Hit the pillars! [chuckling, then they walk down] Tzekel-Kan: My lords, congratulations on your victory. No? Where is it? Tulio: Yes, what can I do for you? [Miguel purrs] Miguel: I just thought that, after all, since El Dorado is the city of gold... Chel: Oh, great. Tulio: Right here! [sighs] Some send-off, huh? Being worshipped is a breeze which rather suits us in. Yeah?
Miguel: Hmmm. [the black bull continues charging at Tulio and Miguel, with the people running away, then the guards appear, taking the swords out, then going inside with the woman screaming] Tulio: Well, okay, what’s your idea, smart guy? Miguel en vient à apprécier la vie paisible des citoyens; d'ici là, il reconsidère son départ, surtout après avoir entendu Tulio dire à Chel qu'il aimerait qu'elle vienne avec eux en Espagne, avant d'ajouter qu'il aimerait qu'elle vienne spécifiquement avec lui et oublie Miguel - ce qui tend la relation entre les deux. Second, the film didnt know what it wanted to be. Hey! Miguel: Tulio. This is not what I expected. Three days is just fine.
Gar... Is on your sik. [destroys a spider] In this scene of The Road to El Dorado, she was nowhere near his mouth...D: Tulio / La ruta hacia El Dorado / The road to El Dorado / Dreamworks / Eric ‘Bibo’ Bergeron / Don Paul, How about a guy who isn't wanted dead or alive!! Tulio: [offscreen] Whoa! Miguel: Oh, you better give them that money back, or I’ll... [grabs the sword] En garde! Both: Yes! Miguel: [uncertainly] In a rowboat. Cortes: [putting the cup in the water fountain, scooping it up] Today, we sail to conquer the new world, for Spain, for glory, for gold! So the Age of the Jaguar can begin, as you ordered, my lord. Promise? There are certain settings and time periods that I dont think modern audiences are interested in, even if the film is fantastic. Chief, I’m sorry. De plus, Katzenberg aurait co-réalisé le film, bien que non crédité. We’ll follow that trail! [continues singing] Be a symbol of perfection, be a legend, be a cult!
[takes the hat off] You don’t think I’m gonna let you have all the fun, do you? [the hooves clatter] [they both fall down in the water, then grabbing the crate, then looking at Altivo] Tulio: Ink? know, I get high a lot. Tulio: Yeah! Chel: No. Miguel: Um-- One more roll! Tulio: All right. Tulio: How? [Tzekel-Kan roars, then transforming to stone jaguar, then panting and yelling, with lava geysers everywhere, then stepping on the lava by cracking completely]
the Gates of Hell. Tulio: Hey! Tzekel-Kan: But all of the sacred writings say that you will devour the wicked and the unrighteous. Uh, excuse me. What would it be saying about Chel?
Come. [the horse continues clattering] Tzekel-Kan: No. Tulio: Thank you.
[they both fall to the ground] Tulio: I’m warning you, don’t push your luck with this guy. Miguel: [to Chel] So, what happened to Altivo? [clears throat] Looks like there’s a pass right over there. Tzekel-Kan: And will you be devouring their essence whole, or piece by piece? Miguel: Huh? Miguel: What? Miguel: [looking at an end] Oh, no, I can’t. Praise be to the God, Miguel: Um, but, uh, is it really fit for the gods? [the man kicks the brown ball by going through the hoop, then they all cheer, then blowing the horn while putting the gold] Get listed in the most prominent screenplays collection on the web! Miguel: How about a hundered million? Miguel: At least I’m not dating mine. You worry too much.
[echoing] Notre Tulio et Miguel ne sont pas assez grand, ni assez fort, ni assez drôle de boucle des clapotis. Tulio: Miguel, you’re talking to a horse! [they both jump at the edge, then panting, then yelling again while appearing, then they continue running, then roaring, tripping on the edge while looking at a whirlpool] But the gold! Miguel: My regret, besides dying, is our greatest adventure is over before it began, and no one will even remember us.
Go! Tzekel-Kan: [offscreen] Your arrival has been greatly anticipated. He fought tooth and nail to keep the game sequence in the film because it was one of the few actual references to real Native American culture, and the higher-ups could give him no rational reason as to why they wanted it removed. Tulio. Show me seven! Tulio et Miguel, bien que déçus d'avoir perdu l'or (ignorant qu'Altivo porte toujours les fers à cheval en or avec lesquels il était équipé dans El Dorado), se dirigent dans une direction différente pour une nouvelle aventure avec Chel, probablement aussi à la recherche d'un chemin de retour en Espagne.
Elle découvre que les deux escroquent les gens mais promet de rester silencieux s'ils l'emmènent avec eux lorsqu'ils quittent la ville.
Tulio: Okay. He. [they all walk up the stairs, then Chief looks at the children, then walking up the stairs, then Tulio and Miguel try to climb up, then getting up, then they both look at Tulio and Miguel, then Altivo gets up by Tulio and Miguel, then they both open the curtains, then Tulio and Miguel go inside] Tulio: Miguel, how are we gonna keep this up for three days? They actually think we’re gods. Chel: [offscreen] Foul! [they both squeal, then going up the couch, then laughing] [Tulio continues sobbing, then scoffing, then sputtering, then they both sob, then gasping while shuddering while they made it to the beach, then grabbing the sand, then shaking like dust] [the jaguar appears again, then they both gasp] El Dorado, the city of gold. - I will. Tzekel-Kan: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tzekel-Kan: [to Chief] And now it’s my turn! Tulio: Hey, over here, you big Tzekel-Kan cat creep! [eating a pear] Spinning webs of lies, like spiders! [he walks down with Chel] It needs more body. [they all go to a cave, with a sail breaking, then the hitting the top with the gold falling in the water, then hitting everything with the gold falling in the water] On three, we jump out and head for the dock. Tulio: The stars are not in position for this tribute! Played awfully straight in most foreign dubbings. Chel: Call me, Chel, your new partner. My, my, my, my, my. Miguel évite le rituel de sacrifier l'équipe perdante et châtie Tzekel-Kan, à l'approbation de la foule.
Now, do you wish to have your victims bound to an altar, or would you prefer them free-range? Tulio: I want you to want, what you want.
Temple. [chuckling] I’m fine. Ready! [they both pant] Peacefu... - Emma and the kids Tulio: Yes! Zaragoza: Hey! Tulio: I don’t like this. the higher-ups didn't like so they added Chel to replace such content, Animator Will Finn, who directed a bulk of the film, has spoken at length about how much he hated making this film and that he still has nightmares about it to this day.
[cut to Cortes on the horse] Tulio: You, mincing, fencing, twit. Tzekel-Kan: [grabs the book] There are dark magics here, and power, and... Ooh. Both: Huh? This is it. W-We want tribute. Both: To Xibalba! Miguel: Are you all right? [chuckling] Are you serious?