Well, we think this is over."

The first episode of Commanding Heights begins by showing a world with a global economy that is then torn apart by World War I. Students need to understand that the combination of monetary and fiscal policies used in addressing problems of inflation and unemployment has an effect on international factors such as exchange rates and the balance of payments.

Key Themes Articulated in the Series ROBERT RUBIN: It was fascinating, because we had Mexico, which we really did think was facing default, and we had enormous political problems accomplishing what we felt we needed to accomplish to support Mexico, to try to prevent this from happening, and we all knew that while we believed the program we were recommending was right, there was some risk it wouldn't work. Part 3, The New Rules of the Game, explores the consequences of globalization, including terrorism and the contagion of market collapse. Korea was then given the largest bailout in history. NARRATOR: The world economy had survived the first crisis of the globalization era, but millions of ordinary people had paid the price. I use Thai brown rice. WORKER: You'll stand up against the good old boys to do that?