The number of people or organizations you’ll cover. It’s important because links are the #1 ranking factor that Google uses to rank websites.”.
But when you build links the right way you can quickly leapfrog your competition on Google’s first page.”. Example: “Now I want to turn it over to you: Which of these myths did you find most surprising?”, Next-level SEO training and link building strategies, © 2020 Backlinko is a Trademark of Backlinko LLC, An introduction to the problem the reader has, The benefit they’ll get from reading your post, 8 pounds of weight loss (120 lbs to 112 lbs), Body fat percentage decrease of 2.1% (down from 30%), And her jeans fit better than they have in years :-)”. Also, see what types of content tend to rank for your keyword. Simply name the benefit. The number of tasks they “need to do” when they’re done, Example: “12 Things You Need to Do After You Publish a Blog Post” or “13 Important Steps After You’ve Finished Your Power Yoga Workout”. Your Things To Do After “X” intro contains four elements: A visualization of the thing they just did, Example: “So you just finished your power yoga workout. Well, while not as easy as it used to be, you can still get more views and subscribers from your channel.
Never fill out a form again. Example: I think you’ll agree with me when I say: It’s REALLY hard to grow a YouTube channel.
What the reader will learn from your post.
Push the reader to use your advice and make a public commitment by leaving a comment.
Example: “Because it has a much more robust feature set, better deliverability, and support, I have to go with Aweber. Have them publicly commit to taking action.
Leave a comment and let me know.”. First, hit your reader off with a “promise statement” of the benefit they’ll get from reading your guide. Start the process of designing your poster by choosing the "Post" option from the main menu. Remind your readers one last time that your advice is unique and battle-tested in the real world. Finally, preview the solution or system that was used to get this benefit. That way you can make a decision that’s right for you. She’s the consummate super-busy 21st century mom.”. However, your great content is likely to be invisible unless you take the time to promote it after you hit the ‘publish’ button.”, Highlight a few of the best tips from your post. Example: “That afternoon, Jane gave me a call.
First, they break your content up into manageable chunks. I’d go from blog post to forum thread trying to understand how SEO actually worked. Promise to show your reader the real deal. Ideally these are people that you know in real life (or even just online). I’d also like to hear from you: have you used any of these strategies to lose weight?
Just sharing some free knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful. But what should they do after their workout? This will show you understand where they’re coming from. Next we’ll start our hunt for places that you can get links from.”.
There’s more content out there than ever before. Example: “Here’s why this approach works so well: In sharp contrast to sending a 10% off coupon to people that abandon shopping carts, Airbnb is sending you more information on that city. Example: In this post I’m going to show you how the most successful startups in the world — like Slack, Spotify and Uber — leverage email marketing to grow their companies in record time. Because they’re more relatable. And you feel energized and focused.”, Example: “But the question is: What should you do next?”, Mention possibilities of what they could do, Example: “Should you eat a ‘recovery meal’? In fact, the post that brings us the most organic traffic every month is a list post: First, you need to state the benefit that someone will get out of reading your post.
This paints a clear picture that there’s a right way (and a wrong way) to approach things. For example, if most of the content on Google’s first page are lists posts with 10-15 items, do 25 (or even 50). Startups like Uber have defied the odds and exceeded all expectations of reasonable growth.
Good Example: “In today’s post, I’m going to show you the TRUTH about SEO. Good Example: “Here’s exactly how to do it: First, do a Google search for your target keyword. List posts, also known as listicles, are lists of tips, tools, techniques, myths, mistakes—anything that makes sense as a list. In this post, we’ll cover four blog post templates to help you write great content faster, and when to use them.
Your Things To Do After “X” post answers this question in detail. For example, instead of “The Beginner’s Guide to Gardening” go with “The Beginner’s Guide to Growing Tomatoes”. Now it’s time to explain why the myth is a myth.
Just fill out the form to grab your templates, and go put some publish-worthy words down!
She hopped on the scale to assess her current body weight.
And now it’s time for me to show you how Jane dropped those excess pounds in record time.”. Make sure to improve on the content that’s already ranking above you –that way your content deserves to be #1. (Quick) overview of what your post is all about. Example: 22 Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Photography Forever.
Here’s where you emphasize that there’s lots of opportunity for success in this area –assuming you know how to do it. Now it’s time to outline the steps someone will need to complete each item on the list. Example: “How a Busy Mom Lost 9 Pounds of Fat in 30 days”. How are you going to change what you do after you hit ‘publish’? Without link building your chances of ranking in Google is almost zero. Make your own beautiful designs in minutes with Adobe Spark's collection of free and professional templates. By signing up for HubSpot Academy, you'll unlock this resource alongside hundreds of other free business courses, templates, resources, and tools. All you need to do is modify or add to the existing design to make the poster your own.Start the process of designing your poster by choosing the "Post" option from the main menu.
This will motivate your reader to learn how they achieved these impressive results. To get the most clicks and attention to your case study, your headline should contain 3 elements: First, state the benefits that the “hero” of your case study saw.
Great work! Change template for individual posts. Like the other blog post templates we covered in this guide, the #1 goal of your Myth Debunker intro is to grab your reader’s attention. This will help you form an emotional bond that turns your “reader” into a “follower”. 5 Media Types – Image, Slider, Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud. You need to publish epic stuff (like in-depth case studies and infographics).
In Airbnb parlance this soft sell is known as “inspiration”. And your subheader should clearly state what your reader needs to do. A list post (also sometimes called a “Listicle”) is a list of 10-25 bite-sized tips, strategies, techniques, tools… or anything else that makes sense for a list. That way you can make the best decision for you.”, Example: “Before I get into the review itself, I want to quickly let you know some important info on each platform…”. Whether you're promoting an event, selling a product or advertising a movie, the quality of your poster is crucial to the success of your venture. Here’s the explanation…”, Example: “So if you’re looking for an alternative to publishing a new post every week, here’s the approach that I recommend trying out…”, Example: “There you have it: 11 SEO and blogging myths.
To get you past the oh-so-common writer's block, we’ve put together 6 essential blog post templates every marketer needs. Now it’s time to outline the strategies they used to achieve their impressive results. Example: “I remember when I first started to learn about SEO. With these templates, you’ll never have to start the blogging process from scratch. It’s a small detail that makes your hero more human and relatable.