It seems we all shop and compare prices. 3. This causes burning of grass plug roots and induces a serious nitrogen deficiency that will stunt or kill newly planted plugs. Once in contact with water, Tags : save moneysave watersod wateringwater bill, Watering your yard really doesn’t have to cost “an arm and a leg.” With a properly planned and operating irrigation system you can cut your water usage as much as 50%. Even if the sod looks like it has been, Tags : Growing a new lawnSeedingSoddingSodding vs. seeding, The lush, beautiful lawn you desire can be achieved through a variety of methods. 1000 sq.ft.

Recently, a customer drove to our Moriarty farm to purchase our premium sod.

When it comes time to fertilize your soil in preparation for planting we suggest using a gentle, non-chemical based fertilizer.

Water ‘Bella’ when it gets a gray-green color and the grass blades are folded and thin. Many grasses survive drought by going dormant only to “wake up” when water is made available. total 3. This will retain water to feed back to the sod, as well as loosen the current soil structure. MAINTENANCE AND EXTENDED CARE for Established, Plug Grown Lawns: Watering: Once established Buffalo and Blue Grama grass are very drought tolerant, but they may need extra water during the hottest part of the summer to keep them green and actively growing. This will greatly reduce the amount of weeding after planting the plugs. It is an excellent choice for residential or commercial lawns and qualifies for LEED points for water efficient landscaping, as it uses only ¼” of water per week. Grasses used in New Mexico consist of cool-season and warm-season grasses. It grows to a height of 4-6 inches, so mowing is optional, and dependent on the look desired.

Shipping Info If you live in very warm winter areas (zones 9-11) plants with zones 3-4 ratings are not recommended.
Proper soil preparation can be done anytime before planting the plugs.

yard per 100 sq. Ordering Info Note: Letting the lawn go brown by withholding water will not kill Kentucky Bluegrass. Please open upon receipt and follow the instructions included. Last, Tags : installation instructionspeat mosssod installsod installationtop soil, 1.

(While repeated, widespread use of glyphosate can be damaging to the environment, healthy soils are capable of breaking down any residual chemical from a one-time use. Today’s half-ton pickups are capable of hauling more than 1000 pounds (1/2 ton). Click on the product name (ie. c) Measure the grid: Use a string line marked every 6″ or 12″ (with a Magic Marker), stretch it between two stakes to show you where to plant each plug.

You can start by knowing how much water you are applying at each watering…it’s effortless! Using a netting benefits only the farmer…not their customer! Our Fescue Blend.

We cut sod and have it available ALL YEAR ROUND (as long as the ground isn’t’ frozen or snowed upon, which doesn’t happen, Both our Albuquerque Lot & Moriarty Farm are closed December 16, 2019 – January 6, 2020. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. This method also greatly reduces the amount of weeds that sprout once the plugs are planted.

Grass Characteristics While establishing the grass plugs, it is important to mow the area between 1 ½ to 3 inches to control weed growth. Pull weeds when they’re small.
For heavy sand or clay soil, a soil amendment such as a new nutrient-rich  compost or top, Did You Know? Pull back a corner of sod to verify your watering is penetrating the underlying soil. WATERING - Frequency: Water in newly planted plugs thoroughly so that the soil is wet to a depth of 4-6 inches. Thanks!

Prestige Buffalo Grass has fine soft blades with a stunning green color. Scientists throughout the world are increasingly documenting the significant role of turf, particularly in urban/suburban settings where the removal of turf and other vegetation has amplified problems such as the “urban heat effect.” In the 1990 Farm Bill, the U.S. Congress noted: Tree plantings and ground, We, at Stonegate Turfgrass Ranch, want to wish you and yours a fun and safe 4th of July! Albuquerque Sales Lot 3430-A Pan American Freeway NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 DIRECTIONS TO ABQ SALES LOT: From I-25 and I-40 Interchange: Take I-25 North to Comanche exit, Unless you have a truck from the 1960’s or older, “half-ton” does not accurately describe hauling capacity. Even when irrigated heavily, summers in southern New Mexico can be too hot for perennial ryegrass to survive. The ‘Plant Information’ section describes how that item will ship. Lower-water alternatives include Buffalo Grass (Bouteloua dactyloides) and Blue Grama Grass (Bouteloua gracilis). We charge one low flat rate for shipping our products even if your order requires multiple shipments. To improve the soil for best results use organic or natural soil amendments listed below.