The rise of Christianity was not taken kindly by the Roman Empire however, who believed in their own deities and saw this new religion as a great threat. The Pope exercises ex officio supreme legislative, executive and judicial power … The general politics and governance of the Vatican City are undertaken by the head of the Catholic Church, the Pope.
As with most things in Italy, the beginnings of the Vatican started during the Roman Empire when the area was just a marshy region called Ager Vaticanus. In 1277 a half-mile long, secret passageway was assembled to link the Castel Sant’Angelo with the Vatican City.
A deal worth waiting for it seems! The pope exercises principal legislative, executive, and judicial power over the State of Vatican City (an entity distinct from the Holy See), which is a rare case of a non-hereditary monarchy. Instead of forcing him out of the Vatican, Italy assumed they would simply wait until the Pope cracked. The wall surrounding the Vatican City was built in 846 AD after a load of Saracen pirates damaged the Basilica and other areas of the thriving community. More confusion and debate ensued when the unified Italian government claimed virtually all of the land outside the city’s walls in the 19th century. Whether you’re a follower or not, the Vatican is a remarkable place with so much to see and do! It wasn’t until 1929 that an agreement was reached which involved the signing of the Lateran Pacts. According to legend, it was at the base of Vatican Hill that Emperor Nero executed St. Peter and other Christians in 64 AD, where they were then buried in necropolis. Vatican City is famous throughout the world for a heaven of incredible artwork and rich Italian culture, but what people may not know is its governance. A deal worth waiting for it seems!
Known as the Passetto di Borgo in Italian, the passageway is an 800-metre long corridor that was used as an escape route for the Pope when he found himself in danger. This was an assumption that soon fell through however, and a standoff began between the Church and secular government, which lasted for the next 60 years, with numerous popes accepting this self-imposed captivity. The Pope is the one the head of the Vatican government and is in charge of the Vatican's wealth. The Vatican City became an independent city-state on the 11th February 1929 by the Lateran Treaty signed by the Holy See and the Italian government. The pacts established Vatican City as a sovereign entity distinct from the Holy See, and granted the church $92 million as compensation for the loss of the Papal States. The region soon came to be populated by expensive villas and even a circus for Roman entertainment. The politics of Vatican City takes place in an absolute elective monarchy, in which the head of the Catholic Church takes power. Related article: Why you should visit the Vatican Historical Museum? It is a monarchy in which the Pope is the ‘king’, with the Pope themselves being voted in by the College of Cardinals. So how did it become its own country? The Pope retreated into Vatican City’s walls, refusing to acknowledge the Kingdom of Italy as a country.
As of today, the Vatican remains the home of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church for some 1.2 million followers. The 39-foot wall still stands today and encloses the whole Vatican territory as well as the Borgo district. Vatican City was established as an independent state in the year 1929 by the Lateran Treaty. Rome Day Tour with Vatican & Colosseum €101, Why you should visit the Vatican Historical Museum. The Holy See, which translates to the Church having the ‘seat of government’.
It wasn’t until Emperor Constantine I came to power that Christianity was embraced by the Romans and he began constructing a basilica over St. Peter’s tomb in 324 AD.
The Pope is in control of executive, legislative, and judicial power over the city, but due to their large expanse of duties, delegation is necessary.
This was an assumption that soon fell through however, and a standoff began between the Church and secular government, which lasted for the next 60 years, with numerous popes accepting this self-imposed captivity. The pacts established Vatican City as a sovereign entity distinct from the Holy See, and granted the church $92 million as compensation for the loss of the Papal States. The Pope retreated into Vatican City’s walls, refusing to acknowledge the Kingdom of Italy as a country. That’s the short story, to find out more we need to go back in time before 1929, and look at the build up to this date. It wasn’t until 1929 that an agreement was reached which involved the signing of the Lateran Pacts. For example, legislative areas are delegated to the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican State. Executive authority is deputized to the President of this commission who is also named the President of the Governorate of Vatican City. Over time much of the district has been expanded and developed, including the construction of the grand residence adjacent to St Peter’s Basilica and further developments done to the city’s walls.