(he removes his sack) Whew! I never said it was going to be easy.

There's that cute little red-headed girl eating her lunch over there. If that little red-headed girl is looking at me with this stupid bag over my head she must think I'm the biggest fool alive. ?v]��_�W>4y��g�1/>��/�{�/�x9ʲk_���-]��/���Eh��K�}��e����w���-�z{��������,L��{�@?�g����w�R���_q�ҽZ?��ZtK�1�8��͊�����)(&q�n��A��A�^K�FW������u����lɤ��r8r4?c�>9�x�9!Լlx��kٴ���y�IȮ��v8�C՞,�

4 ������wDN���d;)����k��dv��?3�'{|t�Ɣ�e�� I wonder why she never looks at me?

She's not looking at me! ���P�E����Y� ���Dvr���u��}5ʷ���V�i<=���0tVo�����`�rKi ����Wx�����U�Q'����|'c��7rq.e��� ��$#s%�"�x����?b)}q-b' �=ם��:���;��̞s�̊�����)�\�e�=��:b��{Ƈ�+:��ԉ�����4��0j���X֔◟ѐ Explain that, Chuck. ��\�wr�R���I�M��O��=�G�ְLꮑh{�����!G�ع��Y�?���VD O����HK��}�m9-�{z��&C�].
Always having to sit here alone.

���'� I’m so much of a coward, she wouldn’t even think of looking at me.

Waking up and wondering if anyone would really miss me if I never got out of bed.

I wonder why she never looks at me? You're a very crabby person.

Is there any reason in the world why she shouldn't look at me? Lying there and thinking about all the stupid things I’ve done during the day. [% *�̅�pe��;:L���7!6��4�}��9W����$ͳ*�UL�91 Now I hope you don't mind my saying this, Lucy, and I hope you're take it in the spirit that it's meant. 1 0 obj Gender: Male. But, if she isn’t looking at me, then maybe I could take it off quickly and she’d never notice it. ���*J��lԮ;D�%��-ў}��K"3V9,�q~ V�5�%L�U�}v��34ݣE_ؕ��0/lE��y,�ke�v�/�a��J���Պ�M�\s_z��$�{ko����;���/I����6� �B|f&h�! The Importance of Being Earnest: Cecily's Monologue, It's a Wonderful Life: George's Monologue, Two Gentlemen of Verona: Launce's Monologue. You're a very crabby person. Waking up and wondering if anyone would really miss me if I never got out of bed.

{ud�r$�h�-a��#�G۫'�XZK���y�}��,>o}#tb�� A 'C'? Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Well, I guess I’d better see what I’ve got. %��������� None of these monologues belong to me. Philadelphia, PA, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent © 2020. Peanut butter. Learn Of course, sometimes, mornings aren't so pleasant either.

New York, NY, Twelve Angry Men

I think Socrates was very right when he said that one of the first rules for anyone in life is 'Know Thyself'. Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists, See more monologues from

In fact, I can't remember her ever looking at me. You're a very crabby person and you're crabby to just about everyone you meet. Then there’s the night, too. Why shouldn't she look at me? I think we should be very open to any opportunity to learn more about ourselves. �d'´Z�~���. Like this morning for instance, the sky is so clear and the sun is so bright. `$��y��*��� Some psychiatrists say that people who eat peanut butter sandwiches are lonely…I guess they’re right. There’s no reason why I couldn’t just go over and sit there. ����K��i(��7��w�U��� ю�W��?�������B�߾~�M��7_��7��`�!